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Posts Tagged ‘experiment’

Spooky Inn ghost hunt – 17-8-2013

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Spooky Inn Paranormal Investigation and Ghost Hunt 17th August 2013
Minster, Kent

This was the first paranormal investigation that we have held. Not to be confused with our ghost hunts, our paranormal investigation events are where we set up our remote cameras and have dedicated rooms within the venue for different activities and where only one group of people are investigating at a time, with the other investigation team watching on the cameras what the other group are doing.

The whole point of this type of event is for everyone present to use some of the more interesting and scientific tools that we use which will include using more of our ghost hunting equipment to gather evidence.

The hope is that whilst one group is investigating then if any noises are heard we can quickly verify with the monitoring team if they heard anything and with so many cameras (we have over 30) there is every chance that whatever the anomaly, it would have been recorded.

This was the first time that we had set up this venue with the majority of our cameras, although due to cabling issues we didn’t have time to set up all the cameras, however we did have a camera in every room.

The event also enabled us to review the audio recordings as we progressed with the investigation so that the guests could hear the responses to their questions immediately.

During the first session lots of banging was heard by both the investigation team and the monitoring team, not always from the same place and although the building had many doors, it wasn’t windy and we couldn’t re-create the sound that various people heard.

There was a young male spirit called Timmy who was about 8 or 9 years old and stood by the investigation group and many of those in the investigation group felt that there was a child around. Various spikes were noted on the MEL meters as well as fluctuations in temperature.

EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiments were undertaken by guests and whilst nothing could be heard at the time or in the immediate analysis on the night, our analysis has found there was in fact a voice from the first session. That EVP can be heard at:-

There were others but they were either too quiet or too much background noise from the people present from shuffling their feet, not speaking towards the microphone or recording when everyone was talking.

The second session was more productive with a howl or a cry heard by the investigation group but nothing heard in the hub room, oddly no cry or howl was recorded on any camera.

Whilst watching the cameras I was able to tell everyone in the hub room that there was a spirit standing next to Marc (GHE team) tugging on his left side, within a matter of minutes, Marc reported on the radio that he felt that his shirt was being tugged on his left side. The Spirit’s name was Sarah who was about 6 or 7 years old and had told me previously (when I first visited the location) that she had passed away in a fire at the property.

When the groups swapped over the investigation group were trying a glass work experiment, firstly Sarah the spirit from the earlier session joined them and started to confirm questions asked and then we tried a different experiment. Carl (GHE Team) who was with me in the Hub room drew a shape on a piece of paper, then once we informed the investigation group that we had drawn something Marc asked Sarah to look at it and draw the shape with the glass. We also asked Sarah to go to numbers that we had written down. All of the answers that Sarah gave were the correct answers. However when we moved on to letters the investigation group were repeatedly told ‘M’ whereas Carl had drawn a ‘W’.

At the end of these sessions I held a séance in the top room, the strangest room, so that all guests could hopefully feel spirit energy move them in some way.

A spirit called David joined us, he was in his mid-30s and started by doing exactly what I asked, moving people arms, and usually on command of the person as I asked those guests to ask in their heads and not say which direction out loud.

Many guests were also pushed and pulled backwards, some guests were also pulled or pushed towards the cupboard and some of us were pulled to the floor by our hands or lifted to the ceiling which was only about 6’5”. As the séance progressed more and more people were beginning to feel their own arms move, much to their amazement and surprise and toward the end one particular guest felt that she wanted to cry and became very warm, another guest also had trouble leaving the room because every time she tried one of her arms would violently shake, this eventually stopped happening and she could leave the room.

For our first public paranormal investigation (we conduct many of these as private or team events) it was very successful and although we didn’t record the sort of evidence that we would have hoped we will be returning to this venue again to try to record something amazing.

Below are some photos from the event.

Hub Room 1

Hub Room 2

Hub Room 3

Guests using equipment 1

Guests using equipment 2

Guests using Ouija board

Guests using writing planchette

Guests experimenting with table

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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Rye Castle ghost hunt – 20-7-2013

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

Rye Castle Ypres Tower ghost hunt 20th July 2013
Rye, East Sussex

This was the first ghost hunt that we held at Rye Castle since the building work has been completed. The location has always been one of our favourites since activity has often been strange and unexplainable but this ghost hunt was exceptionally active.

My group started on the first floor of the Keep and within a matter of minutes after everyone had settled down we were joined by a male spirit energy called Marquis de Rocforte, who was French and aged in his mid-50s wearing a purple jacket (three quarter length) with brass buttons, white shirt, white stockings and black shoes with buckles, he also wore a hat similar to an Admiral Bicorn Hat. He looked to be an important person. We have since found out that this uniform would have been worn in the Napoleonic era by “Payeur Général de la Garde”.

There were also two children aged about 10 years old playing noughts and crosses in one of the cells.

Levels of KII (EMF – Electro Magnetic Fields) were also very high with sporadic spikes.

One of the guests (Audrey) was French so she started to ask questions in French and I relayed his answers, after several questions Marquis de Rocforte tipped his hat in a very Royal fashion. Audrey noted that her arm felt as if it was being held and many of the guests also noted that she was standing in an awkward way. Audrey also felt as if something was being pressed into her hand, like a coin.

