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Posts Tagged ‘ouija board’

Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 28-3-2015 (Kym)

Sunday, April 5th, 2015

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 28th March 2015
Chatham, Kent

Area: Hanging Room
Equipment: Ouija, Table Tipping, Writing Planchette, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

Group C – We started with 4 guests on table tipping, and the other 4 on Ouija.  The guests on the table had worked with spirit before so immediately starting getting movement.  They asked spirit to move the table showing yes & no, and were able to identify the spirit with them.  It was a male spirit called Ned, aged 34, had been strangled at the fort, and was Saxon.  On the Ouija we didn’t get any movement, so we started using the dowsing rods & pendulums and was able to ask spirit some questions.  We then swapped the guests over.  The table did start moving slightly, but we also heard taps underneath the table.  We then switched to the writing planchette, and stating that we only had 8 minutes left, the writing planchette started moving and drew and number 8.  As we were feeling the table moving we said if this spirit was a male, surely they cannot move both, but to our surprise the planchette and table both started moving.  And again we were hearing taps underneath the table.  The other group were using the rods and were getting lots of movement.

Group A – With this group the table started tipping immediately, and it was still Ned with us.  As only slight movement on the Ouija, everyone went on the table.  After a lot of movement, the table went quiet for a short while, but as soon as I suggested we try the writing planchette, the table started moving again.  They table ‘walked’ from one end of the room the other.  We then asked spirit to take the table to where he was standing, and the table walked to the top of the stairs, where I and Tim (guest) were standing.  We asked spirit some more questions, lifting the table towards myself and Tim for yes, away for no.  Ned was from Hungary, in the 1200’s, had three sons – Thomas, Sid and Rob.  The guests were asking spirit to give this information to them in their heads, and some guests were getting the same information.  The table would lift yes/ no to confirm this.  He also had a wife called Laura who had died in childbirth.  Two guests had pain in their lower back, and spirit confirmed he had affected them.  When asked to take the pain away, their backs stopped hurting.  We finished the session with spirit moving the table rapidly around the room, spinning in many random movements, to the point with just three guests touching the table with their ‘pinkies’.

Group B – Again we had Ned with us again, moving the table immediately for the guests.  Lots of spinning, tipping and rocking.  On the Ouija we had some movement, a male spirit aged 23 with he initials EJU.  He said there were 6 spirits in the room with us.  We did try the writing planchette and this time had a lot of drawing.  Asking spirit to draw his first initial a letter N was drawn.  Asking spirit to write the number of people touching the planchette (there were five) the number 5 was drawn.  After the session had finished, one guest said he had felt a tug on his trousers when I started with the circle.  With all of us holding hands he felt surprised to have felt this.
In the free session I joined two girls with a KII & Ghost Pro in the tunnel in area 10.  We did hear footsteps walking towards us, and felt tingles on us too.  Then we joined some more guests in room 10 table tipping.  The spirit that was with us was a French male that had been in this area earlier.  He was able to answer some questions by lifting the table to show yes & no.  He had passed over between 50 – 100 years ago, of natural causes aged over 50.  He had fought in WW2.  He was not connected to the fort, but his wife had worked here.  He was unhappy because his wife had an affair, and had a child with this man.  Although being unhappy he still felt happy to be here with us, and was able to move the table a lot.  We asked if he could make a noise that we could here, and we heard a whistle in the room.  We asked again and there was a whistle heard in the corridor.  We asked again as some guests were still unsure if they had heard it, and everyone heard a whistle again next to us.  Three female guests wanted to visit the new area above us, whilst the rest of us returned to base.  When these guests returned they said as they had been leaving the tunnel in the new area they heard a very loud female scream in the tunnel.  They stopped and started to return to the tunnel, but on hearing the scream again, decided not to go any further.

Would definitely like to check out that area when we return.

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Fort Amherst – 21-03-2015 (Kerry)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Fort Amherst ghost hunt 21st March 2015
Chatham. Kent

Location: The Cave
Equipment: Ouija and table tilting.

