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Posts Tagged ‘orbs’

Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt – 7-2-2014

Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt 7th February 2014
Pluckley, Kent

Pluckley Screaming woods is one of our most popular ghost hunts which is attested by the amount of time in advance people have to book, which at the time of writing is 4 months ahead of the event. Everyone came dressed for the weather, which as usual was rain, although the rain didn’t arrive in the woods until we were at least half way through the night.

After walking to the centre of the woods I handed out our usual ghost hunting equipment, which consisted of KII meters (with are proximity metres [to spirit]) and our Ghost Pro’s which are communicators through a series of flashing.

It took a while, but eventually spirit started to come forward, first a male spirit who had leather patches on his trousers, which I thought may have been a woodman, as it turned out he wasn’t. He was a pig farmer who kept pigs within the woods. Although he never actually gave me his name he was aged in his late 30s and came from the mid-1800s. He was quite happy to answer questions that John (guest) asked via our communication equipment. We were also joined by a female spirit who was aged in her late 20s, possibly early 30s and she also didn’t give me her name. She seemed shy and reluctant to answer questions. The KII meters never lit up at all, much to our disappointment.

The two spirits seem to be opposite each other and communicated with the people who were closest to them, so the pig farmer communicated with John and the female spirit communicated with Cheryl & Kerry (guests). David & Charlotte (guests) didn’t have a communication device but both kept seeing odd shadows and lights within the woods. Kerry and I also kept hearing mumbling and talking, which was like a conversation being carried on the wind, but at that time it wasn’t windy in fact quite still and I couldn’t work out or hear what the conversation was about although it seemed relentless.

Several people started to take photos and Kerry & Cheryl had strange anomalous photos with unusual light anomalies which I have never seen before here or in fact anywhere else.

Pluckley Woods light anomaly

Copyright Kerry Davidson 2014

John kept seeing a shadow walk between two trees and every time he saw something come towards us his communication device lit up. He asked (not out loud) whether the spirit kept pigs and then felt something brush past him, I too felt something on my foot and looked down but saw nothing.

I decided that the best way for the guests to feel the spirit energies and experience their energy first hand was to hold a séance. Neither of the spirits that we were communicating with earlier seemed to want to do anything but just as I was wondering whether anything at all would happen a very well dressed spirit called Alfred turned up, he looked like he could have been a mayor or a councillor because he was wearing a very smart suit, he was about 5’8” in height and aged in his late 50s and had a “handlebar” moustache. Alfred was able to move our arms and started with Charlotte and me, which progressed around the left hand side of the circle, leaving just Kerry. As I reassured her to relax and loosen her grip with me our hands started to slowly rise. I then asked Kerry to ask Alfred to move her hands in a particular direction, which Alfred slowly accomplished. Several times my arms were pulled downwards and both guests on either side of me could feel the weight and pressure, although I insisted that I did not want to touch the ground since it was very wet and muddy. Alfred moved my arms to within a whisker of the ground just to prove a point!

At various times whilst we were being moved, I and some of the guests heard footfalls and whispers plus the strange relentless talking, which wasn’t getting louder or quieter, if it were carried on any wind then I would have expected that.

When I asked Alfred to gently push people he moved around the circle and one by one everyone fell backwards, very gently, but enough to know that they were not just losing their balance and David was picked more than anyone else. Cheryl however was not moved at all but Alfred did try a few times but it didn’t work.

From here we moved on to another part of the woods where I switched on my spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio band in reverse at 100ms) and asked for any spirit to say our names. It took a long time but eventually a spirit came and said three of our names and when asking for how many people were present we all heard 10, but there wasn’t ten of us, just six. However we don’t know how many spirits were present as they didn’t answer that question. By this time the rain had started to fall, not terribly heavy but enough to know it was raining. We happened to be standing beside some trees that when the wind blew creaked and groaned like an old wooden door which added to the atmosphere! But every time that I asked for a noise this particular tree squeaked which became rather annoying.

Using the laser grid here as well didn’t produce anything interesting because the rain was interfering with the beam although communication continued and a few times the KII meter that David was holding lit up a lot, which surprised him, although the other KII held by Cheryl and Kerry didn’t.

Kerry and I could still hear this odd talking noise, although we both thought it was coming from different directions, I thought it was coming from deeper in the woods whereas Kerry thought it was coming from the edge of the woods, unfortunately none of the other people could hear this talking sound.

As we started to make our way out of the woods, past an area that people used to live in the woods as late as the early 1900s I could distinctly smell a wood fire, which given the amount of rain we have had recently was hard to believe especially on this particular night because of the level of the rainfall. No-one else could small a fire although John smelt what he described as an odd smell, but couldn’t describe what it smelt like.

Given the weather no EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experiments were undertaken because the only noise that would have been heard was the rain, which was a shame because we have had some excellent EVPs from our Pluckley events.

Given the weather this was an excellent ghost hunt with lots of noises and physical paranormal activity felt by the guests and one in which all those present thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt – 13-9-2013

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

The Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt 13th September 2013
Brighton, East Sussex

The first time that we came to this venue for a ghost hunt was so good we had to revisit it, just to see if the same sensations were experienced.

