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Posts Tagged ‘noises’

Marwell Hall ghost hunt – 29-3-2014

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Marwell Hall ghost hunt 29th March 2014
Winchester, Hampshire

It is to not often that we see Flamingos, Hippos, Rhinoceros’, Leopards and other wild animals on our ghost hunts, but Marwell Hall is inside a wildlife park and this was a first for us. When asking for spirit to make a noise we were not used to hearing Tigers or Hippos calling out to each other!

The Hall itself used to be a house for the landowner and there are many stories about ghostly activities. The staff who now work in the building often report strange goings on especially after a ghost hunt.

Our ghost hunt was the first one of 2014 and whilst we didn’t know what to expect, when it is dark the place takes on a whole different atmosphere. The only stipulation by the Park Management is that no-one is allowed to go outside on their own, just in case an animal escapes!

I chose a room on the first floor because when I visited in the day time I liked this room, I didn’t know why at the time. Now I like the room even more!

The first group to this room we formed a séance circle near to the door and I asked for spirit to join us. We were first joined by a gardener chap who was called Thomas dressed in a tweed suit, aged in his early 50s and he told me he passed in 1927 with what we would call alcohol poisoning.

During the séance there was some gentle arm movement but nothing that I would call exciting as it was very minor.

As I was explaining what the guests needed to do to help the spirit move them a female spirit joined us, she was called Victoria, aged 22 and was dressed in a Edwardian gown. She was very shy but nevertheless she stood by the window until one or two of the guests noticed her.

The only odd thing to happen in this session was a square bottomed torch that was placed on the table fell or was moved off the table. When it hit the floor this made most people jump as it was not a small torch. A little later on I happen to notice that the tablecloth was on the floor. This was odd because no-one could pull it off the table because we were holding hands, it wasn’t long enough for someone to tread on and it didn’t fall off the table when the torched moved and no-one was close enough to touch the table.

The second group to this room we still had both spirits; Thomas and Victoria who were very capable of moving people and as soon as we formed a séance they moved the majority of peoples arms and progressed quickly to touching people’s shoulders, faces and hair. Others were swayed and pushed forwards as well as pulled backwards.

People either side of me and me were pulled to the floor my our hands and quite often when asking to be let back up, the spirit would only allow us to partially stand up, this became extremely painful before pulling us back down again. Twice my hands were moved away from me as if the spirit wanted to push me face down on the floor, however they were thankfully unsuccessful.

Carl (GHE team) was filming this session and he was sitting in a chair by the window, he placed a park radio (walkie talkie) on the table in front of him. Both his hands were holding the camera, yet the radio fell on to the floor. To me this seemed odd because both the radio and the torch from the first session could not roll off the table, no-one touched the table, nor bumped into it and yet both items fell onto the floor. This time though the table cloth stayed on the table.

There was also periodically a young boy spirit who I could sense running around, he only came into the room once and he was about 6 or 7 years old, wearing a grey school uniform and a school cap.

Lots of strange noises were heard throughout our session, some of the noises sounded like someone walking down a corridor, however the room we were in, was a mezzanine level and no corridor outside the room. The only corridor was six steps up and no-one was on that floor. There were other noises which sounded similar to the door banging at the bottom of the stairs, but every time Carl went to check no-one was seen walking about so we don’t know if it was the door or not. (We’ll have to wait to our return visit in October 2014 to find out)

The third group to the room Thomas was still present and made himself know as soon as I started the séance. He quickly pushed and pulled people, lifted their arms and twisted people by their arms. This time there wasn’t much dragging to the floor by our arms, although it did happen once or twice. Thomas was more interested in pushing people and pulling them backwards, sometimes across the room.

At one point he pushed two guests backwards onto the table so that they were laying on the table, neither of whom found this much fun because from the rest of our perspectives it looked painful and both need help to stand back upright.

There may have been noises whilst we were holding the séance but we didn’t hear any because of the amount of movement we were experiencing.

After these controlled sessions the guests were allowed to go into any of the rooms that we had used plus a couple of other rooms that we didn’t use to hold their own ghost hunt. During this free session our guests can use our ghost hunting equipment.

I joined a group in one of the downstairs rooms and there was a military spirit present although I’m not entirely sure which Army regiment as he never actually told me, just pointed to his shoulder badge. I haven’t been able to find this badge so I don’t know what he did, although he was a Sergeant Major.

Whilst I was in the room some very unusual noises were heard and we have no idea what could have caused them as one of the noises sounded like someone tapping on the window, yet this venue has window shutters which we closed before the event started.

When talking to the Events Co-ordinator about what I experienced in the room that I held séances, mainly the objects “falling” off the table, she told me that this happens frequently in this room and especially happens when the staff are in the building on their own, yet no-one has seen it happen it just occurs.

We as a team cannot wait to return in October 2014 to see if the same things happen again and maybe next time we’ll record some EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voices).

Psychic Medium
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Oldbury Hill Fort ghost hunt – 28-3-2014

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Oldbury Hill Fort ghost hunt 28th March 2014
Sevenoaks, Kent

The walk up to the hill fort is always an interesting one and very physically demanding as it is very steep in places and the large two foot high steps don’t help. Everyone is always glad when they reach the top!