Session 1 – Group C (VIPs)

We began the session by splitting the group so that some were on the Ouija and the others around the table. As soon as we placed our hands on the table it began to rock gently and the movement gradually got stronger. When requested to do so, spirit tilted the table up onto one leg and did a complete rotation. I came off the table at this point and asked spirit to try and walk the table down the two steps beside us, which it did to the guests amazement. We continued encouraging spirit to walk the table and it continued walking towards the barrels and tried to manoeuvre between two of them. It was a bit of a struggle as there wasn’t much room between them, but spirit seemed very persistent and eventually managed to squeeze the table through! The table then started picking up speed and continued walking down into the tunnel. Kym and I started calling out asking spirit to bring the table back, but the table just kept going! After a while the table did stop walking and started rocking from side to side quite violently as if in protest. It seemed it didn’t want to go back to where we started, and just wanted to keep going! We continued asking spirit to bring the table back and after a while it started walking back up the tunnel, re-tracing its steps, and took the table right back to where we started. The guests were amazed by what they had just experienced.
Sue was with the other guests on the Ouija table and they connected with a male spirit of 71 years, although they were unable to get a name. Sue sensed this man had breathing problems. He was never married, had no children, and he used to do maintenance work at the fort. After giving this information it became clear that he did not wish to communicate further.
The guests then swapped round so the others who were doing the table tilting could try the Ouija, and a male spirit by the name of Alan came through. He was 34 years old and died in 1904 via a gunshot to the head, his right temple. He said he was a civilian and not a soldier, was shot by his friend and was sad that his life had ended so early.
Before our session ended we thought we would try asking spirit if they were able to move one of the large barrels in the same way it had moved the table. So we gathered around one of them and placed our hands on the top and to our amazement the barrel started rocking from side to side, gradually getting faster and making lots of noise. Our time was up after a short time so we thanked spirit for their cooperation and finished the session.

Session 2 – Group A

Unfortunately on this session we didn’t get much activity. The group was split once again, and we had no movement from the glass at all on the Ouija, so a couple of the guests moved over to try the table tilting. There was a slight rocking on the table initially but even with all our encouragement it was difficult to get much more movement than that. Although the table did eventually tilt up on two legs and held this position for a while. The table then moved back to its starting position and there was no more movement. The guests who hadn’t tried the Ouija decided to have a go, and again there was no movement on the glass for quite some time. It was only about 10 minutes before the end of the session that the glass started moving, but we were unable to get any information as spirit only seemed interested in randomly moving the glass around the table.

Session 3 – Group B

Once again at the start of this session there was no movement on the Ouija so the guests decided to try the table tilting. The table took a while to move, but it eventually started to rock gently. The guests were very quiet so I kept urging them to join me in encouraging spirit to move the table. When everyone started to join in, the table started moving faster and spirit seemed to respond better to the noise we made. Whenever everyone went quiet the table would slow down and stop moving. We eventually managed to get spirit to spin the table on one leg and walk the table down the steps.

Paranormal Investigator
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Landguard Fort ghost hunt – 14th March 2015

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Landguard Fort ghost hunt 14th March 2015
Felixstowe, Suffolk

It was with sadness that we attended as this event was due to be the last ghost hunt here at the Fort. We have had some amazing things happen to us over the years and this final ghost hunt did not disappoint.

As usual I took one of the old magazine rooms near the entrance to the Fort. Here we met a spirit called Philip who was aged in his early 60’s and dressed as a plumber or boiler repair man. He was able to manipulate people’s arms and push, pull and sway people. This usually happened on command, but sometimes he moved a person by surprise, much to the delight of the guests. All three groups felt this activity.

However the first group also saw strange shadows and lights towards the end of the room, plus some strange noises, the second group another male spirit made most of the women feel sick, one had to be removed from the group as she felt that unwell. The third group had less activity in this room but after the spirit had moved all of the people, he seemed to lose interest.

After holding a séance for about 30 minutes all groups then walked through the tunnels, normally I would stop at the Caponier but because of the cold wind which made this area so much colder than being outside, I walked on to another magazine room which wasn’t windy to see if anything could be experienced by the guests and then walked on to the mine room.

In the magazine rooms (there are several) different groups felt different things, in one room there was a young army spirit, whose job was to wash/change the felt over-clothes (these were used in the days when the magazines rooms contained gun powder, as any spark could blow up the room), we also met a shy female spirit who didn’t wish to interact with the groups, but she seemed to roam the corridors.

In the Mine room, (a room used to assemble sea mines) we met a portly male spirit who didn’t wish to interact with us, although when I pointed out where he stood to various guests, they could all feel a warm sensation.

Often the most interesting activity happens when no-one is expecting it and whilst the table tilting sessions were surprising the best activity happened in the free time session at the end of the night. A group of guests were in the rooms above the break room, (these were once officer’s quarters) using a Ouija board on the floor. The Ouija board was made from wood and couldn’t bend.