This time one group had both the male and female cell area to investigate through a one hour session and I took the lower washroom and un-renovated areas.

Starting in the library part of the building, although to call it a library is not right, more a dumping ground for all the things the Town Council don’t know what to do with. We came across a spirit energy who called himself Titan. He was about 5’ tall with grey hair on the back and sides and a small beard and in a way reminded me of a gnome.

Whilst we were in this area some odd noises were heard but little else, I was hoping for some movements like the last visit, but no-one felt anything. Moving back to the washroom and as soon as we entered the far end of the room where the toilets were situated a large male spirit energy came to join us. His name was Adrian and he was a muscular 6’5” policeman from about 1870s. You would not have messed with him! The person who was standing nearest to where Adrian stood felt cold shivers. Asking Adrian to make a noise didn’t unfortunately happen although when asking for him to move people, the only person to be moved was me, which slightly defeated the point of asking.

Many photos were taken and various light anomalies or orbs were photographed. Lots of communication occurred on our electronic equipment and some odd levels of KII (EMF) energy were detected.

The second group to the washroom felt uncomfortable in the library part and one particular guest felt that we should not be in this room as she felt extremely unwelcome. Another guest (who had chosen to wear a policeman’s uniform since visiting the male holding cells in the first session) felt odd and changing cold spots in certain parts of the room. The rest of us tried to find a breeze or at least feel it but none of us could feel what the guest felt.

Once again lots of electronic communication enabled the guests to get some answers to their questions and the strange levels of KII still existed but not in the same areas or rooms seen by the first group. The high levels of KII seen with the first group in the toilet and washroom area had now moved into the library area and the end of the store room.

After everyone had visited the cells and washrooms we all went upstairs to the council chamber room, as I hadn’t visited this room before and whilst we all felt some strange sensations within the room, the level of spirit activity was minimal. It was not due to the amount of spirits as there were two prominent spirits; one was a cleaner from the turn of the 20th Century and the other was a Security guard from 1980s called Derek Jacobs, who worked part time as a local builder.

But neither of these spirits seemed to want to interact with us and touch us. They did however make some noises but unfortunately the rain was louder in this room as the rain lashed on the windows making hearing anything other than the rain very difficult and always left us questioning whether it was spirit or the weather that was responsible for the noises.

We are looking forward to 2014 when we will return to see whether the first ghost hunt or the second ghost hunt activities can be repeated. Plus we will bring some of our hearing enhancement equipment to try to hear the strange noises that we have heard on both occasions.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Oldbury Hill Fort ghost hunt – 28-6-2013

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Oldbury Hill Fort ghost hunt 28th June 2013
Sevenoaks, Kent

This location we don’t often investigate, because the walk to get to the site is a very hard and strenuous uphill climb that takes the best part of 20 mins. However it is usually worth the effort as this was one of the first places that we had success using our laser grids outdoors and all guests saw something they could not explain.

The first session I stopped at a crossroad called five ways and after handing out some of our electronic equipment and explaining its use, the communication devices started to pick up on spirit energies and electronic communication commenced. No KII (EMF) energy was detected at this time.

However lots of guests and me saw shadows and lights within the woods that could not be explained as well as hearing voices and whispers which sounded very close to us.

We were joined by a spirit energy called Michael who was in his early 20s and was interested in Millie (guest) and made his presence known to her. There was also a male teenager spirit energy around us who was with his sister called Jessica, although they did not interact with us, just watched. There was also an old gent in his 70s that seemed to be approaching us, but he never arrived.

Many guests took photos and most had some pictures of orbs and light anomalies.

We moved from here on to another cross road and I set up the laser grid. We didn’t see anything anomalous in the laser grid, although when we stood within the light many guests commented that it felt like someone was watching us from the edge of the wood.

Whilst standing within the lights I saw a male spirit energy called Christopher, aged in his late 30s or early 40s who seemed to be interested in us and I asked for him to touch the guests. After we held out our hands he was able to touch some people’s hands and the guests felt that someone was holding their hand, some also felt tingling sensations, heat and a physical touch. Christopher told me that he had committed suicide after his son died in the 1830s. Some guests felt the child energy.

Other guests that were not standing with the majority of us saw shadows of people moving within the woods and voices that seem to draw them further away from us.

While still on this path I decided to conduct a séance to try to get the spirit to move or touch those guests which hadn’t felt anything. After asking for spirit to move us in some way, our arms were moved gently as well as various forms of pulling sensations, sometimes across the group and sometimes downwards. Sue (guest) said that she could taste a metallic taste, this is usually what blood tastes like. Debbie (guest) also felt her rib cage being twisted, she wasn’t moving but she felt that her ribs were being twisted to the left.

This was an interesting ghost hunt and many gets had a physical paranormal experience as everyone either felt spirit energy touch them or move them in some way.

No EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiments were undertaken as the noise from cars on the main road could be clearly heard.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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