Many guests could smell cannabis and near to Audrey the smell of stale alcohol could be smelt by some. The more we talked about the spirit energy the more the KII meter showed high levels of EMF. Another guest Michelle felt a touch on her shoulder whilst she was standing in one of the cells.

I decided to finish the session with a séance to try to get some of the other guests to feel the spirit energies, however the only person who seemed to be affected in a painful way was me, as my arms were moved into some very painful positions, other guests were gently swayed and pushed.

The second session, we would normally swap groups so that all the guests spend time with all of the team, but because the first group to the Woman’s Tower had experienced something unusual we decided not to swap the groups to see if my group felt the same sensations as the first. That way both groups were going into a new location “blind”.

As soon as we entered the Woman’s Tower it had a strange oppressive feeling, we have visited this location several times before but this was the first time I have felt this heavy feeling. Within a matter of minutes everyone in the group was either swaying or rocking gently. It didn’t seem to matter where people stood the feelings were the same. This has never happened here before. Some of the guests who were standing in front of the window (with their backs to the window) were pulled backwards towards the window, those guests who had a wall behind them were pulled backwards into the wall. It was a very strange sensation as this is the area that had recently undergone building work and the floor was perfectly level. I was standing near the door and on more than one occasion I was pushed into the door.

Quite early on in the session we all heard a “Whooo” sound, which because of the way the place is orientated this noise could not have come from outside the Ypres Tower grounds, it had to come from within the courtyard and no-one was in the courtyard.

I was describing a female spirit energy to the group who had just “popped her head in” her name was Daisy, approximately 40 years old who had piercing eyes although the left hand side of her face was disfigured (either by a stroke or a scar). Whilst I was describing her Carl (GHE team) suddenly exclaimed he had just seen a face, below is his account of what he saw.

I started to feel very strange, all the hairs on my arms and neck started to stand up and I had goose bumps on my arms. Then something caught my eye and my attention was drawn to the door. This is when the following event happened;

The room was nearly in total darkness with only a little light coming in through the window from the moon. As I looked in the direction of the doorway a women appeared at the doorway and took three steps in to the room and looked straight at me for a moment and then stepped back out of the doorway out of view. I was taken a little by surprise and couldn’t really talk for a moment and I was trying to get Steve’s attention and when I finally did, I stuttered that I had just seen a women walk into the room. After a moment I started to calm down and explained in more detail what I had seen.

The woman was about 5ft6 to 5ft8 in height and had very wild looking white hair. She had very gaunt face and you could clearly see her cheek bones sticking out, she had dark eyes which were set back in to her face, her expression on her face was very strange which scared me a little. She was wearing a white smock which was very dirty. The sleeves were short and it came down to her knees, it was all ripped and in tatters. The women had nothing on her feet and her skin was pale and dirty, her nails on both her fingers and feet were dirty and long. When she moved she did not make any sound. No one heard anyone or anything come up or down the stairs, which are normal so noisy is anyone moves on them. It was like looking at someone in daylight and she was so clear and solid.

I was a little shaky after the experience and took me several hours to recover fully. But with this in mind I can’t wait to go back and investigate again.

Just after Carl had seen this, noises could be heard on the staircase and footfalls outside on the gravel to which I stated to the group that it was so loud it must be a person. It was. It was one of the members of the other group who asked that I come with them as they had an issue with one of the guests that needed my urgent attention.

As I arrived back at the main Tower one of the guests was being carried out of the building by two people, she was totally oblivious to what was happening and erratically shaking with spasms and fits. This particular guest had something similar happen to her before at this location and on that occasion had to be manhandled out of the Tower, this time she had to be carried out. The guest was being affected by a particularly nasty spirit energy who in the past would have easily murdered women with one hand by strangling them. I decided that we need to move this guest further away from the Tower as the spirit energy was able to use the Tower as a source of energy, further away he would not be able to. The spirit gave me his name as Terry the Terrible, which obviously wasn’t his name. The guest kept repeating the name Frank, even when asked who she came with, the only name she uttered was Frank. All the time she was still shaking violently, although not as bad as when I first arrived on the scene. During this I was administering what I would call emergency healing to push the nasty energy out of the guest, which was working, but as always it takes time. Within 10 minutes the guest was fully back to normal although very shaken and dazed, probably wondering why she was outside on the grass. The guest described the sensation of what it felt like, which in her own words were “like being pushed down inside”. This is typical although thankfully not common of what it feels like when a nasty spirit energy pushes our own energies aside. This is something that I have come across before but thankfully not too often.

After this all groups had a break before we embarked on our free session, this is when we let our guests use our equipment and venture throughout the venue to hold their own ghost hunt.