The guests were talking to a spirit using the board, but what was strange is that when the planchette was mid-motion and sometimes stationary the actual Ouija board was spinning underneath the planchette, sometimes fast, sometimes slowly. Obviously no-one could be moving the Ouija board as all hands were on the planchette. A few guests filmed this, hopefully we’ll get a copy of the footage because we didn’t do any filming. Strangely the room that this happened to the guests is also the same room that we had doors slam in people’s faces last year.

This was an excellent ghost hunt, we hope that this is not the last, we hope to return some day

Psychic Medium
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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 7th March 2015 (Kym)

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 7th March 2015
Colchester, Essex

Area: Room’s 9 + 10
Equipment: Scrying, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums, Glass Work

Group B – Started in room 9 by showing the guests how to use the dowsing rods & pendulums, and all were amazed by the movement they received.  Most had a male spirit with them.  Louise (guest) had the name Simon.  Asking the rods confirmed yes that was his name.  We tried some scrying but wasn’t able to see much change.  We then went to room 10 to try some glasswork and after while we did get some movement on the glass.  One guest Shane stopped touching the glass and started asking spirit questions in his head, and was amazed that the glass started moving much faster, and moving to where he was asking.  The spirit was a boy aged 12 called Simon.  He drew the letter S for his first initial.  He was with his mum, but not his dad.  His dad wasn’t very nice.  They had both been killed by the dad.  They had lived here at the hotel.

Group A – With the next group we again started in room 9 with the rods & pendulums and had lots of movement.  We tried some scrying but couldn’t see any changes.  We moved to room 10.  Whilst some guests were trying some glass work, others were taking it in turns to stand in the short corridor joining the two rooms.  Taps were being heard in the door to room 9 but no-one was in there.  We did get some glass movement when our time was up, stayed for a short while longer and the glass was moving around the table rapidly.

Area: Restaurant
Equipment: Ouija, Table Tipping, Writing Planchette

Group B – This group decided not to stay so I joined Steve in room 10 for the Tech Session.  We were initially using Ghost Pro’s & Mel Meter.  Also our newest member of the team, Tarquin the Boo Buddy Bear was with us.  It was noted when the bear said it was getting warm in here, the temperature on the Mel meter increased, but not by significant amounts i.e.. 73.4 to 73.9.  We then turned on the Ovilus and was receiving words that did seem to match the bear i.e.. Play time and the word “play” being shown.  We turned on the Spirit Box but had no words at all.  Throughout the ghost pro’s were lighting up and guests were asking various questions.  Some guests in room 9 came through asking if we had whistled, as they had been hearing whistling the room, but we hadn’t and had not heard the whistling at all.

Group A – This last controlled session we started with the four male guests on the ouija and Steve assisting.  I joined the remaining four guests on the writing planchette but had no movement at all.  On the ouija the spirit of Timothy was with them.  He was six years old and seemed to just want to play.  We then tried some table tipping and immediately the table started lifting.  The table then lifted on one corner and started turning, faster when we asked.  We then asked if spirit could take the table into the adjoining room to the bar, and the table started sliding, similar to skiing, towards the bar.  It then continued to lift and spin when we asked.

For the free session myself and Louise joined four guests in the cellar who had the ouija board.  They had a male spirit with them who had worked in this building in the 1400’s before it was the Red Lion.  He had died in the cellar of a heart attack.  They had heard him talking next to them before we had come down.

Fun night with some lovely guests!

Paranormal Investigator
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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 7th March 2015

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 7th March 2015
Colchester, Essex

This was an unplanned event, this was a last minute decision to come to the Red Lion, but since there was a small amount of guests we were hopeful that we would have some interesting episodes.

We normally also film events here, but on this particular event we didn’t and from experience we know that when we don’t film something interesting happens that we wished we filmed!

Both groups to the cellar felt the spirit energies of; Alex, a well-dressed man, a true gent from the 1800’s and Felicity who was a shy Victorian dressed woman.

However the first group experienced lots more arm movement (all on command) as the spirit tried to move each person one by one, their hands lifted and usually hung mid-air. Most people felt cold spots near or beside them and others felt their heads being touched.

A couple of people heard some odd noises and towards the end of the session I and others heard a voice, it sounded like a question and it sounded like it was in the room with us. There is a newsagent shop above this cellar but the normal muffled voices didn’t sound like what I heard, if only we had videoed the session then I would have been able to listen to the volume of the sound!

