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Posts Tagged ‘KII’

Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 16-11-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 16th November 2013

Area: Officers Mess

Equipment: KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

After handing out equipment and showing the guests how to use them, we had ghost pro activity immediately.  The pendulums and dowsing rods were also moving.  The guests all went off to explore and I followed Debbie (guest) into room 2.  Whilst standing in the dark Debbie suddenly felt uneasy and stepped towards me, she had thought I was to her left and felt unnerved when she realised I wasn’t.  I then saw a shadow in front of us, so we laid the KII on the floor in there asking spirit to light up the KII.  Although no lights on the KII, we were seeing lights around the KII.  Two female guests joined us, and again we were all seeing the same lights, and shadows.  Debbie felt a tug on her hair twice.  Two more guests joined us and stood where Debbie was, and they heard taps on the wall to their left.  We all moved nearer and were hearing them too, similar to the sound of plaster falling off the wall onto the floor, on checking we could see evidence of this on the floor.  We all moved to room 4 for the final few minutes, and all guests experienced ghost pro activity, and movement from the rods & pendulums, always moving to their request – to their surprise!

With my second group we stayed at the top of the corridor as all the rods & pendulums were moving a lot.  Jason joined us to film, and whilst standing in the corner a cable that was hanging down, moved over his right shoulder.  He was sure he hadn’t moved so he pushed the cable back and asked if it was spirit to do it again, whilst I filmed.  With a lot of encouragement from all, the cable started swinging, then moved over Jason’s shoulder again.  The pendulums & rods were spinning with force too.  As it all started to slow down everyone decided to explore the area with kit.  Guests were pleased to receive continued evidence of spirit presence by cold touches on their hands when asking, and rods pointing to where the male & female spirits were standing, of which the spirits were apparently related.

Between sessions team had the opportunity for some free time, and myself & Jo took the Ouija table down to the Officers Mess ready for the guests ‘free time’.  We stayed for a short while and tried some table tipping.  The spirit was able to move the table with a lot of rocking.  On leaving I asked spirit did they want the table in room 5 or room 4, asking in turn to give us a sign.  With no response we left the table in the corridor outside room 5.  When the group of guests headed down there I asked for them to check where the table was, only saying it was left in the corridor.  When they returned they asked where I left it, I confirmed in the corridor, they asked outside room 4, I said no – outside room 5, to our surprise the table was found outside room 4, not room 5 !  A ‘lock off’ camera may be need next time !

Again a fab night at Fort Borstal !

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Groundlings Theatre ghost hunt – 9-11-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Groundlings Theatre ghost hunt, Portsmouth 9th November 2013

Area: Main Theatre

Equipment: Ouija Table, Ghost Pro, KII, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

On entering the area with our first group we turned on the Ghost Pro’s & KII’s and explained how they work.  We then held a séance circle to bring the spirit energies forward.  Whilst in the circle Sue & the guest next to her, could feel cold on their hands, child height.  We then sat the guests around the table, fingers on glass asking spirit to step forward and communicate with us.  After a short while the glass started moving, very slowly.  We asked spirit to tell us their age – it went to 5.  Then moved to A and asked the ghost pro’s if 5A was his class – yes.  Jason (team) who was filming for us had the name Joseph in his head.  The ghost pro confirmed this was his name.  After not much more glass movement the guests used the dowsing rods and pendulums to communicate with Joseph.  John (guest) in particular was receiving a lot of response with the rods, with the spirit of Joseph saying that John reminded him of his father.  The guests then wanted to try some table tipping, and with hands on table could feel and hear taps on the table.  We were also hearing noises on the stage.  With very little time left on this session, Sue & I put our hands on the table too, and with a lot of encouragement from all of us, the table lifted once towards John.  With no more movement, and big thank you’s to Joseph for his huge effort, John wanted to try the pendulum, and was amazed by the huge circles the pendulum was moving, and when asking Joseph to stop and change direction, it did immediately.  It was also noted throughout the session team and guests, when standing in a particular area felt pain on the top of their head.  This was not felt on any more sessions.