At the top it is just a small rise into the fort as the escarpment is the hardest but then as a Fort this is what made its position important.

At our first stop, which is a simple ‘T’ junction sometimes this is very active, however on this occasion it was mildly active with some strange noises being heard by everyone, but every time one of these noises was heard it was always behind me and I kept moving around so that I could hear the latest noise. Very frustrating but the noises sounded similar to someone approaching.

In this area the guests all had an electronic device and the communicators were very active , the EMF KII meters not so active and only one or two spikes were seen on these, but only when no-one was purposely looking at them!

At various times mumbling or voices could be heard but each time the actual direction could not be established.

There was a spirit with us who was in the Armed Forces as he was wearing a grey Great Coat, he was also holding a rolled up do lead, but I didn’t see or sense a dog with him. There was also a young female spirit, but she wouldn’t really communicate with us.

I set up the laser grid in this spot to try to see if the direction of the noises would correspond to something being seen, but once this was set up the noises stopped, as did the communication from the spirits.

From here we moved on to my favourite part of the wood, this is an area which so much has happened on previous investigations and I was hopeful that something visual would happen again since we were a small group.

I set up the laser grid on top of a bridleway post and pointed it uphill. Two military (Army) soldier spirits were around us, neither liked me, probably because of my passiveness nature but nevertheless wanted their presence to be felt and seen.

I also turned on my Spirit Box (a device that scans the FM radio band in reverse at 100ms) but unfortunately and probably due to the weather this seemed to pick up a lot more radio than I have experienced before and after asking several questions and not hearing anything but normal radio signals decided to turn it off. Whilst I was trying to turn it off one guest saw a white mist pass from the right to the left further down the path and asked me if I had a torch on at the time. Which I didn’t and neither did the people further down the path.

Whilst we were both standing in the dark we both heard footsteps approaching us from the path we had just walked down and then an icy cold blast which felt like someone had just opened a freezer in front of us. Stepping away from this particular spot it was comfortable and relatively warm but as soon as either of us walked closer to a particular spot we could both feel the coldness. There was no wind and the ambient temperature was about 7 degrees Celsius but the really cold spot was closer to freezing temperatures.

I decided to start a séance circle to see if the spirit would be able to move people, which they did almost immediately. Dan (guest) was pushed forwards and mainly pulled backwards and no matter what he tried to do the spirit just kept pulling him back. There was also some light arm movements but this came to an abrupt stop when Stuart noticed some of the lights in the laser grid had suddenly and without any warning just gone out as if something was blocking the light. I decided to close the séance circle so that we could all try to see it and just before I did Dan saw a white mist go from left to right, exactly in the same spot that Nikki had seen it earlier.

Several guests walked down the path to see if they could understand or see why the laser lights had just disappeared but could not, two of the guests walked to the same spot and both came back as they felt vulnerable, and those that stayed behind felt like we were being watched. As we all stood watching the laser grid several times different parts of the grid would fade to nothing and then come back whilst other lights, especially the centre light (which is brighter) would just disappear from view then re-emerge a few minutes later. Given where the grid was pointing the centre light was about 5 feet off the ground so an animal could not have been the cause.

When we moved to the final area near to the pond two spirit energies were near to us, one was a farm hand called Mickey who was in his late 20s and he was not interested in us but more interested in the other spirit who was trying to push Stuart into the pond. Stuart was fighting the movements and ended up having a very sore lower back pain but also he was swaying and moving in a strange circular movement as the spirit tried to push him. Fortunately for Stuart the spirit was unsuccessful!

All in all a great night and some excellent visual unexplainable paranormal occurrences, especially the mists seen in the laser grid and how some of the lights randomly just disappeared from view for no apparent reason. However this particular location has been a successful location on previous ghost hunts for seeing mists and shapes within the laser grid.

Psychic Medium
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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 15-3-2014

Friday, March 21st, 2014

Fort Horsted invitation ghost hunt 15th March 2014
Chatham, Kent

This special ghost hunt was only open to our best customers; the plan for the evening was complicated to say the least as I didn’t want to have team members only being in one area throughout the night. The objective was to have different team members in different areas doing different activities and for the guests to choose what they wanted to do and who they would join for each of the three hourly sessions.

Surprisingly it wasn’t too hard for all the guests to understand, however as a team it was a little more confusing because no-one knew neither where they were going nor who with.

I started in an area only known as 36, this is a magazine room at the far end of the Fort which in the past has proved to be a very active room.

After started a séance circle and asking for any spirit to move us in any way they could, we were joined by a spirit called Michael who was a carpenter. He appeared to be wearing dungarees and a vest and had a carpenters pencil behind one ear. He was about 5’11” in height and of a stocky build aged in his mid-40s.

Michael started by moving our hands gently and when the majority of people had their hands moved (usually on command) he progressed to gently pushing and twisting people. However this turned very quickly into pushing people into other people and twirling others on the spot. Some of our hands were dragged on to the floor, which is fairly common and then once the majority were kneeling down Michael was able to push people more easily. David (guest) had his face stroked first and then as Michael became more adept at moving us was able to push David on to the floor face first, much the amusement of the rest of us.