I went back to the Woman’s Tower as my session was cut short and I wanted to see if the same spirit energies would do something. On entering the upper floor the now usual swaying and tipsy feeling returned and with the people present I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. All four recordings had spirit voices in them, but when this was analysed by our experts none of the words spoken could be understood, this is unusual because we can usually identify at least one word, but on this occasion we have four recordings with words, but we cannot understand any of the words. During the EVP experiment Jamie (Guest) had trouble speaking and she sounded completely out of breath, Carl felt unwell (as usual here) and had to leave. Marc (GHE team) who was downstairs heard some random noises which he thought was us, but we weren’t moving or making any noise. When asking for the spirits to make a noise everyone heard mumbling but could not decide on which direction the noise came from and then we all heard something drop, on investigating this, I found a small stone on the middle of a step of the staircase, which I am fairly sure wasn’t there before as I’m sure someone would have noticed it. I joined Marc downstairs to hear some of the noises he was hearing and those noises were odd but neither of us couldn’t decide where or what we were hearing. Jamie (Guest) & Ted (Museum staff) quickly joined us as they said it was too freaky upstairs.

A little while later I went back to the Women’s Tower and joined three guests, who had a spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio frequencies in reverse at 100ms) and were trying to get spirit to say something. As soon as I entered the room everyone clearly heard “Steve” on the spirit box.

Asking various questions some of which were answered correctly, some were not (especially the number questions e.g. how many people in room).

On asking whether the spirit energies would like leave, I requested that they say Bye or Goodbye on the spirit box, we all then heard “Good” “Bye” as two separate words, spoken in a female voice.

This ghost hunt was one of the most interesting we have had at this location as the activity seemed to be non-stop and every guest (some more than others) felt real paranormal activity or heard something that they could not explain. The sensations felt in the Women’s Tower were the same for both groups and everyone felt the same sensations and physical movements. Certainly one ghost hunt that we will remember for a long time.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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Bicknor Woods ghost hunt – 19-7-2013

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Bicknor Woods ghost hunt 19th July 2013
Bicknor, Kent

This was an excellent night to be ghost hunting, quite warm at 15 degrees Celsius no real wind and a low moon with few animal sounds as well.

After making our way across the fields and into the woods I stopped at a familiar point as I could sense that spirit energies would engage with us. After handing out some of our electronic ghost hunting equipment and explaining its use one male spirit energy approached us. His name was Percy, actually it was Percival but he didn’t mind us calling him Percy. He was a local farmer and was quite short and stocky and in his mid-20s and from the early 1900s. He wasn’t too keen on answering questions about himself but when asked if he could make a noise or touch someone, he said he would, however no one really felt any great movements nor did we hear any sounds at the time. However several minutes later and whilst we were communicating with another spirit we all heard some footfall sounds coming from deeper into the woods. The other spirit that we were communicating with was a lady, who looked like she was out for a summer afternoon walk, as she carried a parasol. Also present was a young child who Kym (GHE team) thought was 7 years old, although when asked she said no to seven, however I had heard her answer and asked was she 7 and half years old, to which she replied yes. Kym also thought he name was Isabelle and she confirmed this on our electronic communication device. She was out picking flowers, mainly primroses although when I asked could we smell the flowers she didn’t answer. I would describe her as looking like the archetypal Annie with blondish curly hair and wearing a blue summer dress.

Jamie (guest) walked back along the path with Marc (GHE team) and another guest because they could hear a grunting or growling noise and went to investigate. When they came back Marc told me that Jamie at one point felt her right leg froze and she nearly fell over, when she returned Jamie looked somewhat out of it and her face seemed to be glazed over, like someone who had drunk a lot of alcohol.

I also set up the laser grid and for once brought a small tripod with me so that I didn’t have to hold it, nothing paranormal was seen in the grid although many questions and answers were conducted whilst this was on plus many noises were heard, none of these noises sounded like animals.

From here we moved on to what I call the hanging tree, it isn’t, but it looks like one as the bows of the tree are perfect for hanging a rope. The reason why I came here is because in the past various people have felt some unusual feelings near to this tree. After a while Louise (guest) felt a searing pain in her stomach and as I asked that the spirit step back Marc took several guests deeper into the woods. More or less after they were out of earshot the KII meters lit up, this was the first time all night that they have lit up with such ferocity. Asking the spirit to scroll through the lights did result in the pattern changing although not what we had asked. The spirit responsible was called David who was repeatedly punched and stabbed in the stomach somewhere within these woods and left to die. He wasn’t sure of the year that this took place, although I would have said it was approximately in the 1700s just by what he was wearing. A soon as the other guests returned to us they too felt sick and nauseous.

I decided that it would be better to move back out onto the pathway to hold a séance since the path was flat. However before this we tried using our Ovilus’ as an experiment although some of the word spoken didn’t make any sense, many of the words were Latin, which was confirmed via our communication devices as being attributed to a priest who was standing amongst us.

After hearing many words that made little sense to us I started a séance and ask that the spirit energies move us in some way. The only people who were really affected were the two people standing either side of me and each had their hands moved and when asked by them the spirit were able to follow their commands (each command was asked in their heads). Some of the positions however were very uncomfortable for me as spirit were able to follow their commands quite quickly. When I asked for the spirit energies to push or pull people, they did but they only picked one or two people to move.

At the end of this session I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment and each guest asked a question, followed by 10 seconds of silence.

The results of this can be heard at

As we were making our way out of the woods, lots of footfall sounds were heard behind us similar to the sound of someone following us however nothing was seen.