With our second group, we had 7 guests so 3 and Sue tried the glass on the Ouija table, whilst I sat with the remaining 4 guests using pendulums and rods.  Whilst we were receiving lots of movement, with guests asking spirit to move the rods and pendulums in certain ways, including the pendulums vibrating unusually on request, Sue was communicating with a spirit called Dan age 8, he said he was born in 1478 and passed in 1486/1489, saying he went to school here, but on checking the school opened in 1748.  All the correct numbers but in the wrong order, but he was only 8!  He said he had 3 brothers (one called Alfred) & 2 sisters.  We then brought all the guests together on the table so everyone could experience the glass moving, but not wanting to break the connection the existing guests had.  The glass started moving slightly different and we had the spirit of Charles age 26 who was a teacher here.  The spirit seemed to respond to one guest, saying she reminded him of his mum.  The guests then wanted to see if Charles was able to move the table.  Lots of creaks/taps on and under the table were heard, then it lifted up one side.  The table then started sliding across the floor which was made easy for spirit as it was laminate flooring.  All the guests were able to ask where they wanted the table moved to, and to their surprise the table would slide there.  We then asked spirit to lift the table up on to one leg and rotate with everyone having to move fast to keep up.

This was now the end of the controlled sessions and the guests then explored the theatre with equipment with or without team.  I spent some time in the main area with guests, and was able to experience table movement again.  I then suggested the guests tried the writing planchette in a school room, and leaving them on their own, they were able to experience various letters/pictures being drawn.

A fantastic night – made even more brilliant by the enthusiasm of all the guests!

Kym McMillan & Sue Kyle
Paranormal Investigators
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 1-11-2013 (Jo)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 1st November 2013

On this event I spent the evening in room 36 and The Whistling Tunnel, using various different electronic devices, taking four groups separately. In all sessions we began with a short 5 minute circle to build energy in the room.

Group 1: Although we had some information given to us via the ghost pro ( a device in which yes/no question may be asked, and spirit can flash the light accordingly to answer, e.g. one flash for yes, two for no), this was by far a more audible session. As a group we all heard footsteps coming towards us and a strange dragging noise in the tunnel leading to the room, which could not be explained however hard we tried! There were also some strange dark shadows in the door way, which most of the group witnessed.

Group 2: This session was very similar to the previous one, much the same information on the ghost pro, a male spirit who had worked at the Fort during WW2, a very private man, not wanting to say to much about himself. Also the spirit of what seemed to be a lady cleaning, we all heard something that sounded like a woman humming a tune during this time.

As well as the ghost pro, we also used a device called Ovilus 3, which allows spirit to use their energy to create a word. Strangely enough spirit told us Dirty (relevant to the lady cleaning possibly?) Spirit also used the word Soldiers, on more than one occasion. After a while we moved from 36 around to the whistling tunnel, where the entire group again witnessed shadows and heard footsteps coming towards us. We also saw many flashing lights at either end of the tunnel.

Group 3: This was the quietest session of the night, although some flashes on the ghost pro and slight k2 activity, there was not really much to report.

Group 4: I had a group of young lads in my last session of the night, and I have to be honest, I thought the worst, that maybe they were a bunch of jokers. How wrong was I! They spotted a stack of plastic chairs in the room and wanted to sit down, so I suggested we sat around in a circle quietly and see what happens. Once we had made ourselves “comfortable” we began to ask out. I had a Mel meter (an all in one temperature Gauge, EMF and rem pod) on the side, about 6ft away form everybody. I asked spirit to walk toward the Mel meter and set the rem pod (lights up and alarms when the energy field is interrupted) off. This happened immediately, and then when asked for again a few minutes later, the same happened. Since I have owned this piece of equipment, it is the first time it had happened, so I was impressed!

Again we all heard footsteps in the tunnel, but this time, spirit did the amount of footsteps we asked for. During this time we had the Ovilus 3 on in the back ground. It said 6, followed immediately by 6 footsteps. Almost as if spirit was now telling us what he was going to do! Throughout the session, there were large temperature fluctuations, and whistles repeated when asked for. All in all, a very interesting hour!

Jo Titcombe
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 1-11-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 1st November 2013

Area: Area 10

Equipment: KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums, Ouija Table, Writing Planchette, Table Tipping

Tonight we split the guests into four small groups, with 4 x 45 minute controlled sessions, thus giving the guests an opportunity to explore the fort for one hour at the end.