Everybody felt some movements, some were treated to more forceful movements whilst the rest had more gentle movements and several guests had their faces, chins and shoulders rubbed. Odd smells seemed to fade in and out of the room with some smelling a sulphuric aroma whilst others smelling a lead paint aroma.

As the session went on Jason (GHE Camera) thought he heard a voice say “It’s alright” although no-one else heard this. We are hopeful that this will be captured on the video footage. Several other noises were heard throughout the session including something being dropped or thrown. It sounded like a pebble being kicked across the floor. Lights and other sounds were also seen and heard coming from the entrance to the room.

After we had all had our arms stretched towards the ceiling and dragged on the floor Michael tired of our presence at started pushing some of the guests and pulling those with their back towards the door in the direction of the door. We took this to mean that he wanted us to leave the room. So I asked him to step back and I closed the séance circle.

The Second group I chose to go to room 10, which we call it the spider room, because this is predominantly where the majority of the biting cave spiders reside and nest. The best way to visit this area is not to look up especially if you are afraid of spiders!

After forming a séance circle in the left hand room a spirit called John joined us, he was a plumber/boiler maintenance man, very plump and came from the late 1940s. He started by gentle moving arms and then pushing and pulling the guests backwards. This mostly happened very randomly with no-one knowing who was going to be moved and when. Arm movement was restricted to me and the people either side of me but everyone got pushed or swayed. I then left the séance circle but stayed in the room to try to direct the spirit to move the guests which worked well.

During this whole session we could all hear some odd noises, the funny thing is that we could all clearly hear the noises when we were talking, but as soon as we stopped the noises seemed to be quieter. The odd sounding noises ranged from whispering and mumbling to full blown talking, which I went to check to see if anyone was near us. They weren’t and it was quieter outside of the room. Apparently when I left the room everyone felt the atmosphere change and all the candles in the room flickered violently, but when I returned the candles didn’t flicker at all.

Other noises continued as we moved throughout the tunnel complex with the sound of footsteps on concrete, but most of this tunnel the floor is either broken stones or loose sand.

The third séance session was held in area 26 and more of an experiment for me as I wanted to try to something that I encountered a few months ago at another venue. I wanted to direct spirit to do particular things to certain people without their knowledge. So I started in the circle to help build the energy levels and then after there was some gentle arm movements and gentle pushing I left the circle. As I moved around the room I asked the spirits to move people that I pointed to. There were three spirit energies in the room. One was a Captain Bell who was a Second World War soldier, the other two joined us a little while into the session, they were both prisoners but neither gave me their name. All three spirit energies were quite happy to push and pull the guests.

As it is quite difficult to explain what happened to whom and how, the video of this session will be published so that everyone can see the result. Generally though, most of what I asked to happen to the particular guests that I pointed to (without them seeing) happened.

At one point the majority of the circle were on the floor, two guests (Darren & Russell) had their faces pushed onto the floor and when they stood back up they looked like they had just returned from a coal mine! This proved extremely funny for everyone else!

After these controlled sessions we then allowed people to go to various parts of the Fort to experience activities that they hadn’t experienced before or for us to try experiments with the guests.

I joined a group in room 36 who were with Sue & Kerry (GHE team) who were attempting a human pendulum experiment. When I walked in the room they asked me for some more questions to ask as they had run out of ideas. However I was more concerned with a spirit that I have seen many times in this room. Her name was Annie and she was a Nurse. She also took a dislike to Darren (who was the pendulum) and she wanted to do something different to Darren.

I then asked one of the guests to leave the room so that I could tell him what Annie was going to do and then we both re-joined the room.

Darren started to feel his legs and knees shaking and after much encouragement from the other guests in the room Darren started to feel his right leg lift off the floor, he also said that he felt dizzy and strange. I stood behind him and placed my hand on his back to give him more energy until Darren started to sway and he seemed to stand in an odd position. I then asked Mark (guest & the person I told) to come and place his hand where mine was. This is when it got really interesting as Mark and I had to stop Darren from falling over many times. It was similar to a Weeble, wobbling all over the place but not falling over because we were holding him up. Annie however made Darren feel odd and when she couldn’t do anything more than lift one leg, she did manage to lift one of his arms and make him shake violently.

Annie had told me she wanted to try and make Darren walk or move him by his legs. Whilst this didn’t really happen it was brilliant to see a person affected in this way as Darren had no idea what was going to happen. [We have had this happen to another guest at another location, which was filmed. – July 2013 at Fort Borstal to Charlotte]

This was an excellent ghost hunt with lots of activity throughout all sessions and with all team members. Hopefully we achieved what we set out to do, which was capture and record some amazing activity for the guests as the majority were experienced ghost hunters.

Psychic Medium
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Fort Borstal Paranormal Investigation – 15-2-2014

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Fort Borstal Paranormal Investigation 15th February 2014
Rochester, Kent

We arrived early to set up camera’s in the Officers Mess area.  This is a long corridor with six rooms, probably used for army personnel to work & rest.  Room 1 was set up to watch the four cameras.  We had cameras set up in room’s 4, 5 & 6, and one looking down the corridor.  The only equipment we had to use was hearing enhancers and electronic voice recorders.  Our aim was to gather evidence.