As we finished the session there was a girl spirit who wanted some help, she was about 7 or 8 years old and she was looking for her nanny. Jason went back in the lower part of the cellar on his own and asked this girl to touch his hand. He felt some odd sensations and something that he described as a dog brushing past him.

Later when we were in the Restaurant doing a Ouija board session we had a boy called Timothy who like to play in this space. He was 6 years old but could not spell nor able to tell us the year he passed.

All in all this was a very enjoyable ghost hunt and some excellent paranormal evidence was witnessed by the guests.

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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 13th February 2015 (Kym)

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 13th February 2015
Colchester, Essex

Area: Room 6
Equipment: Scrying, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums, Glass Work

Group B – With my first group we started by using the rods & pendulums, and some guests had movement to their surprise and were able to ask the spirits some questions.  We had two spirits with us – male & female.  Whilst I was standing between bed & window I had an odd feeling, felt I was being pushed too.  Asking the rods to point where the spirit was standing they pointed to that area.  Others stood in that area and felt it too.  Whilst trying the scrying the guests were seeing a male face each time, but was also seeing their face disappear too.  One guest was feeling a strong pressure to his lower back, and then suddenly it went.  With the glass work, the glass started moving around the table slowly at first.  We asked spirit to move the glass towards the torch for yes if willing to answer some questions, and away for no.  We established this was a female spirit, who I had met here before.  I asked her to draw her first initial, which seemed to resemble an I or A.  I think it may have been Alice with us.  Knowing Alice likes to move the glass a lot I asked a guest to think in his head, whilst he wasn’t touching the glass, for Alice to take the glass to a certain person.  The glass moved to where he was thinking.  Again he asked again, and the glass moved correctly again.  We then asked Alice to draw a big circle around the table which she did.  The glass stopped moving, so we were asking out to spirit to do other things in the room, like make a noise, move something,  and two guests sitting on the bed felt like someone sat down behind them, no-one did, and another guest who had her foot slightly under the bed felt it go down on her foot.  We were also hearing noises in the corridor, but when we opened the bedroom door we heard nothing more.

Group A – My first session with group A we started by using the rods & pendulums.  Many were familiar with communicating with spirit and got answers to many questions.  We had a male and female spirit with us.  We tried some scrying and again they were seeing male and female faces, glasses, and moustache and dark eyebrows.  When Chris (guest) sat in front of the mirror, he started swaying back and forth.  His breathing started getting very heavy.  Asking if he was okay we had no answer.  Spirit had stepped a little close and was preventing him to respond.  I put my hand on his back and asked spirit to step away, calling Chris’s name several times before he was back with us.  He could hear us, and felt my hand but felt distant.  Helen, another guest, tried and again she went into a trance but this is something she had done before and didn’t mind.  We then tried some glass work, and the glass started moving immediately.  We had a male spirit with us but seemed reluctant to answer any questions at first.  He had been murdered within the last 50 years.  Had visited Colchester when alive, and had been married with a child.  Chris kept getting the name James, Helen had the initial J but thought Jack, I then had the name Emma.  Spirit confirmed he was called James, his wife Emma and his son was Jack.  We asked if it was James that had affect Chris, but no it was another spirit, asking if we should be wary of that spirit the glass answered yes.  One guest on the bed kept feeling her hair being touched, asking spirit to take the glass to where he was standing and the glass moved to that person.  Asking spirit to make a movement on the bed, before I had finished saying it, the guest felt someone sit down on the bed behind her.  Asking spirit how they passed, one guest felt a sharp pain on her head.  Asking spirit if that was how he died, answered yes.  We then asked spirit if he had enjoyed being in Colchester when he was alive – yes.  He had had some fun times here.  Him and his family had passed to the light, and the person that had murdered them all had been punished.  The guests did ask spirit to move the glass while they wern’t touching it, although it didn’t move, whilst their hands were touching the table they did feel the table move.

Area: Restaurant
Equipment: Ouija, Table Tipping, Writing Planchette

Group B – We initially started with Ouija and table tipping but had no movement.  I then split the group with three trying table tipping and three with the writing planchette.  The table did started moving, and the writing planchette was also moving slightly.  All guests then switched back to the table tipping, which lifted up a few times.  We then tried the Ouija again and received the letters T and G for the spirits name, and age 6.  We were feeling cold spots around us, on our hands, and also on the empty chair at the table too.  Did try table tipping again, and it did lift up and try to spin a little too.

