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Posts Tagged ‘ouija board’

Fort Horsted – 11th October 2014 (Kerry)

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

Fort Horsted 11th October 2014 –  The Hanging Room
Chatham, Kent

1st Session

We had a group of eight guests so we split the group in half, four on each Ouija table. On my table it took a while for the glass to move but when it did, a female spirit came through who spelled out her name was Lowan. She then proceeded to spell out the word Mam and when asked if she was a mum, the glass moved to yes. We managed to find out that she was searching for her two-year-old daughter also in spirit but couldn’t find her. She kept moving the glass from the word No to each letter of the alphabet in turn in a fast and aggressive manner, but we couldn’t establish why she was doing this. She kept doing this repeatedly and was unresponsive to our questions. When asked if she was angry, she responded with Yes. We got the impression she didn’t like men as the only man at the table was Jake and she seemed aggressive when he asked any questions. We asked her if she wanted him to leave, to which she responded yes, so he came off the table. Then someone asked if she was happy now and she responded yes, and from that point on she was more cooperative and responsive to questions.
2nd Session

Once again we had eight guests so they were split into two groups, four on the Ouija and four on the table with the writing planchette. My group started on the Ouija and straight away before I had even asked if anyone was there, the glass started moving. We had a very strong female energy who spelled out her name was Nancy. She wouldn’t tell us her age but said that her husband worked at the Fort and she had five children. When asked a question she would start to spell the words and when someone in the group tried to guess what she was spelling before she had finished and got it wrong, she would forcefully push the glass to No, then proceed to spell out the word again from the beginning. We then asked her if she was able to draw a shape if we thought of one in our heads, and she responded yes. So a couple of the guests had a turn at doing this and Nancy drew the correct shape each time.
We then swapped over to the writing planchette and it started moving very fast as soon as we placed our fingers on it. The spirit started drawing the triangle shape which we had previously asked to be drawn on the Ouija. We then established that this was again the spirit of Nancy. She kept continuously moving the planchette very fast in a triangular shape. Then it would stop and she proceeded to lift the planchette up on its side. We then asked if she could lift it up on the other side to which she responded.
Kym’s group on the Ouija had a spirit by the name of Amber Quin, aged 27, who worked at the Fort and claimed to know Paul. She said she was born in 1945 and died in 1973. When asked if she had a message for Paul, she spelled out Hello.
3rd Session

Again we had eight guests and split into two groups. There was no activity at all during this session on the Ouija or writing planchette. However we did get some knocks and bangs in the room as well as coming from down the stairs. We started calling out asking spirit to copy our knocks to which we got responses on a number of occasions. Carl, who was filming, captured a dark shadow moving across from the room to the doorway.
Kerry Gasiami
Paranormal Investigator
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Theatre Royal – 6th September 2014 – Paranormal Investigator Kym

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

Theatre Royal ghost hunt 6th September 2014
Margate, Kent

Area: Third floor of auditorium
Equipment: Writing Planchette, Ouija Table, Ghost Pro, KII, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

Group B – Kerry joined me for this session and she started with some guests on the Ouija table.  The first spirit that came through was a guests dad – and confirmed this by spelling his name – SID, but received no more.  Then the spirit of a girl came through but although receiving movement, no more information.  Meanwhile I was with guests on the writing planchette but as we were receiving no movement, we switched to using the pendulums.  The guests were very surprised by what they had.  After establishing their yes & no’s they moved around the area, especially in the back row, they were also sensing spirit around them, and some were touched and heard noises next to them.

Group C – Three guests started with the writing planchette and had movement immediately – lots of figures of 8 were drawn.  We tried showing spirit shapes/numbers under the table with our hands asking spirit to copy – the number 3 was copied very accurately when asked.  The movement of the planchette was very rapid, and deliberate, surprising the guests, especially when they took it turns to remove their fingers and it would still move with one or two.   Whilst I was kneeling next to the table I heard and felt a footstep behind me, the guest to my left heard it too, and we both looked around together thinking someone was there, but no-one.  We also heard taps on the sheet of paper that was leaning on the seat next to the guests, when asking for spirit to repeat it, the taps came again twice more.  Meanwhile on the Ouija table 5 guests were receiving a lot of movement, they had a male spirit called Taz who was an actor.  Lots of random letters, however did have the same swear word twice.  Wanting to know where the spirit was standing, the glass moved to Louise (guest).  Half joking Louise said are you sitting on my knee – the glass moved to yes.  We asked if the spirit could bounce up & down so she could feel him, and the rail she was sitting on started vibrating/moving.  Also established Louise reminded the spirit of his mum, and said they knew each other in a past life.  We did have a short time using the pendulums and again guests were extremely surprised by the movement they received.