Group A sat watching the camera’s with Kerry, whilst I took Group B into the rooms.  In room 4 only myself was swayed back & forward.  Room 5 not too much, but one guest stayed in there whilst we moved to room 6.  That guest shortly joined us as he heard shuffling next to him, and an intake of breath as if someone was about to speak.  He had no hearing enhancers on.  The last room felt very different, all females being pushed/pulled/swayed.  Felt a lot colder in this room, was feeling cold spots, and one guest felt a cold touch on their hand.  Tingling feelings on head and face too.  Guests didn’t like the far right corner, feeling very uncomfortable whilst standing there.

After 30 mins we swapped – Kerry took Group A and they experienced swaying in rooms 4 & 6, although only myself and Kerry in room 4.  Someone heard whispering with the hearing enhancers on.  Another guest was touched on their leg.  Again this group didn’t like the far right corner in room 6.

After a short break we took Groups C & D.  I took Group C first and again we were experiencing swaying in room 4.  In room 5 I was sure I saw a male spirit standing in the far left corner, others were feeling uncomfortable in this room.  I then saw a shadow move a few feet away from that corner.  Time was approx 22.45 – not sure whether our camera was facing that way.  In room 6 many of the guests were swaying.

Jo then took group D first to room 6 – a loud noise was heard by someone with the hearing enhancers on.  When in room 5 they felt uncomfortable in this room.  In room 4 many were swaying again.

Whilst we were watching the cameras in room 1, the room suddenly felt extremely cold, starting with our backs, then eventually all over.

I then had Groups A & B again, and this time the focus was on EVP’s.  Jo took group A and one guest whilst standing in the front right corner of room 6 was feeling very sick.  When someone stood in the far right corner they felt static around them.  Also Jo & guests being swayed and pushed in this room again.  Whilst playing back their first EVP in room 4 someone asked “did you die here” and they were sure they heard a male “yes”.

I then took Group B, and when playing back our first EVP in room 4, we were sure we heard a male whisper after Justin’s (guest) question.  In room 5 before we started the EVP Lee (guest) whistled out asking spirit to copy.  No reply was heard but I suggested Lee do this again on the EVP, which he did.  Whilst playing it back we heard two whistles before Lee asked his question.  However, whilst wearing the hearing enhancers Lee heard a whistle after his question/whistle request, but on playing back again it was not heard, concluded Lee may have heard the whistle in ‘real time’ not on the recording.  We moved to room 6 and Karen (guest) was shoved back three times, she asked spirit for more, saying “is that all you can do”, but received no more.  However, she was the last person to leave that area when we finished, and whilst walking out she thought someone was walking alongside her, she looked but no-one there.  She had the feeling the spirit was escorting out.

Myself and Kerry took Group’s C & D for the final session of the night, however with both groups feeling tired, each time EVP’s were recorded, nobody could be serious and kept laughing.

A brilliant night – great fun and lots of very different experiences.

Kym McMillan, Jo Baker-Anderson, Kerry Gasiami
Paranormal Investigators
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Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt – 7-2-2014

Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt 7th February 2014
Pluckley, Kent

Pluckley Screaming woods is one of our most popular ghost hunts which is attested by the amount of time in advance people have to book, which at the time of writing is 4 months ahead of the event. Everyone came dressed for the weather, which as usual was rain, although the rain didn’t arrive in the woods until we were at least half way through the night.

After walking to the centre of the woods I handed out our usual ghost hunting equipment, which consisted of KII meters (with are proximity metres [to spirit]) and our Ghost Pro’s which are communicators through a series of flashing.

It took a while, but eventually spirit started to come forward, first a male spirit who had leather patches on his trousers, which I thought may have been a woodman, as it turned out he wasn’t. He was a pig farmer who kept pigs within the woods. Although he never actually gave me his name he was aged in his late 30s and came from the mid-1800s. He was quite happy to answer questions that John (guest) asked via our communication equipment. We were also joined by a female spirit who was aged in her late 20s, possibly early 30s and she also didn’t give me her name. She seemed shy and reluctant to answer questions. The KII meters never lit up at all, much to our disappointment.

The two spirits seem to be opposite each other and communicated with the people who were closest to them, so the pig farmer communicated with John and the female spirit communicated with Cheryl & Kerry (guests). David & Charlotte (guests) didn’t have a communication device but both kept seeing odd shadows and lights within the woods. Kerry and I also kept hearing mumbling and talking, which was like a conversation being carried on the wind, but at that time it wasn’t windy in fact quite still and I couldn’t work out or hear what the conversation was about although it seemed relentless.

Several people started to take photos and Kerry & Cheryl had strange anomalous photos with unusual light anomalies which I have never seen before here or in fact anywhere else.

Pluckley Woods light anomaly

Copyright Kerry Davidson 2014

John kept seeing a shadow walk between two trees and every time he saw something come towards us his communication device lit up. He asked (not out loud) whether the spirit kept pigs and then felt something brush past him, I too felt something on my foot and looked down but saw nothing.