Group A – Starting with the Ouija the spirits that came through were all connected to those sitting at the table.  First we had Chris’s Granddad called Pat aged 75 and had passed 1 year ago.  Chris was able to receive some lovely messages.  Then the glass spelled Jennifer which was Chris’ Nan.  Then the glass spelled Tony age 52 and knew Helen, this was an old customer from when she worked in a pub.  Then an Aunt came through for Marc.  We then tried some table tipping, and straight away we had lots of movement, rocking, spinning, with many random unexpected twists and turns.  With the writing planchette they had one big curve, similar to the letter C.
A great night with such lovely guests making the evening truly entertaining – thank you!

RED LION 13.02.15 003

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Explosion Museum ghost hunt – 7th February 2015 (Kerry)

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Explosion Museum ghost hunt 7th February 2015
Gosport, Hampshire

Equipment: Ouija and table tilting.
Location: Lab Building

Session 1

I decided to use the upstairs of the building and began the session in the room at the far end of the corridor. We started with the Ouija board and the glass started moving immediately. A female spirit came through who told us her name was Lorraine and aged 56. She died in 1865 and was connected to the building in some way, although we were unable to receive any more information from her. We then connected with a male spirit by the name of Geri. He was 24 and died in 1767. When asked if he knew the other spirit by the name of Lorraine, he said he did and when asked how he died he said he died on a boat that crashed into the harbour along with seven others. A guest then asked how many spirits were in the room, and the glass moved to 8. Geri said the spirits of the other people who died with him were all there in the room with us.
During this we all heard what sounded like a chair being dragged across wooden floorboards downstairs, but there was no one else in the building, no furniture downstairs and no wooden floorboards. The floors were all carpeted. We all found this very strange.
We moved to another room at the top of the stairs to try some table tilting, and the table started moving immediately. A slight rocking to start with, then gradually started moving faster. A guest suggested asking spirit questions via the table so we then established our directions for yes and no responses. We had Geri with us again moving the table. After a while the movements became much stronger and I sensed that a different spirit had taken over. The movements became aggressive and the table started twisting and moving around the room. At one point it was difficult to keep up and a couple of the guests came off the table as it was going too fast. This just left myself and guest, Mary, who sensed that this male energy was not very pleasant. The table then stopped suddenly and we had no more movement. All had gone quiet so we started calling out to see if we would get any noises, and then heard footsteps out in the corridor. When asked if spirit could do that again, we had no response but we did all hear quite a loud hiss and wondered where it had come from.

Session 2

We began in the room at the far end of the corridor and during the Ouija session we contacted two male spirits. The first was Dave, aged 47 who only died within the last five years. He was with his wife in spirit but had a son who was still alive. He told us that he was in the Navy and he worked on the submarines. We then had a spirit by the name of Colin who was 33 years old. He died in 1948 and was in the Marines.
We moved to the other room to try some table tilting and once again we had movement straight away. We had a strong energy with us who was able to manipulate the table with ease. It was moving all around the room, then I asked spirit to walk the table through the door along the corridor and into the room at the end, which it then proceeded to do so. It was quite a narrow corridor and guests found it difficult to move around with the table but they managed to keep their fingertips on it, and it walked right down into the other room and continued spinning and twisting around the room. I then asked spirit to walk the table back again to the room we started from and it did so. The guests all commented how amazing this was. When we were back in the room the table walked over to the window and pushed a guest against it, then gave a couple of nudges as if wanting the guest to move out of the way, which he did. I asked spirit if they were able to touch us and the table responded with a yes. One of the guests said she felt a touch on her hand. I then asked if spirit could pull one of the ladies’ hair and nothing happened at first, then I got a sharp but gentle tug on the back of my hair. All guests present were in front of me and there was no one else in the room.

Session 3

We started again with the Ouija, but unfortunately didn’t get any movement after quite some time trying so decided to try the table instead. It took a while to move but eventually it tilted up on one side and did a half spin then stopped. There were only very slight movements after that but it needed a lot of encouragement.
We tried the Ouija again and got a bit of movement initially, but spirit seemed reluctant to answer questions and all we were able to find out was that the spirit was female and aged 54.