Group D – Kerry joined me again, and they received movement almost immediately on the Ouija table.  They had a spirit of a boy age 10 – possibly Edward – he drew lots of shapes with the glass, and seemed to be drawn to Kat (guest).  As we were not receiving any movement on the writing planchette Kat suggested coming over, asking the boy to come and draw pictures.  I moved to the Ouija table to make room and the planchette started moving.  The boy was then able to draw the same shapes on the piece of paper.  Then another shape was drawn and we tried really hard to encourage the boy to draw the same shape with the glass, but only a little movement.

Group A – With my last group they knew what they were doing so was able to start with myself observing.  On the Ouija table 4 guests had a male age 64 from 1827, and was here to protect Tina (guest) who had a bad spirit next to her.  On the writing planchette they had the bad spirit talking to them.  He had murdered his wife because he loved John.  He went to prison and died there.  Both groups continued to communicate with spirit until the controlled sessions finished, then they all went off to explore with/without team.

It is fantastic to investigate a Theatre – and can’t to return!

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Colchester Town Hall ghost hunt – 2-8-2014

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

Colchester Town Hall Ghost Hunt 2nd August 2014
Colchester, Essex

As with many of the venues that we investigate for the first time, we never know what to expect, nor how to find our way around the building to remember which staircase led to a room that we liked. Colchester Town Hall is a large building, with many spooky or even ghastly statues watching over, with several staircases and a warren of corridors, we loved it!

I had visited the building before, to meet with the staff and to assess whether I thought the building was worth investigating, so I had a vague recollection of the rooms and had all but decided to use the Mayor’s Parlour for my sessions. After being shown around the building again by the security guard I changed my mind and chose a small room in the sub-basement. That was a good choice!

The first group to this room I explained that we were going to hold a séance and ask the spirit to move people. After a little while we were joined by Michael, a burly and muscular Policeman, well actually a Bobby as he came from a time when the modern police force that we know today was in its infancy as he gave the year as 1866. Michael was aged in his late 40s or early 50s.

When I asked him to move people he started to move Kat (who was standing on my right) and gradually he lifted the arms of the majority with just Jack being left out (he was standing on my left). Many of the arm movements were on command and Michael moved people exactly as they asked, assuming they asked in a polite manner! Kat was also pushed and bent over in some very uncomfortable positions and a few times, she was pushed to the floor. Michael was able to pull people backwards and push them forwards and several time pull people down to the floor and tangle people’s arms once we were on the floor. Many times the people who were on the floor we unable to get up.

The second group to this room, the activity started even before I had said anything, with people on both sides of me being pulled backwards and after I asked for people hands and arms to be moved, in an instant half of the circle (my side) started to be moved, it took a while before the other half of the circle were moved, but eventually everyone was being moved in some way. Several times Alan and I were pulled to the floor several times neither of us could actually get up. Stavros was also being pulled backwards, unfortunately for him he had a wheelie bin behind him but that did not stop Michael (the same spirit from the first group).

Once everyone had been moved in some way I asked for Michael to move us all in the same way, I didn’t ask this out loud as I did not want what I said to influence anyone, but one by one everyone’s hands met in the middle of the circle and then when I asked out loud for the spirit to finish it, all our hands at the same time rose above all our heads. This is a typical symbol that I have asked spirit to move people in this way before as it is a symbol from the fictional Three Musketeers, known as the salute.

When asking for spirit to copy or repeat noises we heard some noises but could not be sure where in the room the noise emanated from or whether the noises was created from something outside.

Since this was the first investigation that we have held here we decided that instead of just letting the guests to wander around the venue freely, we would carry on with more controlled sessions but using different parts of the building and doing different activities. I chose the rooms above the Moot Hall, which were a warren of small rooms, some though had alcoves or cupboards.

In one of the room I switched on my Spirit Box and asked the guests to start to ask questions and generally keep asking questions. In my experience it takes about 15 minutes for any spirit to answer our questions via this method. I could sense a young boy in the room and I told the guests to encourage him to answer.

After a while we could hear sensible responses to questions, so when someone asked “Where are we?” We all heard Colchester very clearly, then a few minutes later “High Street” and along with other names and when asking for the spirit to say one of our names, apart from my name we all heard “Jack” who was a sceptical guest and was hoping for some evidence, hopefully this will convince him a little.

I joined some of the group who had broken off from everyone else and joined them in another room where I asked for taps/knocks to be repeated. Since one of the guests was wearing a hearing enhancer she could easily hear the responses, whereas the rest of us hear something but could not say whether it was correct.

The second group of people to these rooms we concentrated on a couple of the rooms where the spirit box worked well and after a little wait the spirit started to answer our questions. I left the guests to experience this as the spirit in question asked that I leave the room. Whilst I was gone the guests had cupboard doors moving on command, being poked in the back and some very clear answers via the spirit box including people’s names.