I decided that the best way for the guests to feel the spirit energies and experience their energy first hand was to hold a séance. Neither of the spirits that we were communicating with earlier seemed to want to do anything but just as I was wondering whether anything at all would happen a very well dressed spirit called Alfred turned up, he looked like he could have been a mayor or a councillor because he was wearing a very smart suit, he was about 5’8” in height and aged in his late 50s and had a “handlebar” moustache. Alfred was able to move our arms and started with Charlotte and me, which progressed around the left hand side of the circle, leaving just Kerry. As I reassured her to relax and loosen her grip with me our hands started to slowly rise. I then asked Kerry to ask Alfred to move her hands in a particular direction, which Alfred slowly accomplished. Several times my arms were pulled downwards and both guests on either side of me could feel the weight and pressure, although I insisted that I did not want to touch the ground since it was very wet and muddy. Alfred moved my arms to within a whisker of the ground just to prove a point!

At various times whilst we were being moved, I and some of the guests heard footfalls and whispers plus the strange relentless talking, which wasn’t getting louder or quieter, if it were carried on any wind then I would have expected that.

When I asked Alfred to gently push people he moved around the circle and one by one everyone fell backwards, very gently, but enough to know that they were not just losing their balance and David was picked more than anyone else. Cheryl however was not moved at all but Alfred did try a few times but it didn’t work.

From here we moved on to another part of the woods where I switched on my spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio band in reverse at 100ms) and asked for any spirit to say our names. It took a long time but eventually a spirit came and said three of our names and when asking for how many people were present we all heard 10, but there wasn’t ten of us, just six. However we don’t know how many spirits were present as they didn’t answer that question. By this time the rain had started to fall, not terribly heavy but enough to know it was raining. We happened to be standing beside some trees that when the wind blew creaked and groaned like an old wooden door which added to the atmosphere! But every time that I asked for a noise this particular tree squeaked which became rather annoying.

Using the laser grid here as well didn’t produce anything interesting because the rain was interfering with the beam although communication continued and a few times the KII meter that David was holding lit up a lot, which surprised him, although the other KII held by Cheryl and Kerry didn’t.

Kerry and I could still hear this odd talking noise, although we both thought it was coming from different directions, I thought it was coming from deeper in the woods whereas Kerry thought it was coming from the edge of the woods, unfortunately none of the other people could hear this talking sound.

As we started to make our way out of the woods, past an area that people used to live in the woods as late as the early 1900s I could distinctly smell a wood fire, which given the amount of rain we have had recently was hard to believe especially on this particular night because of the level of the rainfall. No-one else could small a fire although John smelt what he described as an odd smell, but couldn’t describe what it smelt like.

Given the weather no EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experiments were undertaken because the only noise that would have been heard was the rain, which was a shame because we have had some excellent EVPs from our Pluckley events.

Given the weather this was an excellent ghost hunt with lots of noises and physical paranormal activity felt by the guests and one in which all those present thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Psychic Medium
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Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt (Sue) -1-2-2014

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

The Old Police Cells 1st February 2014

This was my first visit to police cells so I was really looking forward to this investigation. I was based upstairs in The Council Chambers. When I first arrived I went in alone to set up the room and sort out any equipment I would be using. I kept having the feeling I was being watched and found myself looking behind me. The Chambers is a huge very impressive room with an adjuring room to the side that although a lot smaller and not as grand gave me an uncomfortable feeling.

My first group was the famous Boo Club. On entering the room we heard a noise and discovered the dowsing rods that were placed on a chair had suddenly appeared on the floor, there is no reason this should have happened and we did ask spirit to push them on the floor again but this never happened. Firstly we tried the Ouija board and some glass work but unfortunately we had very little movement on the glass. As these guests have been on many events I wanted to try and see what they could sense and feel. We spread out and stood or sat in different areas of the room. We began calling out and I asked spirit to make the guests feel how they had once felt when they was in this room. We did get some great results with several people feeling the same thing at the same time. Jason (Team) and Rusty (Guest) both said they had a metal taste in their mouth. This indicates they had got the taste of blood. Later on two guests both said they felt they had bitten through their tongue. Audrey (Guest) was drawn to a particular chair and when she was sat here she said she felt very emotional and upset but also that she had the feeling that she just didn’t care, almost as if whatever was going to happen would happen and she had no control over the outcome. She was also feeling cold spots down her right side. Audrey was picking up on how the person had felt when they once sat there. Some on the guests and me were feeling sick, light headed and dizzy especially when they were stood by the window.  Most people generally felt agitated and uncomfortable with a knotted feeling in their stomach. Darren and Mark (Guests) decided to sit in the area of the accused. They both felt very upset and emotional when sat here so much so that Mark said he felt like he wanted to cry. As the boys had had such strong feelings in the accused area three of the female guests sat in the same area. However they felt completely comfortable here so it was only affecting the men. Darren (Guest) chose to sit in the Judge’s chair. Myself and a few of the others guests stood close to him. We could feel cold breezes sweep across our hands and different parts of our bodies. There was no draught causing this. Darren said it felt a lot colder above his head than it did at waist height and when we used the digital thermometer there was a 6 degrees difference. Which is quite odd that it felt 6 degrees colder above his head than by his waist, normally heat rises so this did have us all intrigued.   The whole time the vigil was taking place we had almost constant activity with the Ghost Box Pros lighting up and flashing once for yes or twice for no to our questions. We heard a groaning noise coming from the adjuring room next door. But the most impressive noise we heard was the sound of a chair being scrapped across the floor. Jo (Guest) tried to see if any of the chairs had moved and tried to replicate this noise by dragging a chair but it was carpeted floors in this room and we could not recreate this noise and we could not find any chair that had been moved. Spirit gave Jo (Guest) the name of Michael, liked to be called Mickey aged 55yrs who had been sent to prison, although he would not tell her exactly what he had done just something bad.