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Shire Hall – 24th January 2015 (Kerry)

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Shire Hall ghost hunt 24th January 2015
Hereford, Herefordshire

Equipment: Table tilting, Ouija, Writing Planchette, Rods and Pendulums.
Area: Concert Hall

1st Session

We started the first session with the writing planchette, and unfortunately didn’t get any movement but we all kept feeling cold spots and heard a couple of taps on the table. Kym picked up on a young male spirit, aged 19, by the name of Matthew.
We then tried using the rods and pendulums and everyone had movement in response to their questions. We established there were three spirits present, two male and one female. I felt a very cold breeze on my right cheek and right hand whilst holding the pendulum, and when I asked if spirit was standing to my right, it responded with yes.
We then moved to the stage where we had set up the table. Initially we had a few taps, and when we asked spirit to do this again, it did so. There were then some creaks as the table started gently tilting up on one side, followed by gentle rocking from side to side.
During the Ouija session, a spirit came through and was moving the glass but was just going over random letters and we were unable to obtain any information from them.
2nd Session

We started with the Ouija, and as we waited for spirit to join us we felt cold spots on our hands and noticed a significant drop in temperature around us. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, the glass did not move on this occasion.
We then decided to try some table tilting, and there were very gentle movements at first. Kym sensed there was a female spirit present. We kept encouraging spirit to move the table, and after a while it started tilting from side to side. I asked spirit to tip the table onto one leg, and after a while it did so and spun the table right round then stopped. There was no more movement after that.
While we were using the rods and pendulums, Kym and I connected with a female spirit. I felt very cold on my left side and had a sense that there was someone standing there. When asked if there was, my pendulum responded with a yes. Kym determined that this lady’s name was Ann, without an ‘e’, as that’s what she was hearing spirit telling her. She had dark, permed hair and a slim figure. She was dressed in 70’s clothing, with a brown skirt, floral shirt with a winged collar. She was 23 years old and worked in admin. A couple of the guests decided to have a wander over to the stage area with their rods and pendulums, and they connected with a male spirit who was making them laugh with responses to their questions.
3rd Session

We had quite a large group this time so split the group so that half were on the Ouija and half doing table tilting. As soon as we started the Ouija the glass moved immediately. We asked for a name but couldn’t understand what was being spelt as it just seemed like random letters. We thought it might be a foreign name and when asked if the spirit was English, the glass moved to no. We soon established that we had a 12 year old boy with us who died in 1604 and was strangled by his parents. He had a 3 year old sister who was also killed at the same time by their parents. He seemed unable to spell anything out in English, but could understand our questions and responded with a yes or no.
Kym was with the other group on the table and they had slight movement initially, but then decided to try some glass work. A male spirit in his 20’s came and moved the glass and drew the letters C and O, but they were unsure what this meant. It could have been his initials or the first two letters of his Christian name. They found out that he was hanged in the 1700’s, but was not guilty.

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Fort Amherst – 13th December 2014 (Kerry)

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

Fort Amherst 13th December 2014
Chatham, Kent

Equipment: Dowsing Rods, Pendulums and Ouija board
Area: Radio Room

1st Session

At the start of the session we used the rods and pendulums and each guest had a turn at using them. We all had lots of movement on these, and guests were getting responses to questions. Kym and one of the guests picked up on a short man called Bob, around 5’6”, with a moustache and short dark hair. Another guest kept feeling cold spots on her, although the room we were in was very warm.
During the Ouija session a spirit came through but we were unable to get any facts from them as the glass kept moving to No for every question we asked! Spirit made it clear they didn’t like us being there. Kym and Nick (guest) heard one of the metal beds in the room rattling. We then started calling out and listening for noises, to which there were two taps on the wall behind me, followed by a tap on the door and the metal urn. Nick wandered to the other end of the room by the door and heard a noise from behind it. At exactly the same time Kym saw a black shadow on the door.

2nd Session

We again started this session with the rods and pendulums and everyone experienced lots of movement and responses. Guests also mentioned feeling cold spots.
A French male spirit came through on the Ouija, who used to work at the Fort. There were several attempts to get his name but this couldn’t be determined, although we established his age as being 44. He seemed to like Gaynor (guest) to ask the questions and would respond better to her than anyone else. Gaynor said she kept being touched on her left shoulder and she sensed that he was near her as she felt cold on that side. We heard a whistle in the room so we asked spirit to copy our whistles to which they responded each time. One of the guests saw a flash at the end of the room by the door and when we asked the spirit via the Ouija if he was by the door, he responded with a Yes. The ghost pro also responded to confirm this. On leaving the room at the end of the session we all heard three successive groans behind us.