In the shortened free time session, many of the guests continued with the activity that they were doing as the activity at this part of the night was impressive with just about anything that we asked the spirits to do, they achieved.

This was an exceptionally active night with lots of spirit activity; all the guests witnessed lots of physical paranormal activity and Ouija board sessions which were very interesting. Our six hour investigation flew by and we did not want to finish. We didn’t film this investigation which is a shame because it would have been interesting to watch, but this may have been a good thing as we often find that the events that we don’t film are more interesting than those that we do. We will be returning to this venue for another investigation and to use some of the rooms that we didn’t use this time around.

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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 21-6-2014

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 21st June 2014
Rochester, Kent

This was a combined ghost hunt and paranormal investigation night and we had set up six of our cameras so that the whole of the Officer’s Mess could be monitored from one room, the object of the night was for one group of guests to investigate the Officer Mess rooms whilst another group watch them and see if any paranormal activity occurred.

Whilst two groups were investigating the Officers Mess the other two groups of guests would be engaged in ghost hunt sessions, with one group table tilting and trying communication in the Caponier and another group in the Counterscarp galleries engrossed with séances.

I joined the first group in the Counterscarp Galleries where Jo was starting the séance as the second camera operator, there were two spirits, one a familiar male spirit who is called Captain Daniel Bedford and another prisoner spirit called Munro who I have never seen before. Both spirit energies were able to lift the arms of the guests and pull them backwards and forwards and even pull them to the floor by pushing their knees and pulling their arms down.

The second session I joined Kerry in the Caponier who was trying to get the spirit to communicate via Ouija board and glass movements or table tilting. Kerry’s first session the spirit were reluctant to move anything however the Ouija board started promisingly but didn’t last long. I then suggested that the two tables were placed in the corridor with half the guests on each table and I would try to start one table and Kerry on the other. Eventually a spirit was able to move the tables, which started with Kerry’s table first and whilst they were being spun around our table started to rock and wobble. It took a while but eventually the spirit managed to lift the table. Many times though this seemed to only want to move in one direction; towards the floor. After some encouragement from the guests the spirit did start to obey the instructions and eventually we had two tables being moved and twisted and turned in the corridor to the Caponier.

For the two final sessions I held my normal séances in the Counterscarp Gallery.

The first group we were joined by Captain Daniel Bedford again and he was able to lift all of the guests arms on command and once he moved all the guests he quickly moved on to pushing people, which I had requested. Many of the guests found this fascinating because they could feel that I was not manipulating their hands as I was barely touching them yet they were being pulled backwards or forwards and their arms were being stretched and pulled in all directions.

Jason (GHE Camera) then suggested that the spirit pull us to the floor, the guests liked the idea of this and asked as well and within a few minutes several people could feel pressure on their shoulders, backs and knees and then one by one we were all being pushed to the floor. This started as a gentle manoeuvre but once the spirit had pushed everyone down he continued to move people on the floor or used other people’s arms to push them further to the floor. This continued until everyone had been pushed to the floor and against the walls.

The final group to the Counterscarp gallery we had some gentle arm movement but nothing of the calibre of the previous group because none of the guests asked to be moved in any way. The only exception was the guest standing to my right who was pulled and pushed until his back was against the wall, but he was the only person who was moved in this way.

After these controlled sessions the guests were allowed to explore the areas of the fort that they enjoyed during our controlled sessions.

I joined the majority of the guests who were in the Caponier participating in a human pendulum experiment.

All in all this was a very enjoyable ghost hunt and paranormal investigation where the majority of the guests had some form of paranormal encounter or something happen to them that defied logic and gravity or was just unexplainable.

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Charlton House ghost hunt – 3-5-2014 (Sue)

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Charlton House Saturday 3rd May 2014
Greenwich, London

This was our first visit to this amazing location and I was very impressed by the beauty of this magnificent building. I was based in the library which had formerly been a chapel.