Second Vigil – Group A

In my second vigil I was joined by my fellow team members Sean & Kerry.  We started off in the Chambers / Court Room but I was drawn to the adjuring room next door.  We began an Ouija board session and almost immediately the glass began to move around the table but could not spell out anything that made sense. Establishing the male spirit could not spell we got the spirit to move towards my torch for Yes of towards the triangle that was placed on the other side of the board on the table for No. We all took it in turns to ask the spirit questions and he seemed to respond better when the two male guests asked the questions. The Male spirit didn’t really want to answer any of our questions but was very happy drawing shapes circles, square, straight line etc. with the glass. He had once worked here. The energy on the glass changed and became very gentle. I instantly see a little girl aged 6 with brown bobbed hair, chin length with a fringe. She was wearing a brown shirt, white blouse type top and something was tied around her waist. She had no shoes on and her feet and legs looked dirty and grubby. Our spirit child was called Elizabeth and she liked moving the glass. Sean (Team) went off to get a ball that lights up. We threw the ball and asked Elizabeth if she would be able to move the ball for us but unfortunately she didn’t move the ball (This would take a lot of energy for a small child to do this) but she said she could see the ball. She had always lived her. Whilst we were in this room we did hear several noises.

Third Vigil –Group B

My last vigil was very similar to the first. We started off in the court room. I sat guests in the same places as I had with my first group and some of their experiences were very similar. The male guest stood by the window felt sick. A lot of the guests felt very uncomfortable, uneasy and just generally wanted to leave this room. When a guest was sat in the same chair as Audrey had sat, she also felt cold spots down her side and also felt someone was stood behind her. The Ghost Box pros were lighting up and responding well to our questions. We moved to the adjuring room next door and had a little activity on the glass but not as much as my second group had experienced. But it was all women on the glass and previously it had responded better when the men asked questions. (I later learned that women would not have been allowed into this room it would have only been men) We heard a lot of noises and one brave guest went off and stood on her own to see if she could figure where the noises were coming from. After a few minutes she came back saying how strange it was as she could hear the noise but couldn’t figure what was making the noise. The session came to a end and one of the guests said to me she was glad she was leaving as this whole area just made her feel so uneasy and anxious she also kept rubbing her stomach.

An interesting evening with many guests having very strong feelings. Most people did not want to stay in these rooms and wanted to just get out. Some good photographs were also taken with strange mists appearing in the photos. I look forward to returning to the police cells in the future as this place has left me intrigued and wanting to find out more.

Special thanks to all the guests. Till next time.

Sue Kyle
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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St Augustine’s Priory ghost hunt – 22-11-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

St Augustine’s Priory ghost hunt, Bilsington 22nd November 2013

Area: 1st Floor

Equipment: KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

This was the first time Ghost Hunt Events had been to this special place, and to say we were all very excited would be an understatement.  Before the guests arrived the team had experienced some spirit activity.  I had taken my kit up to my area and whilst standing in the side room with KII & Ghost Pro I asked out to spirit.  I heard movement in the far corner, asking spirit to come and talk my KII lit up.  The lights stayed on consistently on full lights for the next few minutes until I left.  I felt the spirit was female, a nurse, and in her thirties.  The ghost pro lit up and the spirit confirmed this was correct.  I held out my hand and it felt very warm.  She didn’t come back and join us until my third session.  Jo (team) with her spring Ouija set up suggested we all test it before guests arrived, and to our surprise the spirit of Max was able to move and tilt the Ouija many times at our request.  With this promising a good night, we went off to meet the guests.

With my first group we started in the main room and the ghost pro’s lit up.  I showed the guests how to use the rods & pendulums which they all had the opportunity to use.  These all moved in many different ways, all to the guests requests.  We all moved into the side room, and experienced cold areas in the room, and guests could feel touches they couldn’t explain.  We then moved into the smaller room, a male guest held a Christmas bauble in his hand asking spirit to move it, to his surprise it did.  One of the female guests standing next to him felt and heard a breath in front of her.  We left the two male guests in the room on their own for a short while, and whilst there they both felt suddenly very cold.  Whilst we were standing in the side room, two of the female guests could feel cold touches on their hands.

With my second group we all started in the side room.  We could hear noises in the side room, but as another team was above that room we thought it may be them.  However we did hear one noise that sounded like something being moved across the floor – on checking I couldn’t identify anything that had moved.  Whilst standing back in the side room, many of us started swaying, with three of us standing  one side were swaying in sync.  We couldn’t see each other, but Carl was filming and could see this.  The guests standing by the fireplace were moving too, and Carl also filmed many orbs around them.  Again coldness was felt by all.  Whilst filming Carl felt a sharp stabbing pain in his back.  We then moved back into the main room to use the pendulums & rods, and all experienced them moving, to their request.  We were hearing noises in the side room again, so spent the last few minutes in there.  On leaving that area we asked spirit to move the Christmas bauble that was laying on the floor, or move one of the pebbles from the bucket whilst we were gone.