Once again a very enjoyable ghost hunt with lots of different paranormal experiences for the guests, some were typical of this location and some were a first for here.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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Fort Borstal private ghost hunt – 13-7-2013

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Fort Borstal private ghost hunt 13th July 2013
Rochester, Kent

Due to this being a private ghost hunt we do things a little differently and allow the guests to have a lot more free time or time not set aside for fixed activities. We have found this usually makes the spirit energies more likely to engage with us and thus everyone gets a better ghost hunt.

After splitting the relatively small group down into two small groups, each group headed off, I took the first group to the Officers’ Mess and picked one of the many active rooms.

Within a few minutes two spirit energies came into the room; a female nurse from Second World War era called Margaret, who was about 25 years old, and about 5’8” in height and an unknown male energy who just looked at people and then promptly left. Although this male energy did continuously pop in and out and every time he did, some people in the room felt his presence.

Various KII (EMF – Electro-Magnetic Field) spikes were seen on the meters and there were also various communication answered on our electronic equipment.

I then asked a few guests to hold out their hands so that they could feel Margaret’s energy and several guests reported feeling the same sensations; a static electricity that started in their fingers and slowly travelled up their arms until it reached their elbow and a warm sensation.

After this I started a séance to try to get the spirit energies to come and touch various people. Within a few minutes Margaret was able to lift some peoples arms, starting with me, but it was easier for me to move around the circle so that everyone could feel what it felt like. Many of the hand movements were on command. I then asked the spirit to push or sway people and whilst the activity was slow, many guests did feel themselves losing their balance, which is a common occurrence when spirit try to move people.

Several times Carl (GHE team) whistled and asked for a response, however we heard a whistle response, but Carl didn’t.

At the end of this session we allowed the guests to roam about with our equipment.

The second group to this area, we started in the same room as the first and within a matter of minutes, Margaret came through and once again guests were able to ask questions and get intelligent answers. This time there was also another male spirit who I have come across before, but since I don’t usually spend time in this area during the public ghost hunts it has been a while since I talked to this spirit energy. His name was Sergeant Andrews and whilst we would call him a strict person, he did not think like that.

During the séance part of the night, arm movement was much better than the first group and always happened on command and this time the spirit energies were able to move different people within the group, without me having to move. Several guests had parts of their bodies stroked (chests and arms) and many had slow but defined punches, some guests were twisted and bent backwards.

One particular guest who was unusually quiet looked according to Carl (GHE Camera) slightly rigid almost as if he was fixed to the spot where he stood. As the arm movement progressed various people were also swayed and pushed and then suddenly the whole group was pulled in one direction. I was expecting us to stop when we got to the wall, but the spirit then carried on pulling us until we were forced to leave the room (still holding hands), along the corridor and into the adjoining room and pushed against the wall. It was a very strange experience. All the while the guest that felt the urge to move said he felt fine, but the tone of his voice did not suggest to the rest of us that he was, he seemed to take on the strictness of the spirit who were present, which by this time also included a Welshman who did not want to tell me his name. However once we were in this room I could see an outline of a spirit (as could a guest) but no detail, as we both started to describe him, we were both forced to the floor so that we could not see him anymore. After we were allowed to stand up the energy faded away and therefore I ended the séance as the spirit had obviously completed what they set out to do, however strange and odd it seemed to us.

The third session we all ventured into the Counterscarp Galleries as the staircase is not something you would walk frequently especially since this particular evening was a very warm one, although in the tunnels it is always cold.

One group of guests stayed with me, the other went off with Marc (GHE team) and tried some EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiments. The guests wanted to do another séance so I asked that the spirit join us, almost immediately Captain Daniel Bedford joined us (he is a frequent spirit energy in these tunnels) and started to move peoples arms, twisting them with other and generally moving as many people as he could, which turned out to be everyone accept one person. Various signs were “drawn” on people from a typical iconic smiley face symbol and various circles although at one point several male guests had their chins pushed upwards, similar to how an officer in the army would stand (chin up). There were also some strange punching sensations (which is a frequent occurrence with this spirit) and tapping and touching of people’s heads.

Since the guest that didn’t get moved wanted to feel something we walked to the other end of the tunnel after everyone had left (just 3 remained) and I was able to convince the spirit to move this guest and affect him without anyone touching him. Gently the spirit lifted his left arm and manipulated his right arm and when I asked for the spirit to push him, he got pushed, slowly at first and then more forcefully. At the end of this session I asked the guest to ask the spirit a question and I also asked a question, this was recorded as part of my EVP experiment. You can hear the results at

All four of us then stood opposite each other but without holding hands and as I asked the spirit to push people, one at a time everyone started to feel a swaying motion, several times the guests had to take a step forwards or backwards to stop themselves falling over. During this we all heard some strange noises, the noises I heard sounded like heavy breathing just behind me, whilst other heard a drone sound.

After this guests spent the rest of the night venturing off on their own and spending time table tilting in the Caponier, which from what I witnessed was very impressive, the table moved violently and the guests were hardly touching it and in some guests each had just one finger on the table.

Once again a very active and interesting night and many guests felt or heard real paranormal activity.