1st Vigil Group B
We started our vigil in the downstairs part of the library. We could immediately sense the presence of a spirit gentleman who was stood watching us from the back of the room. He had a stern personality and was approx 56years of age.  We started by using the Ouija board but only had a little movement on the glass. Our sprit gentleman was causing the ghost pro to light up red but he wasn’t willing to answer any of our questions. Both a female guest and myself see at the same time, a female spirit run across the length of the upstairs room on the left hand side. This female spirit was approx 23yrs old with long blond hair, she was wearing a long dress and seemed as if she was running from someone but who it was she was running from we never established.
We decided to move upstairs and try some table tipping. The table moved the whole length of the library but glided rather than spun. Through out the night the table continued to move and was very active. The ghost pros continued to flash to red and we did get answers to some of our questions. The thing that got us most was the extreme temperature changes. Even when stood in front of the radiator that was ON we kept getting cold spots and a lot of the guests were getting cold breezes across their face and hands. We felt as if we were being watched again but as soon as we went upstairs it felt like the spirits had gone downstairs and when we were downstairs it was as if the spirits had gone upstairs. For the final 15 minutes we decided to go back downstairs and all spread out on the chairs. I began calling out and asking spirit to interact with us and make a noise. We heard several loud noises. The sound of a loud tin/metal sound but we couldn’t find anything in the room that had possibly made this noise. A chair sounded like it had been dragged and did actually move slightly. A lot of the guests were getting tingling in their hands and fingers and one female guest said she had been pushed in the back. For some reason all the men said they felt quite and subdued but they couldn’t explain why they felt like this but everyone was aware they were being watched.

2nd Vigil Group C
My team member Carl joined us for our second vigil. We started off downstairs with the Ouija board and the glass began to move straight away and also the ghost pro light up red to indicate spirit was with us. A guest and I could smell a chemical type smell and also smelt a sick smell. Shortly afterwards we began talking via the Ouija board to a nurse called Anne she wouldn’t give us her age. Anne said she had been a nurse here in 1942, Anne never had any children but she had been raped by a gentleman called Jack Parr who was 28yrs old. The guests kept looking over their shoulder to the far end of the room. It was the gentleman spirit from the 1st vigil staring at us. We went upstairs and the guests did some table tipping. I had moved the table into the larger space at the far end. The table did not move as quickly as it had on the first session but it gently rocked from side to side. The table tipping continued with some good results. Some of the guests that were not doing table tipping were looking over the balcony to the downstairs part of the room and said they felt like someone downstairs was watching us. We all moved downstairs but Carl (team) stayed upstairs so he could film us by putting camera on the balcony and looking down at us. We all took a seat downstairs and began calling out to spirit. We heard footsteps several times and a noise came from upstairs behind Carl. A female guest screamed as she had looked round and thought she had seen someone sitting next to her. Another guest said she had seen a shadow of a man. As Carl came down the stairs we all heard footsteps behind him. Again everyone said they had the feeling of being watched. Several female guests said they had been touched on the hand or had tingling sensations and also people noticed the sudden temperature changes.

3rd Vigil Group A
My team member Kerry joined us for the 3rd session. Again we started on the Ouija and straight away the spirits were communicating with us on the board and answering our questions.  One female guest felt very light-headed and sick and had to move away from the Ouija and a male guest suddenly got a nose bleed. We decided as some guests were being affected we would go upstairs and do table tipping and Kerry remained downstairs with the other guests and continued on the Ouija board as they was getting good information. Upstairs five guests were having very good results with the table tipping and spinning and moving from one end of the room to the other. Three male guests asked to use the bigger heavy table to see if the same thing would happen. All five guests started using the bigger heavier table and the results were the same with the table moving etc. The three male guests were not convinced that the table moving was real, so I suggested that just the three of them take the table to the opposite end of the room and try it with just the three of them. Kerry stayed with the remaining guests and they were also having great results with the table. I and the three male guests went to the opposite end of the room and to the guests amazement the table moved in the same way as it had before with just the three of them on it. I was stood their just shinning my torch so they could see where they were going. They were shocked and said “how can that happen?” “We must do something to the table to make it happen”. I said would you like me to go away and leave them alone, they said that they would like this. So I moved to the opposite end of the room. Within a few minutes I could hear their table being moved, so I shouted out is your table moving? They shouted back “yes we can’t believe it”. I went back to the three male guests and they said “how is it possible?” They turned the table upside down put their torches on and looked all over the table to see if they was anything we attach to the table to make it move. Obviously they couldn’t find anything attached and they asked what kind of table was it, to which I replied it’s a table that’s £9.99 from Argos!
The other guests were all having a good time but the session had come to an end.

It was now free time and the guests can now explore anywhere they like in the building and have full use of our equipment. The three male guests that had not been convinced by the table tipping asked if they could use a different table and see what would happen. I gave them a different table and they went off to a different part of the building. I later caught up with them and they were in a different room with just of the three of them table tipping. They were now convinced that table tipping is real and does really happen and were quite amazed. I explored the long room and several other rooms including the basement.

Charlton house is a huge beautiful building. I cannot wait to come back as I feel there is a lot more to be discovered. So many noises have been heard through out the night and the constant feeling of being watched and sudden temperature changes. The young lady I see running who or what was she running from? I cannot wait to come back and find out.

Special Thanks to all the guests.