With my first group we started with a short séance circle to build the energies for the night.  A guest to my left started feeling cold on one side of her face, she asked if that was spirit to move to the other side, the coldness moved to the back of her neck.  Another guest opposite felt a coldness on him.  We tried the Ouija table but no movement.  We were hearing noises in the corridor so we went to investigate, however whilst I was standing in the room filming the guests in the corridor I heard a stone hit on the ground to my left.  When looking there was a stone on the floor…  We then all tried using the dowsing rods and pendulums, and received lots of movement to our request.

My second group started with the Ouija board and the glass moved a little.  We tried some table tipping, had some slight movement, and two guests cold feel a coldness between them.  When using the dowsing rods and pendulums the guests were amazed by the movement, especially when asking spirit to move in a particular way and it did.  One guest when asking spirit to vibrate her pendulum she felt her shoulders and arms vibrate – unusual.

With my third group we started with the Ouija table and had some slight movement from the glass across the table.  Whilst doing this the table rocked so we took this as a sign to try table tipping.  I stopped filming and laid the camera on the table, and joined the guests.  The table started rocking gently and we could see the camera rocking too.  Then when it stopped we asked spirit to move the camera only, and to our surprise the camera started rocking but the table stayed still.  We then moved to the opposite room and used the pendulums and dowsing rods.  All guests received lots of movement, all at request, with spirit stopping and changing direction when asked.

For the last controlled session we started with the Ouija table again.  With all fingers on the glass, we had no glass movement however the table rocked once.  We did try some table tipping but had no movement.  Again we moved into the room opposite and used the rods and pendulums, with lots of movement, responding to the guests request each time.

With the free session I joined a group of guests in the Hanging Room who wanted to try table tipping there.  The table started creaking a lot, and some movement was felt.  Other guests joined us and they tried the Ouija table, and the glass started moving very gently.  We had a KII on the table and asked spirit to move the glass to the KII.  It started very slowly, but as another group of guests joined us the glass moved straight to the KII very quickly, as if the extra guests arriving gave the spirit the energy it needed.

Again a great night at Fort Horsted, until next time…

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 31-10-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 31st October 2013

Area: Bedrooms 9 & 10

Equipment: Ouija Table, Writing Planchette, Table Tipping, Ovilus III, KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

With my first group 5 of the guests were very spiritual, and 2 were first timers to ghost hunting.  Almost all wanted to try the Ouija table, and straight away spirits were with us, showing their presence on the ghost pro’s.  The glass started moving, although we received no definite words.  The spirit was able to move the glass around the table a lot and I asked the three experienced ghost hunters to remove the fingers off the glass to show the new guests it wasn’t them, and to their amazement the glass continued to move with just the two of them!  Spirit then seemed to want to communicate via the ovilus and ghost pro.  Various spirits came forward including a maid, young man, older gentleman and possibly one of the guests’ granddads.  In this room there is a small corridor joining to room 9 and guests took it in turns to stay in there for a short while.  Some felt cold breezes brush past them, and saw white & blue lights.  Those sitting on the bed felt it vibrate and move, including myself.  This has been felt before on previous events.

With my second group we had slight movement with the glass on the Ouija table, and also tried some table tipping and lots of vibrations and movements were felt, with lots of creaking and taps underneath the table. Kerry (guest) was using the pendulum and it moved continuously in circles.  We were able to communicate with spirit using the ghost pro throughout. Kerry & Matt then stood in the corridor for a short while but came out looking very scared saying they had heard footsteps in room 9 but when checking no-one was there!

With my third group we started with table tipping and felt slight vibrations.  Guests also took turns to stand in the corridor on their own.  We also tried the dowsing rods and pendulums and were surprised with the movement.  Pendulums were spinning/stopping and vibrating on request, and the rods were moving in a very unusual way; small rapid movements to the left continuously.

Fab night again at the Red Lion

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 26-10-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Fort Borstal, Rochester – 26th October 2013

Area: Officers Mess

Equipment: KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums

When I entered the area with the first group of guests, the last few people thought they heard footsteps behind them.  They did stay listening out and thought they heard them again.  Equipment handed out guests had an opportunity to explore.  With the dowsing rods guests were asking spirit to point where the spirit was standing, when asking the question “do you want us to leave” the rods pointed to the door.  One guest started feeling cold around the bottom of her legs, asking where spirit was standing the rods pointed to that guest.  The spirits that were with us were possibly Sgt Andrews that is often here, a soldier from WWI, and a female.  When one guest was pointing the rods she felt them being pulled away from her.