Spiritualist Medium
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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – Paranormal Investigators – 6-7-2013

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 6th July 2013
Rochester, Kent

Paranormal Investiagtors Report (Jo & Marc)

Session 1: We began our first session with a short seance involving 6 people, myself included. Some firm arm movement was felt between some of the guests, and spirit was using our arms to “push” the male guests. After about 10 minutes we had built up some energy, the group began using the Ouija table to see if Spirit would communicate. From the outset the glass did not move, so we then asked spirit to move the table. The table began to move quite strongly, but seemed to be moving towards one guest in particular consistently. I asked Julie (the guest) to change places with another around the table to see if it would remain the same. The table continued to move towards Julie even in her new position. Marc and I both found this extremely interesting. Marc then suggested trying the Ouija again. This time the glass began to move immediately, and began by spelling out the name STRIVEN. Julie seemed quite moved by this, so we asked her if it meant something to her. It is the surname of a patient she cared for at work who had been moved to another facility and had been to rumoured to have passed away. The glass then spelt out PETER, which she confirmed as his christian name and also his age, 78. Neither Marc or myself were on the table. This concluded this session.

Session 2: This session we had a total of 7 in the group, including Marc and myself. We began again with a short seance, which again saw some arm movement and pushing of the male guests. The group then had a short table tipping session with the table moving between the men in the group, Simon and Jason. After a while we all moved to the tunnel area of the capponiere, where we all began to feel slightly uneasy, particularly the women. Whilst we were standing there, we heard a noise as if something was thrown, and went on to find 2 bullets on the ground which had not been there before. We asked for spirit to throw something else, which we heard in the other room but were unable to find the object. It sounded like a stone. A little while later Charlotte (guest) was standing in the corner of the tunnel and said she felt like she needed to move her arm up and point, as if in arm movement in a seance. We asked her to go with it, and sure enough her arm began to move and finger pointed out, trembling severely. She was pointing at Marc. Just out of curiosity, I asked spirit if they could move her legs as well and to take her to where he was standing. Marc and I were then astounded, she began to move very slowly and in a very unnatural like manor towards Marc. For want of a better description, it was almost like a Zombie walk! She was completely lucid the entire time, but when she reached the wall, Charlotte became extremely emotional, so we removed her from the room and ended the session. This footage can be seen at

Session 3: Again we had seven in the group total. As usual we started with a short seance and had very slight arm movement. We then went on to try ouija and table tipping, both unsuccessfully. The group moved to the tunnel, where we asked one of the female guests (Nickie), to stand in the same corner where Charlotte had been stood in the previous group. She began to feel very uneasy, and was not communicating with us clearly, so we removed her from the room as she requested. We moved back into the main room and asked spirit to throw something again. On demand a stone was thrown, and when found it was still warm as if it had come from outside, it was a very warm evening (approximately 24 degrees Celsius), and freezing in the capponiere (approximately 12-14 degrees Celsius). Another object was thrown, which we unable to find. This concluded this session.

All in all, we feel there was a very angry male presence that really did not like female visitors!     Additional information:   The Ovilus III was used on all vigils with varying degrees of “intelligence” in response to some of the questions we were posing. Planchette contact was sought but to no avail. Additionally, a trigger object, a brass miniature dinner gong, was positioned in the room and spirit was requested to force the disc to move. Regrettably nothing materialised in this experiment. Numerous full spectrum photographs were taken the results of which still need to be reviewed by our experts. High pitched “noises” resembling screaming or perhaps whistling were noted during the evening and remain unexplained. Several instances of “footsteps” were also apparent though this remains inconclusive. Marc heard several low, monotone groans within the capponniere during the evening which remain unidentified and unexplained.

The breakout sessions, towards the end of the evening, proved interesting but with nothing major or tangible to report. Initial, and very brief, review of the various EVP samples has proved interesting and the data can be further analysed and considered during the forthcoming tech night when the team are all present. Female voices are evident on the EVP data which is a surprising development as I do not recall experiencing similar contact or activity such as this before at this venue?

Conclusion: an excellent night overall with some astounding and newly encountered phenomena, least of all the apparent “possession” of the young lady in the first vigil group. Kurt, the ever present “contact” made an appearance (not literally I might add) during the several and various Ouija sessions and on this occasion, portrayed himself as a very low level contact exhibiting no aggression as in previous engagements.

Jo and Marc
Paranormal Investigators
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 6-7-2013

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 6th July 2013
Rochester, Kent

Fort Borstal is always an interesting ghost hunt for us as something that has never happened before usually happens to the guests however no one could have predicted what happened on this particular evening. As a team with a combined experience of over 100 years none of us have ever seen or witnessed anything that even comes close to what one particular guest experienced in the Caponier, however that will be covered in the second report by the paranormal investigators. However that doesn’t mean nothing of interest happened to the people with me on the contrary I too had a very unusual experience in the Counterscarp galleries…

The first group to the Counterscarp galleries we formed a séance circle in one of my favourite parts, it is actually the furthest room, not particularly big but usually the séance held here have a common theme, which I am very aware of and hence why I bring people to this area every time.