Paranormal Investigator
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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 18-4-2014

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 18th April 2014
Rochester, Kent

This particular venue is a favourite with many of our team, the reason behind this is that we now know what areas of the Fort are the most active and can more or less guarantee some form of paranormal activity when in those particular areas. We look forward to every visit because this fort is very active, very haunted and although we know what to expect, we still get surprised by what happens to the guests.

As always I choose to hold my sessions in the Counterscarp galleries, not only is the area very interesting as it involves walking through a very long tunnel, but it is also the most physically demanding as the staircase goes underneath the dry moat. The level of activity here changes from one investigation to another although there are always similar experiences felt by the guests.

The first group we encountered a male spirit who I have met before in this particular part of the Fort. His name is Biffa or Bernard to his mum, aged in his 30s and another spirit called Justin, both it seems were prisoners who were put to work to build the fort in the late 1800s.

The séance session started with some gentle arm movement, mostly on the instructions of those who asked for it, those guests who didn’t say anything or encourage the spirit to move them remained stationary. Once those guests who were actively encouraging the spirit to move their arms they then asked for the spirit to move or push them. Within a matter of minutes several guests were being pushed, swayed or pulled backwards. Some people were also being moved in circular motions.

The second group to the Counterscarp galleries felt some movement but the majority of the guests wanted to ask questions and conduct their own ghost hunt and use their ghost hunting equipment. It transpired from their questions that the spirit that was present was also a prisoner who had murdered his mother, a dog and prostitutes of Rochester. This spirit died in prison.

On our way out several of us clearly heard footsteps behind us as we walked out of the tunnel and back to the main part of the fort.

The third group we were joined by a familiar spirit (to me) his name was Captain Daniel Bedford, a First World War soldier. Daniel started to move the hands and arms of the majority of guests which quickly transpired into twisting people’s arms together. Several times the people either side of me felt a weight in their arms which resulted in us being dragged down to the floor by our arms. Michelle (guest) said that she didn’t want to face the floor but no matter how many times she said this and resisted the sensation, she ended up on the floor!

Many people of the group were being pulled downwards by their arms, but once on the floor the movements continued and several guests and I were pulled backwards so that we were lying on the floor. This has happened before but never have so many people been involved, it was a chaotic scene with people not only on the floor but arms entwined and to the point where none of us had any idea how we could untangle ourselves and remain holding hands. The spirit however knew exactly how to untangle people, although this wasn’t a quick operation.

At the end of this séance session I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. The results of this will be published at a later date.

Unusually I decided to hold another séance with the intention this time of the spirit moving everyone in turn so that all the guests could feel and hopefully know that they were being moved by unseen hands rather than being pulled by someone they were holding hands with. Daniel complied with this and moved everyone in more gentle ways by pulling them backwards so that each person had to take a step back to avoid falling over. During this time and to avoid people being consciously aware that they were moving all the instructions to the spirit were asked by me as thoughts, therefore none of the guests knew who I was asking Daniel to move, the guests only knew it was them when they found themselves being moved!

At the end of our controlled sessions, we allow the guests to go to the areas that they want to, to conduct their own ghost hunt or to experience a particular area on their own. I joined a group in the Caponier during a Table Tilting & Ouija board session.

As soon as I entered the room I saw a spirit that I had not seen before. He was called Cecil, who was a well-spoken Second World War soldier who was busy moving a table at guest’s request.

I also joined in with the Ouija board which is something I don’t often do, because as I was explaining to the guests I ask questions about things I want to know the answer to, not what the spirit did when they were in a physical body nor anything to do with my life. I want to know the answers to questions which are more spiritual in nature. The spirit energy who was called Robert, another World War Two soldier answered by using the letters and numbers of the Ouija board. Below are the questions and answers.

Q: What colour is the sky in the spirit world?
A: Red.
Q: How many levels of the spirit world exist to your knowledge?
A: 3
Q: What is the largest animal in the spirit world?
A: Oup, a whale

After asking these I then asked the spirit to use the numbers as a scale of difficulty (0-9) for different activities that we ask of all spirit.
Glass work = 3, EVP = 7, Table tilting = 8, Ouija board = 3 or 4, Séances = 9, Manifestation or moving inanimate objects = 99

This was an excellent ghost hunt, with lots of people feeling, sensing and experiencing paranormal activity first hand and participating in paranormal experiments that they had not encountered before.

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Oliver Cromwell’s House ghost hunt – 5-4-2014

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Oliver Cromwell’s House ghost hunt 5th April 2014
Ely, Cambridgeshire

This was the first ghost hunt that we have undertaken at Oliver Cromwell’s House and as a team had no idea what to expect from the night. I had previously visited in the day time albeit months previously and had my suspicions about which rooms would be eventful, fortunately those rooms and some others we had some great paranormal occurrences.