With my third group we started in the main room with the rods & pendulums, again all experiencing movement at request.  Ghost Pro’s were lit up too.  We then all moved into the side room, and immediately I noticed a large white tub on the floor in front of the door to the far room.  This area had not had anybody here since I had left the previous session.  Unexplained!  Also at the end of the night Jo (team) showed me a pebble they had thrown at them in one of her sessions – this was the same as the pebbles in the bucket upstairs, which I had asked spirit to move! Again unexplained!  We all stayed in the side room, and the guests standing near the fireplace were experiencing movement; arms moving up, swaying, and even one guest was moved across the room and back in a very unusual way.  All the guests took it in turns to stand in that area, and all experienced the same movement.  Whilst they were being moved all felt very cold.  Then myself and guests to my left started feeling warm, and the ghost pro confirmed we had a female spirit.  She also confirmed she was the same female I had met at the beginning of the night, and I believe her name was Annabel.  It was nice to feel her warmth.  Looking around the room I noticed guests that were not standing by the fireplace were having their arms moved up again.  Realising our time had run over into the free time, we asked spirit to move everyone back to normal, to which they did.  Thanking the spirits, the guests had the opportunity to explore with kit.

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 31-10-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 31st October 2013

Area: Bedrooms 9 & 10

Equipment: Ouija Table, Writing Planchette, Table Tipping, Ovilus III, KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

With my first group 5 of the guests were very spiritual, and 2 were first timers to ghost hunting.  Almost all wanted to try the Ouija table, and straight away spirits were with us, showing their presence on the ghost pro’s.  The glass started moving, although we received no definite words.  The spirit was able to move the glass around the table a lot and I asked the three experienced ghost hunters to remove the fingers off the glass to show the new guests it wasn’t them, and to their amazement the glass continued to move with just the two of them!  Spirit then seemed to want to communicate via the ovilus and ghost pro.  Various spirits came forward including a maid, young man, older gentleman and possibly one of the guests’ granddads.  In this room there is a small corridor joining to room 9 and guests took it in turns to stay in there for a short while.  Some felt cold breezes brush past them, and saw white & blue lights.  Those sitting on the bed felt it vibrate and move, including myself.  This has been felt before on previous events.

With my second group we had slight movement with the glass on the Ouija table, and also tried some table tipping and lots of vibrations and movements were felt, with lots of creaking and taps underneath the table. Kerry (guest) was using the pendulum and it moved continuously in circles.  We were able to communicate with spirit using the ghost pro throughout. Kerry & Matt then stood in the corridor for a short while but came out looking very scared saying they had heard footsteps in room 9 but when checking no-one was there!

With my third group we started with table tipping and felt slight vibrations.  Guests also took turns to stand in the corridor on their own.  We also tried the dowsing rods and pendulums and were surprised with the movement.  Pendulums were spinning/stopping and vibrating on request, and the rods were moving in a very unusual way; small rapid movements to the left continuously.

Fab night again at the Red Lion

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 26-10-2013 (Sue)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Fort Borstal ghost hunt Saturday 26th October 2013

Jo and I (Sue) were working in the same area of the Fort so we decided to split the groups into two smaller groups. The guests could then experience some table tipping then half way through swap and try glass work and the Ouija board.

1st vigil Group D – We began by trying to communicate with spirit via the Ouija board but we only had very light movement on the glass. I then took the guests to try table tipping. Very quickly the table was tilting, spinning and moving around the room. The table tilted towards Matt (Guest) and seemed to respond best to his masculine voice. We asked Sprit to take table to where he was stood and the table was dragged with force towards the far corner.

2nd Vigil Group A– We started with the Ouija board. I could see the energy of a male spirit standing in the doorway. I did not say anything to the guests as it seemed the Spirit man was just observing us. Then Chris  (Guest) became quite jumpy, he kept touching his face and neck. I asked Chris if he was ok and he said no it felt like someone was stood behind him and had touched his face and neck. We continued to ask the spirit gentleman questions and the planchette was moving around the board and giving us answers but again the spirit seemed to respond better when the male guests spoke. Feel spirit likes a dominant male voice. We heard the sound of feet dragging on the floor and we kept seeing a dark mass coming from the doorway to just a little way in behind where we was stood and back to the doorway again. Chris continued to feel uncomfortable in this area.

3rd Vigil Group B – Again we had good responses to our questions on the Ouija board. Then a guest (Vicky) became very emotional. Vicky said she had the feeling she wanted to cry. There was cold spots felt by several guests and again we heard the same scrapping / dragging of feet noise that we had heard on the previous vigil. The male spirit was doing much the same and standing in the doorway then just coming up behind someone. We removed the Ouija board and tried just a glass on the table. The glass instantly was drawing shapes circles, squares, zig-zag etc moving faster around the table. Myself and Steve (Guest) suddenly both looked up at the exact same time. We both see in the doorway a very large oval shape glow of light it was approximately 36” high by 20” wide. This oval shape of light moved from the doorway and travelled along the back of the table behind the guests and back to the doorway again. There are no windows and you have to walk down steps, round the corner and through a doorway to get to the area we was in, so there is no way this can be caused my natural light, also no torches were on. I have never witnessed anything like this huge shape of light before. Both Steve (Guest) and I were very shocked to have witnessed this and after describing to each other what we see, we both agreed we had seen the identical shape of light.