3rd Session

Lots of activity once again on the rods and pendulums. During the Ouija session a female spirit called Victoria came through. She was 28, died in 1925 and used to work at the Fort. She was happy to communicate with us and responded well to our questions. We heard two loud taps on one of the metal beds at the other end of the room, and we called out asking spirit to do it again, but they didn’t. I sensed there was someone standing by the door at the end of the room and when I asked if there was a spirit by the door, the glass moved to Yes.

4th Session

Once again people felt cold spots in the room during the rods and pendulums session, despite the room being the warmest in the Fort. A couple of the guests using the rods asked spirit to point them in the direction of where they were standing, and the rods moved round simultaneously to point in the same direction.
Through the Ouija in this session we connected with a male spirit called Nigel who was 27 years old. He said his wife was called Nancy, aged 28 and they had a 4 year old son called Stuart. There was lots of information coming through and we established that they all died from TB in 1907. He said both himself and his wife worked at the Fort, he was a soldier and she was a nurse.

Kerry Gasiami
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Police Cells Museum – 8th November 2014 (Kym)

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

Police Cells Museum 8th November 2014

Area: Men & Women’s Cells
Equipment: Ouija, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums
Group B – We all explored the cells briefly, and one guest felt a finger touch her throat, quite forcefully.  We then all started using the dowsing rods and pendulums to find out which spirits were with us.  One guest felt she had a teenage boy with her aged 17 however when we started using the ouija it was a young boy called Harry aged 7.  He had come here in 1934 with his parent who had been arrested.  He only stayed a short while before taking the glass to goodbye.
We then had another spirit wishing to talk with us.  He was a Prison Warden, from Poland, and had worked here for 5/6 years in 1929.  He was 23 years old with the initials V K.  Asked if he had affected the female guest earlier touching her throat, he said yes.  Asked if he had strangled someone, he said yes but was sorry for what he had done.  Whilst we were all in the cell we heard footsteps in the corridor but no-one there.  We were also feeling cold spots around us in the corridor, and some guests saw a light.
We did explore the ladies cell next door, and as some guests went to walk into the last cell, they felt a cold draught pass them and the flag hanging above the door was swaying.
Group A – Starting with the rods & pendulums we had a male prisoner with us.  We tried the Ouija but no movement.  As one of the guests from the previous group was sensing the name of a spirit in the womens cells we decided to try the Ouija there.  Although we had no movement with the glass, we were feeling cold on our legs and hands touching the glass, feeling tingling sensations in different places, and could smell cigarette smoke.  Lots of creaking and taps under the table too.
Area: Court Room
Equipment: Writing Planchette & Table Tipping
Group B – Guests Lesley, Paula & Louise started with the automatic writing and immediately the pen started moving around the paper.  They had lots of random writing but did get the initial J, and numbers 8 and 0.  We also heard a bell ring near us but couldn’t find anything to identify it.  Meanwhile near the entrance guests Karen, Justin, Paul & Terri started with table tipping.  None of them had tried this before and were literally amazed when the table started moving, more so when I stepped away and left them to it.  They all knew each other so trusted each other not to manipulate the table.  The also took it in turns with just two of them at a time and it still moved on command.  With four of them touching the table they had it spinning on one leg.  I then swapped the groups so they could try both activities, and whilst I was with the four guests doing automatic writing we could all hear heavy footsteps walking around both groups.  We heard one particular loud noise and when I went to investigate it sounded like a big heavy bench sliding across the floor, and when looking one of them was not in line with all the others.  The guests doing the table tipping felt they had a female spirit with them, the table was moving very gently, as if the female spirit was dancing with them.  Just as we were finishing a guests KII started lighting up to red.
Group A – Guests Andrew, Karen & Sue started with the table tipping and had a lovely female spirit with them, possibly the same as the previous session.  She was able to move the table everywhere she was asked, even when all the guests turned their hands palm side up.  With the other group the picture drawn looked like a male fist pointing.  Cold spots were felt and noises heard by all.  I swapped the groups over and just as I was starting with the table tipping Mark was suddenly surprised to see a  shadow behind me.  Both groups again had activity immediately, Christmas trees being drawn on the paper which was relevant to the guests, and the table was spinning a lot, and would continue to rock with just Mark & Katie.
This was a great venue, with fantastic guests, and lots of activity in every session.

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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