On this particular evening I wasn’t feeling too well and because the groups were smaller I decided that I would join in with other groups rather than hold my own sessions.

The first session I joined in with Sue and Carl (GHE team) in one of the bigger rooms, lots of communication was apparent from our electronic devices although little of no KII (EMF) energy was seen on the meters.

When Sue held scrying sessions in the mirror in the room various people who tried this saw their faces change as did the people who were watching.

The second session I joined in with Sue and Kerry (GHE team) and after I scared Kerry by entering a different door to get the Study we settled down with a séance. There were some gentle movements and swaying felt by some people, but since I wasn’t part of the séance I spent the time describing the spirit energies that I could see. In this room there was a Mayor or a very important person. He was dressed in a black suit, aged in his mid to late 50s and generally was a quiet man.

From here we moved into the Bedroom and this time I joined in the séance circle. Some slight arm movement was felt between the people either side of me and we all heard some odd noises. One of the noises sounded like the radiator cooling down, but after asking the staff about the heating, they told us that the heating had not been on all day and thus should not have been making any noise.

The third session I joined in the séance with Jo (GHE team) as I was feeling better and felt that I could cope with the physical movement that would undoubtedly occur. This time we started in the Bedroom and we were joined by a male spirit called Peter who had passed away relatively recently, I was given the year 1980 and he had passed away in a Motorcycle RTA (Road Traffic Accident) on the road outside Oliver Cromwell’s House.

Peter proceeded to lift the hands of the guests and push and pull us. This is exactly what I had asked for and when Peter got the hang of doing this several of the guests were intertwined with each other. Others were dragged by their arms across the room and other guests had their hands moved in rather painful ways.

Once the movements stopped we moved in the adjoining Study where cold spots and draughts were felt although no-one could work out where the draughts were coming from as the majority of us were sitting on the floor and we couldn’t work out how a draught could be felt if someone was sitting next to the person who felt the cold spot or draught when that person couldn’t.

Several odd noises were also heard in this room and one of the noises sounded like the candle sticks being moved as it sounded like metal on a stone floor. However we don’t know and it may be possible for us to check this sound on the video that was recorded in the room.

The other sessions with table tilting and Ouija boards which were held in the downstairs rooms were very successful with lots of movements and in the case of the Ouija board lots of useful communications were received by the guests.

All in all a very enjoyable ghost hunt and a location that we hope to return to in the future.

Watch our edited highlights video at

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Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt (Sue) -1-2-2014

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

The Old Police Cells 1st February 2014

This was my first visit to police cells so I was really looking forward to this investigation. I was based upstairs in The Council Chambers. When I first arrived I went in alone to set up the room and sort out any equipment I would be using. I kept having the feeling I was being watched and found myself looking behind me. The Chambers is a huge very impressive room with an adjuring room to the side that although a lot smaller and not as grand gave me an uncomfortable feeling.

My first group was the famous Boo Club. On entering the room we heard a noise and discovered the dowsing rods that were placed on a chair had suddenly appeared on the floor, there is no reason this should have happened and we did ask spirit to push them on the floor again but this never happened. Firstly we tried the Ouija board and some glass work but unfortunately we had very little movement on the glass. As these guests have been on many events I wanted to try and see what they could sense and feel. We spread out and stood or sat in different areas of the room. We began calling out and I asked spirit to make the guests feel how they had once felt when they was in this room. We did get some great results with several people feeling the same thing at the same time. Jason (Team) and Rusty (Guest) both said they had a metal taste in their mouth. This indicates they had got the taste of blood. Later on two guests both said they felt they had bitten through their tongue. Audrey (Guest) was drawn to a particular chair and when she was sat here she said she felt very emotional and upset but also that she had the feeling that she just didn’t care, almost as if whatever was going to happen would happen and she had no control over the outcome. She was also feeling cold spots down her right side. Audrey was picking up on how the person had felt when they once sat there. Some on the guests and me were feeling sick, light headed and dizzy especially when they were stood by the window.  Most people generally felt agitated and uncomfortable with a knotted feeling in their stomach. Darren and Mark (Guests) decided to sit in the area of the accused. They both felt very upset and emotional when sat here so much so that Mark said he felt like he wanted to cry. As the boys had had such strong feelings in the accused area three of the female guests sat in the same area. However they felt completely comfortable here so it was only affecting the men. Darren (Guest) chose to sit in the Judge’s chair. Myself and a few of the others guests stood close to him. We could feel cold breezes sweep across our hands and different parts of our bodies. There was no draught causing this. Darren said it felt a lot colder above his head than it did at waist height and when we used the digital thermometer there was a 6 degrees difference. Which is quite odd that it felt 6 degrees colder above his head than by his waist, normally heat rises so this did have us all intrigued.   The whole time the vigil was taking place we had almost constant activity with the Ghost Box Pros lighting up and flashing once for yes or twice for no to our questions. We heard a groaning noise coming from the adjuring room next door. But the most impressive noise we heard was the sound of a chair being scrapped across the floor. Jo (Guest) tried to see if any of the chairs had moved and tried to replicate this noise by dragging a chair but it was carpeted floors in this room and we could not recreate this noise and we could not find any chair that had been moved. Spirit gave Jo (Guest) the name of Michael, liked to be called Mickey aged 55yrs who had been sent to prison, although he would not tell her exactly what he had done just something bad.