With my second group, kit was passed around and they went off to explore.  Again guests were able to interact with the spirits using the ghost pro’s and dowsing rods.  We had some KII activity at the end, but this was the only time all night.  When guests were using the pendulums, they were able to ask spirit to draw a large circle, then stop at their request.

With my third group we handed out equipment and all went off to explore except two female guests that stayed at the top of the corridor with pendulums.  We were very surprised by the high activity we had with the pendulums rotating, swaying, stopping and vibrating all at our request.  After about 20 minutes of this we all stopped abruptly when we heard a loud female scream down the corridor.  Rushing down we found one guest had had her hair touched, quite forcefully as if someone had run their hands up through her hair.  We all stayed in this room for a while as we were hearing noises but couldn’t be sure if they were coming from other guests.  We then started seeing flashes of green light around the room.  Reluctantly we had to leave as our time was up, but knew we all wanted to come back later in the free session.

With my fourth group we all stayed at the top of the corridor to see if we had the same pendulum activity as before, however little movement with the pendulums but a lot of movement with the dowsing rods.  We asked spirit to rotate/spin the rods around like a helicopter, and to our surprise one started rotating very quickly.  All guests had an opportunity to explore the area, but were keen to return to base for the free session.

With many guests wanting to return to the Officer’s Mess with a table to try glass work/table tipping, Sue (team), Jason (team) and myself returned there with initially four guests.  Immediately with just the guests on the table the glass started moving.  The movement increased rapidly and the guests were able to ask spirit to move the glass in many different ways ie. draw shapes, draw fast circles, stop and change direction immediately when guests (and team) said “now”.  The guests did try asking spirit some yes/no questions but the spirit seemed reluctant to communicate, seeming just wanting to impress.  We then removed the glass and the guests stayed on the table to try table tipping.  The table started rocking gently at first, and then much faster at their request.  We asked for the table to lift up one side, which to our surprise it did.  Then to all our amazement the table went up onto one leg and started rotating, resulting in the guests having to run around the table.  The guests were also able to ask the spirit to stop and change direction – which it did!  This was the first ghost hunt event for these guests (as with many of our guests tonight) and I’m sure it won’t be their last.  During this session Jason (team) left the area saying his chest was feeling tight, on checking he felt much better after leaving.  Some more guests joined us and wanted to try some glass work, and again the glass started moving, although not as rapid as before.  And again we tried table tipping, which the guests experienced some movement.  A great end to the night!

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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The Star Hotel ghost hunt – 25-10-2013 (Jo)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

The Star Hotel, Alfriston – 25th October 2013

Session 1: We began with a short séance circle to build some energy in the room, this was room 17. the K2 meters were laying on the bed and spirit was lighting these up on demand and in sequence, although only able to light to orange. We had 2 ghost pros in the room with us, one of which was behaving normally and responding to questions, the other was continuous rapid flashing. The battery was new that evening so this was unexplainable and continued to happen all night. When the ovilus was turned on we received many words including the name Jim and also Paranormal. When asked on the ghost pro if this was Spirits name, it confirmed that it was. We switched on the spirit box (SB7) and were immediately told to “get out” and “go away”. A few more words were spoken but not clear enough to understand.

Session 2: Again we were in Room 17, and began with a short circle. As before the K2 was very active on demand, but still only able to light to orange. we had 3 in use around the room, all responded at the same time. Whilst we were scattered around the room, we all saw a very large dark shadow in the doorway on the inside of the door, it remained for a few minutes and then disappeared. During this time, there was spikes of up to 1.8 on the Mel meter. When the SB7 (spirit box) was turned on we asked for Spirits name, to which we all heard Dawn in a female voice. I asked spirit for the name of someone in the room, to which she responded Jo. When we asked for a noise to be made in the room, we had the response of “trying” and “weak”.

We had no table movement and very slight glass movement.