We were joined by a familiar spirit energy to this area; Captain Daniel Bedford who is a strict man however he also likes to make guests aware of his presence and he started by moving various peoples arms, sometimes on command other times of his own free will. He was also able to physically push some people. Using some people arms and hands he was able to rub the chins of some of the male guests, this is a common occurrence. He also tapped one particular guest three times on his head, very similar to the phrase “is anybody home”. Daniel was also able to slow punch two of the guests under the chin, as if to tell them to stand up straight. I and another guest were also pulled down so that our hands were touching the floor and our hands were dragged on the floor. Many guests heard the sound of “chatter” as well as breathing and whispering sounds, this is anomalous because the dry moat ground level outside the counterscarp galleries is about 15 feet below where we were stood inside and there are no animals wild or domestic in the moat. Several guests also saw something pass the windows since it was still light outside and other guests saw lights at the other end of the tunnel, no explanation could be established for either occurrence.

At the end of this séance I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. Unfortunately there was quite a lot of noise from the guests shuffling which when the files were analysed by our experts drowned out any spirit response because the echo in these tunnels is a lot longer than in a normal room. However the only good EVP can be heard at:-

The second group to the Counterscarp galleries I formed a séance circle in exactly the same room, hopeful that the same spirit energy would be present for the guests to experience his energy. Unfortunately he wasn’t but there was another male spirit called Bernard or Biffa to his friends present. He was from a time when the Fort was being built, about 1880, as he was a prisoner. Once I asked Biffa to move the guests in some way, lots of people arms were simultaneously moved and everyone felt a physical force push them down towards the floor. One particular guest (Chris) was pushed down with such a reasonable force that he couldn’t get up and whilst he thought it was safer to stay on the floor the spirit had other ideas. Biffa then managed to push and pull us all across the floor until Chris was pushed against a wall. I have no idea how we managed to be moved in this way and I have never seen a spirit manage to do this to people before. Once we were all against the wall Biffa then decided to twist people and bend them into what looked like impossible positions, yet we all managed to stay linked and the séance ended with us rubbing Chris’ chin which looked like a thinking man’s pose.

Just as we were about to end the séance everyone heard the sound of a whistle request that I had made earlier, they were two very distinct repeats of a whistle that I asked spirit to repeat about 20 minutes earlier.

The third group to the Counterscarps were not eager for more spiritual movement as they were the group that had the amazing activity in the Caponier, however during the séance in exactly the same room both Biffa and Captain Daniel were present and they continued moving people’s arms and pushing them. Once again we all heard the now familiar “chatter” and whisper sounds, although we still have no idea where these noises could have come from. Some odd noises were also heard coming from the moat, one of these sounded like a man groaning or cursing, however having walked the whole of the dry moat (in daylight) I know that this is very unlikely that anyone would have been in the moat as it is more or less impossible to get out especially at night where the hazards cannot be seen.

Using a spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio band in reverse at 100ms) we heard the words “Ann” “Hi” and eventually “Go”. None of the questions asked had any intelligible answer.

Moving to the other end of the Counterscarp gallery there were two Second World War soldiers present, one was Welsh and the other from Lincolnshire, neither did very much to affect the guests although Jason felt a poke in his stomach.

This was an exceptionally active ghost hunt with all guests getting some truly exciting paranormal evidence that they could not explain but nevertheless enjoyed.

The video of what happened that amazed us can be seen at although the report from this group is published under the Paranormal Investigators section.

Spiritualist Medium
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Landguard Fort ghost hunt – 29-6-2013

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

Landguard Fort ghost hunt 29th June 2013
Felixstowe, Suffolk

After our last visit in March we were hoping for better weather as there is nothing worse than dealing with snow, fortunately this evening was very pleasant and warm.

My first session we started in the Caponier and whilst this was not as active as past sessions here communication via our electronic devices started well, as did high spikes of KII (EMF) energy seen on our meters.

Two Second World War spirit energies were just looking at us, without interacting. From here we moved into one of the magazine rooms with half of the group in the room and half in the corridor, everyone was quiet because we could hear talking and mumbling coming from the lighting passageways. We can be sure it wasn’t the other group since they were nowhere near us and two floors above us. Starting a séance in the magazine room the spirit energies joined us quickly and many guests had their arms moved at their request and sometimes against their wishes. Many guests (Louise & Aidan) were pushed, pulled backwards and swayed much to their amusement.

The two people either side of me felt a heavy weight on their arm, so much so that Aidan and myself were pulled by our arms down to the floor until our hands touched the floor. Many guests throughout this session felt tingling sensations in their hand and arms.

Carl (GHE team) who was with the remainder of the guests in the corridor were using an Ovilus (a device that enables us to hear spirit) and when they came closer to us in the magazine room we all heard “Steve”, however whether this was me or a guest called Steve we have no idea.

The second group I started in the magazine room as I wanted those guests to be physically moved by the spirit energies. Shortly after commencing the séance and asking the spirit to move us in any way possible several peoples arms were all moved at the same time as well as people being pushed and swayed. Some guests felt that they were on a boat as the swaying in some cases was very regular. Once again my arms felt heavy but this time I was not pulled down the floor thankfully. This time everyone was in the room but we still heard lots of noises in the corridor, several times we heard the sounds of people approaching us (footsteps) but no-one arrived and one particular noise was very loud that Carl went to investigate, he came back and informed us that he had seen no-one nor heard any noises. Whilst we were standing in the virtual darkness, the only light being the red one I was wearing many guests felt that something brushed past them, since I was the only person who could see everyone clearly some of the people were standing on their own and there was no physical person near them. There were however spirit energies in the room.