Second Vigil – Group A

In my second vigil I was joined by my fellow team members Sean & Kerry.  We started off in the Chambers / Court Room but I was drawn to the adjuring room next door.  We began an Ouija board session and almost immediately the glass began to move around the table but could not spell out anything that made sense. Establishing the male spirit could not spell we got the spirit to move towards my torch for Yes of towards the triangle that was placed on the other side of the board on the table for No. We all took it in turns to ask the spirit questions and he seemed to respond better when the two male guests asked the questions. The Male spirit didn’t really want to answer any of our questions but was very happy drawing shapes circles, square, straight line etc. with the glass. He had once worked here. The energy on the glass changed and became very gentle. I instantly see a little girl aged 6 with brown bobbed hair, chin length with a fringe. She was wearing a brown shirt, white blouse type top and something was tied around her waist. She had no shoes on and her feet and legs looked dirty and grubby. Our spirit child was called Elizabeth and she liked moving the glass. Sean (Team) went off to get a ball that lights up. We threw the ball and asked Elizabeth if she would be able to move the ball for us but unfortunately she didn’t move the ball (This would take a lot of energy for a small child to do this) but she said she could see the ball. She had always lived her. Whilst we were in this room we did hear several noises.

Third Vigil –Group B

My last vigil was very similar to the first. We started off in the court room. I sat guests in the same places as I had with my first group and some of their experiences were very similar. The male guest stood by the window felt sick. A lot of the guests felt very uncomfortable, uneasy and just generally wanted to leave this room. When a guest was sat in the same chair as Audrey had sat, she also felt cold spots down her side and also felt someone was stood behind her. The Ghost Box pros were lighting up and responding well to our questions. We moved to the adjuring room next door and had a little activity on the glass but not as much as my second group had experienced. But it was all women on the glass and previously it had responded better when the men asked questions. (I later learned that women would not have been allowed into this room it would have only been men) We heard a lot of noises and one brave guest went off and stood on her own to see if she could figure where the noises were coming from. After a few minutes she came back saying how strange it was as she could hear the noise but couldn’t figure what was making the noise. The session came to a end and one of the guests said to me she was glad she was leaving as this whole area just made her feel so uneasy and anxious she also kept rubbing her stomach.

An interesting evening with many guests having very strong feelings. Most people did not want to stay in these rooms and wanted to just get out. Some good photographs were also taken with strange mists appearing in the photos. I look forward to returning to the police cells in the future as this place has left me intrigued and wanting to find out more.

Special thanks to all the guests. Till next time.

Sue Kyle
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 27-12-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 27th December 2013

Area: Bedrooms 6 & 7

Equipment: Ouija Table, Writing Planchette, Table Tipping, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

With my first group we all started on Room 6, and all guests had an opportunity to try the rods & pendulums.  All were moving, to guests requests, and they swapped around to try both.  We then tried the writing planchette, but with only little movement I split the group.  Some stayed in room 6 and tried scrying in the mirror, whilst the others went to room 7 and tried the Ouija table.  The glass started moving, so we asked if spirit could try an experiment with us.  I had number cards, and I asked a guest to choose one card, not show to anyone including himself, and we asked spirit to take the glass to the matching number on the table.  We tried this three times, and although the glass moved to numbers, close sometimes, but none were correct.  The spirit did confirm she was Alice who often visits us on the ghost hunts here.  In room 6, guests were seeing an older female in the mirror, wearing glasses, and with grey curly hair.  Back in room 7, the glass was continuing to move, and we were asking the spirit to take the glass to the oldest person, the youngest, the guest with a dog, and the guest with the most children – all were correct.  The glass seemed to move in often random ways, lots of twists and turns.  The guests also thought of shapes for the spirit to draw with the glass, and to their surprise it did.