4th Vigil Group C – Again good movement on the glass and Spirit gave us his name as Ivan on the Ouija board. We also heard knocking coming from under the table. I had without the guests knowing stood one of the male guests in a certain position around the table (as the men seemed to be effected the most). I never tell guests what other guests had previously experienced. The male guest that was stood in this exact spot started rubbing the back of neck and looking behind him. He said that he felt someone was stood right up close behind him and it was making him feel uneasy. This is what had happened most of the night.

This was my second visit to Fort Borstal and I must admit this place has become a favourite of mine.  So many guests have been touched and have felt spirit stand up close behind them. The large white shape we witnessed move along the back of the room was amazing. We heard the sound of feet scraping on the floor and had movement on the glass and communication on the Ouija board. A very active night at an amazing location. I cannot wait to return to Fort Borstal.

Special thanks to all the guests.

Sue Kyle
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 19-10-2013 (Sue)

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Fort Horsted Sat 19th October

1st Session – Group B

I was based in Room 10. Almost as soon as we had arrived the Ghost Pro devices were lighting up red to indicate that spirit was with us.  We all joined hands and begun a séance circle asking spirit to interact with us. A female guest said that her face had been touched and she had cold spots down one side. We began to ask questions and spirit was giving us their answers via the Ghost Pro flashing once for yes or twice for no. We established we had a gentleman, who had worked here. He is a real character. I asked the guests would they like to try the Ouija Board, which they all agreed they would like to try, so we moved into the room on the right. We put a glass in the centre of the Ouija board and asked the spirit gentleman if he could move the glass for us to indicate he would be willing to talk to us. The glass didn’t move at first so we all took in turns to say hello and introduce ourselves to him. Spirit was very reluctant to go to any letters on the board. So we asked Spirit to move the glass to the moon drawn on the board for yes, the star in the centre as a neutral position and away from the star for no. Once we established this he was quite happy to talk to us. He was under 30 yrs old, married with three children and was still looking for his wife, who he believes is still in this Fort. Something had happened to his throat as me and another female guest could feel pressure on our throat and had a strange taste in our mouth. Quite a few of the guests noticed rapid temperature changes and had the feeling they were being watched. Spirit moved the glass round in a circle and then drew a square and a zig-zag. The guests where so shocked as this was their first experience of glass work. The whole time this was happening the ghost pro device was flashing and responding to our questions as well. Also one of the guests was using the dowsing rods and getting the same yes or no responses as the ghost pro device.

2nd Session – Group C

As my first session had been so active on the board we decided to attempt the Ouija straight away. So after all introducing ourselves by saying hello spirit my name is…. The glass began to move again. The glass was moving to letters but they were very random and didn’t make sense. We heard what sounded like footsteps coming from the area next door so we decided to investigate. We formed a séance circle and I encouraged guests to call out but we didn’t hear any other noises. I said would any of the guests like to perform a lone vigil away from the others. Four of the men very bravely decided to stay together but go to another area. I put two of the male guests in one part of the tunnel with a laser grid. I explained they needed to keep calling out to spirit and ask the spirit to stand inside the grid and block out the lights of the laser. The other two male guests I moved further down the tunnel and gave them a ghost box pro device. I told them to ask questions that would have a yes or no answer and see what response they got from spirit. I returned to the remaining four female guests and we went back on the Ouija board. Straight away the glass begun moving, not answering any of our questions but spirit drew with the glass a circle, a square, a zig zag and a figure eight. This was filmed by Jason my team member, so hopefully we have some video footage to show you. Whilst spirit was moving the glass we asked could the spirit touch one of the male guests on the shoulder that I had placed in the tunnels. Once again the ghost pro devices we very active but we had no activity on the K2 meters. At the end of the vigil we checked with the male guests had anything happened to them. The guests with the laser said nothing had happened but the guests that had been further down the tunnel had had activity with the Ghost pro flashing yes and no to their questions. The best bit was James (Guest) had said something had touched him on the back of his neck. So Another great session.

3rd Session – Group A My last session was very different. The glass would not move at all, even thought it had been responding so well on the previous two vigils. The guests had such low energy levels that I even got them to sing a song to try and raise their energy. We formed a séance circle and I tried to encourage the guests to call out and ask spirit to interact with us. I always say the more energy and enthusiasm you have, the more spirit will respond but if you stand there and don’t say anything then spirit wont be willing to do anything for you in return. The only guest that had anything was Vicky. When we were all stood in séance, Vicky was using dowsing rods and asking questions. Vicky was stood just outside the circle. Suddenly she screamed and quickly joined the circle as she said had felt someone brush against her hair and ear and she had really jumped. The rest of the vigil was really quite with no activity on the Ghost Pro, K2 or the Glass.

Overall a great night. Some great activity on the ghost pro device. The glass moved and drew various shapes on command.  Two guests were touched. Also a pleasure for me to reassure people that the Ouija is safe when used correctly and with respect. I know a few of the guests were worried at first but left with a new understanding and respect for the Ouija Board. Fort Horsted is always an interesting location and one I enjoy as it is different every time I visit.

Sue Kyle
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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