After we finished our controlled sessions we suggested to the guests that they venture off on their own to conduct their own vigils, as a team we would join the guests periodically.

I joined a group of guests in the Mine room, they were asking questions and recording as part of an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. There was a spirit in the room and he was called Keith Mitchell, roughly early 40s, mostly bald and quite a portly gentleman. He passed away building a mine as it exploded in front of him. Whilst in the room we all heard some odd noises and tapping. When the recording was played back there were noises in the recording that we didn’t hear at the time. Unfortunately we cannot find the recordings as we recorded about 100 hours of audio from the event, but during one of our weekly team technical sessions these recordings could not be found which is a great shame as we heard responses to the questions asked by guests.

However I have some recordings, but cannot remember where in the Fort I was at the time, although I believe this to be the Mine room.

I joined two guests at the Guard house, which is an area we often overlook because it is by the entrance to the fort. As soon as Aidan and I walked into the first room it felt oppressive and the KII meter that Aidan was holding lit up instantly. When we moved into the back room both of us commented that it felt similar to walking through treacle and then as we turned to talk to another guest the feelings and the KII activity disappeared.

I also joined Marc (GHE team) in the old ablution room (shower room) as he was attempting glass movement on a table with two guests, the strangest part was while everyone’s finger were on the glass to me the table looked to be moving as I was standing at the edge of the room. Those on the glass also said the same as they could feel the table moving below their fingers.

Some photos were taken at the end of this session and many of these had strange anomalies, not lights, but the walls looked to be reflecting light, however unlike a normal tiled bathroom there were no tiles in the room to reflect light.

Walking through the tunnels with two guests (Cheryl & Gemma) we came across the old boiler room and Cheryl took many pictures, however in one of her photos it looked like a fire in the boiler, this boiler was all rusty and had not been used for decades. Once in these tunnels we could hear many strange noises, footfalls and whispering, although we couldn’t be sure it wasn’t any other guest we didn’t come across anyone whilst walking in the tunnels.

Many guests during this free time had many strange and weird things happen to them especially those who ventured into the cells on the upper level.

All in all a very enjoyable and pleasant ghost hunt with all the guests getting some form of paranormal activity.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Oldbury Hill Fort ghost hunt – 28-6-2013

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Oldbury Hill Fort ghost hunt 28th June 2013
Sevenoaks, Kent

This location we don’t often investigate, because the walk to get to the site is a very hard and strenuous uphill climb that takes the best part of 20 mins. However it is usually worth the effort as this was one of the first places that we had success using our laser grids outdoors and all guests saw something they could not explain.

The first session I stopped at a crossroad called five ways and after handing out some of our electronic equipment and explaining its use, the communication devices started to pick up on spirit energies and electronic communication commenced. No KII (EMF) energy was detected at this time.

However lots of guests and me saw shadows and lights within the woods that could not be explained as well as hearing voices and whispers which sounded very close to us.

We were joined by a spirit energy called Michael who was in his early 20s and was interested in Millie (guest) and made his presence known to her. There was also a male teenager spirit energy around us who was with his sister called Jessica, although they did not interact with us, just watched. There was also an old gent in his 70s that seemed to be approaching us, but he never arrived.

Many guests took photos and most had some pictures of orbs and light anomalies.

We moved from here on to another cross road and I set up the laser grid. We didn’t see anything anomalous in the laser grid, although when we stood within the light many guests commented that it felt like someone was watching us from the edge of the wood.

Whilst standing within the lights I saw a male spirit energy called Christopher, aged in his late 30s or early 40s who seemed to be interested in us and I asked for him to touch the guests. After we held out our hands he was able to touch some people’s hands and the guests felt that someone was holding their hand, some also felt tingling sensations, heat and a physical touch. Christopher told me that he had committed suicide after his son died in the 1830s. Some guests felt the child energy.

Other guests that were not standing with the majority of us saw shadows of people moving within the woods and voices that seem to draw them further away from us.

While still on this path I decided to conduct a séance to try to get the spirit to move or touch those guests which hadn’t felt anything. After asking for spirit to move us in some way, our arms were moved gently as well as various forms of pulling sensations, sometimes across the group and sometimes downwards. Sue (guest) said that she could taste a metallic taste, this is usually what blood tastes like. Debbie (guest) also felt her rib cage being twisted, she wasn’t moving but she felt that her ribs were being twisted to the left.

This was an interesting ghost hunt and many gets had a physical paranormal experience as everyone either felt spirit energy touch them or move them in some way.

No EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiments were undertaken as the noise from cars on the main road could be clearly heard.

Spiritualist Medium
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Fort Horsted group two – 8-6-2013

Friday, July 19th, 2013


Carl & I were in the Hanging Room for tonight, and with our first group we passed around the Ghost Pro’s and KII’s for the guests to use, explaining how they all detect spirit.  We had activity on the Ghost Pro’s within a few minutes, initially we had a female spirit, then a male.  After a short while of guests asking the questions to spirit, we decided on holding a séance circle.  We had some swaying within the circle, and may have heard some whistles, but couldn’t establish where they came from.  We broke hands as no more activity, and all guests had the opportunity to explore with kit.  One guest whilst standing next to the area where someone was reputedly hanged, had some strong KII activity.  One of the guests whilst walking along a tunnel felt claustrophobic.  Another guest commented on seeing on the Ghost Adventures programme the spirit box being used, so for 10 minutes we used this, but no voices came through.