With my second group we started in room 6 using the rods & pendulums.  After lots of movement, we tried the writing planchette but no movement this time.  Some guests went to room 7 to try the Ouija table, others stayed in room 6 to try scrying.  Changes were seen in the mirror by guests.  Room 7 – the glass started moving very quickly.  It spelt out the name Carly – which was the name of one of the guests on the table.  The spirit spelt his name as Nunc, from 1474, and was married to Carly in a previous life.  Asked if she was a good wife the glass moved first to no, then to yes.  They had 3 children – 2 boys and 1 girl.  They were married for 23 years.  We asked spirit to move the glass with only Carly’s finger on it, and it moved slightly twice.

With my third group we again started in room 6 with the rods & pendulums.  Lots of movement was experienced by all.  They tried the writing planchette, but no movement.  Then all went to room 7, and had slight movement from the glass at first.  After a while the glass moved faster, and kept moving to K & L.  This was one of the guest’s initials.  It then kept going to the word GO then the letter S – this was her dad’s initial – was the spirit telling her to visit her dad?  We then asked spirit to move the glass in rapid circles, asking the glass to stop & change direction several times, to which it always responded.

Now the free session, and with some guests saying they wanted to try some table tipping, I joined some guests in room 7 to try this.  After a very short while the table started creaking, and very gently lifted up one side, staying there until we asked the spirit to take the table back down.  When we asked for the table to be lifted again, it very gently lifted up and held the table in place again.  At this point Steve (medium) came in and told us we had the spirit of Margaret with us, she had been a school teacher in life.  Asking if she had done table tipping before, she said yes at Kelvedon Hatch with another ghost hunting group.  With a lot of encouragement Margaret was able to move the table to our request, lifting, twisting, spinning, changing direction always at our request.

A fab end to the night – and 2013!

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 7-12-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 7th December 2013

Area: Officers Mess

Equipment: KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

After handing out equipment, the guests were surprised with the movement of the rods & pendulums when they were holding them.  We were communicating with spirit with the ghost pro’s too.  Four of the guests were sensitive/mediums and were able to pick up on the spirits with us.  We had a female that seemed agitated, possibly raped.  Then a male officer who raped the female.  He was not happy, was lonely and had been found out.  The name for the female was either Annie or Annabel.  In a later session the ghost pro confirmed her name was Annabel.  There was possibly a child born out of wedlock.  We also had a male prisoner that had helped build the fort.  Guests reported they were feeling being touched, and one guest felt like a human finger touched his head.

My second group were five ladies on a hen night.  Some were particularly nervous, but when offered pendulums and dowsing rods to use, they felt surprisingly calm.  One guest in particular felt very connected to the crystals, and hers was moving the most, swinging from side to side at force.  It looked like someone was tapping the pendulum with their hand.  With one ghost pro between them they took a wander down the corridor.  Whilst I was walking next to Alicia, who was the hen, her ghost pro lit up.  I innocently said “you have someone with you”, with this she went into panic mode, thinking I had seen a spirit next to her.  Of course there could have been, but when she realised I just meant the spirit had lit the ghost pro up, she relaxed and was able to ask spirit a few questions.  The guests started to relax and moved freely throughout the rooms, using the equipment.  We also stood looking through the camera at what was being filmed down the empty corridor, and Carl was able to point out the difference between the dust and orbs.

With my third group, again we stood at the top of the corridor using the rods & pendulums, again with guests being surprised at the movement whilst they held them.  One female in particular, whilst holding the pendulum, it was moving & swaying continuously at speed, so much so at one point the pendulum went over the top of her hand.  When the pendulums rotated or swayed, the guests asked for spirit to stop and change direction, or stop and restart, to their surprise it did.  All standing halfway down the corridor, the boys were challenging the girls to walk down the dark corridor, with no torch, and turn into the last room.  With all mostly doing it, the boys were challenged back, to which they did!  We then all went into the last room, and stood quietly in the dark for a while, listening out, and possible taps were heard in the room.

With the controlled sessions over, the guests had the opportunity to explore, with kit.  I joined a group of four in the Officers Mess with the Ouija table.  Immediately we had movement with the glass, spirit wanted to communicate.  His name was Mark Peters, age 30 I think, here at the fort in 1946.  He was accused of stealing money from the military, but did not do it.  He went to prison for it.  He said the Sergeant Andrews that is often in this area was the person who stole.  He said he was a liar.  And he was still angry for this.  Then the spirit spelt Russ, this was the name of one of the guests on the table.  The spirit wanted Russ to apologise.  I then asked if it was possible Russ was Sergeant Andrews in a previous life, Russ said yes as he was aware of some of his past lives.  We asked spirit if this was correct – he said yes.  Russ felt unsure at first about apologising for something he didn’t do, but once realising his soul did it, he apologised.  With this the glass moved to ‘goodbye’, and the spirit had gone.

What an amazing end to the night, that was one experience I did not expect, certainly a surprise to us all!

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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