For our second group, again we had activity on the Ghost Pro and some KII lights.  We detected two male spirits, a British and French soldier.  We then tried the Ouija table and had some gentle glass movement, but no communication.  We asked spirit with the Ghost Pro if they were able to move the table, and encouraged by a yes we tried this.  The table started rocking gently, and a tap was heard under the table.  The guests then wanted to try the glass on the Ouija table again, and they had movement immediately with communication; Male – Bobby – age 82 – here in 1918.  The spirit also spelt one of the guests name “Adam” to his surprise.  The spirit then seemed to want to have fun, so the guests asked for shapes, circle, bigger circle, faster, and stop and change direction – and the spirit was able to move the glass to the guests request every time when asked.  The spirit also took the glass to the edge of the table to show where he was standing – which was to Adam’s right.  The glass continued moving around the table, twisting under the guest’s fingers, even when they all had the side of their fingers on the glass.  And whilst Carl was filming he had a stone thrown on his leg, by his left knee, looking down on the floor there were several stones, and one a little bit larger which could have been the one.

Taking our third group to the Hanging Room, we had very high KII activity as soon as we walked into the room.  On walking into the room almost everyone felt uneasy, sick, dizzy, headaches, tightness of chest with difficulty breathing, and a sickness in the chest.  Myself & Carl felt a very different atmosphere from before.  We had our new team member Jo with us this time, and as a medium she was able to say who she sensed was in the room with us.  It was a male spirit, called Malcolm, and was hanged in this room.  He was very sad, had lost his family, and took his own life.  We tried to communicate with him on the Ouija table but although had little movement on the glass, no specific words.  We tried some table movement, and the table rocked quite fast, not leaving the ground but fast enough to rotate the table slightly.  Asking if the spirit needed our help to pass over, he promptly left, Jo sensing he was punishing himself by staying here.  We all stood in the room for a little bit longer, and Jo was able to sense another spirit with us.  A man in a grey/blue uniform – Sergeant Rogers – tall with dark short hair, and very dark eyes, slightly evil looking, but not an evil person.  Had an air of authority about him.  He wore very shiny shoes, and was from 1914.  He didn’t particularly like Carl, said he didn’t respect him.  Perhaps he was the spirit that had pushed Carl in this room on previous times.  Feeling this was the case, Carl stood in the corner where Sergeant Rogers was standing, asking for him to move him again.  Whilst standing there Carl felt like someone was tugging at his belt, looking around each time, no-one was near him.

Again a great night at Fort Horsted.

Kym & Carl
Paranormal Investigators
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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 8-6-2013

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 8th June 2013
Chatham, Kent

As a team we always look forward to our ghost hunts at Fort Horsted, as many of us have had some very unique experiences as well as our guests. We were also hoping that some of the things that happened during out previous visit on 18th May would happen again. The full investigation team were also in attendance so we have some video footage of the nights’ activities.

I started in my favourite area of the fort, it is also the furthest walk through some of the spookiest tunnels.

We were joined by a female spirit energy who I have seen before at this fort, and a male spirit energy who I have not seen before. The female spirit was called Annie, a nurse. The male spirit called Christopher was aged in his mid-30s about 5’9” in height and quite chubby.

The session started with some communication via our electronic devices, although no discernible activity was seen on our KII (EMF) meters. After starting a séance to prove to the guests that the spirit were indeed with us, I asked for people arms to be moved, which seemed to take a while, but once it started the spirits were able to easily move peoples arms, which the guests found perplexing and slightly scary. The arms of the guests were moved on command and at various times pointed to different people as well as pulling some people down by their arms. Throughout this session lots of strange banging sounds were heard by everyone and many guests saw shadows in the door way and the corridor beyond. I also asked that people be swayed or pushed by the spirits and it didn’t take long before many people felt like they were on a boat and Adam (guest) got pulled backwards a lot. I finished the session early because another male energy came into the room and he wasn’t a nice person. The only information I could get out of him was his name; Tom.

After the séance I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment and although there were lots of possible ghost voices in the recordings, only two have been confirmed by our experts. You can hear these at:-

The Second group, I also brought to this same area and once again both Annie & Christopher were both present, the nasty male energy thankfully was not.

Once again after I asked for arm movement, the spirit obliged and very quickly started to move everyone that they could, however there was also some strangeness to this as many people had their chins rubbed by the hands of other guests, why I don’t really know. Also when asking for the spirit to push or pull people many guests felt the same sensations as the first. We all felt the pulling down sensation although it was not as strong as what happened to the first group.

The Third group that ventured here had much the same activity although Nick (guest) had more activity than anyone else as the spirit energies took a liking to him and pushed, pulled and swayed him throughout the session. We were also joined by a third spirit energy called David; a Second World War soldier in his late 20s.

Once again a very active and exciting ghost hunt with the guests getting lots of paranormal experiences.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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