Session 3: For this session I decided to go downstairs and investigate the “Library”. As usual a 5 minute circle was done to build energy, although I feel this may not have been necessary! The guests wanted to go straight into table tipping which immediately began to move very strongly and in whatever direction that was asked for. I came off of the table as soon as it was active, so that the guests could experience this for themselves. We continued with this for about 20 minutes and then moved to the Ouija board. The glass began to move almost straight away, and we received the name James, who claimed to be 89 years old and from the year 1689. James stayed with us for a while and told us that there were 7 spirits in the room, 2 of which meant to harm us. The next spirit to communicate was Tom, who said he was 64 and married with 5 children. He claimed to be form the year 1620. He also told us that there were 7 spirits in the room and 2 meant us harm. The third and final spirit to come forward was a man called Michael, who said he was a priest and was 54 years old. He told us he had a wife and was from the year 1884. he then said Goodbye, and this ended our session.

Jo Titcombe
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 19-10-2013 (Jo)

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Fort Horsted – 19th October 2013

Session 1: We began the session with a short 5 minute séance circle to build some energy. Spirit stepped forward and began to shove the men in the group using our arms. No physical activity happened to the women. Next we decided to try table tipping, and received a medium amount of movement, but during this there was knocking on the table when asked for. It seemed spirit found this easier than actually moving the table. Throughout the session, the KII meters were very active, we also heard moans and had consistent temperature drops.

Session 2: Again we began with a 5 minute circle to build the energy. Spirit was asked not to give physical activity during this time. This session was much more audible than the first, we received no movement on the table or with the glass, but continued to hear whistles on demand and footsteps below us in the tunnel and coming up the stairs. A few words were spoken on the Ovilus, but nothing that was relevant at the time.

Session 3: As usual, we started with a 5 minute circle, and some of the ladies in the group began to be moved quite violently, so we bought this to a close. We had very small rocking of the table, so decided to try the Ouija board. A female guest in the group had lost her son, Jake, and felt she was communicating with him via the board, so we continued this for the rest of the session.

Jo Titcombe
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 19-10-2013 (Sue)

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Fort Horsted Sat 19th October

1st Session – Group B

I was based in Room 10. Almost as soon as we had arrived the Ghost Pro devices were lighting up red to indicate that spirit was with us.  We all joined hands and begun a séance circle asking spirit to interact with us. A female guest said that her face had been touched and she had cold spots down one side. We began to ask questions and spirit was giving us their answers via the Ghost Pro flashing once for yes or twice for no. We established we had a gentleman, who had worked here. He is a real character. I asked the guests would they like to try the Ouija Board, which they all agreed they would like to try, so we moved into the room on the right. We put a glass in the centre of the Ouija board and asked the spirit gentleman if he could move the glass for us to indicate he would be willing to talk to us. The glass didn’t move at first so we all took in turns to say hello and introduce ourselves to him. Spirit was very reluctant to go to any letters on the board. So we asked Spirit to move the glass to the moon drawn on the board for yes, the star in the centre as a neutral position and away from the star for no. Once we established this he was quite happy to talk to us. He was under 30 yrs old, married with three children and was still looking for his wife, who he believes is still in this Fort. Something had happened to his throat as me and another female guest could feel pressure on our throat and had a strange taste in our mouth. Quite a few of the guests noticed rapid temperature changes and had the feeling they were being watched. Spirit moved the glass round in a circle and then drew a square and a zig-zag. The guests where so shocked as this was their first experience of glass work. The whole time this was happening the ghost pro device was flashing and responding to our questions as well. Also one of the guests was using the dowsing rods and getting the same yes or no responses as the ghost pro device.

2nd Session – Group C

As my first session had been so active on the board we decided to attempt the Ouija straight away. So after all introducing ourselves by saying hello spirit my name is…. The glass began to move again. The glass was moving to letters but they were very random and didn’t make sense. We heard what sounded like footsteps coming from the area next door so we decided to investigate. We formed a séance circle and I encouraged guests to call out but we didn’t hear any other noises. I said would any of the guests like to perform a lone vigil away from the others. Four of the men very bravely decided to stay together but go to another area. I put two of the male guests in one part of the tunnel with a laser grid. I explained they needed to keep calling out to spirit and ask the spirit to stand inside the grid and block out the lights of the laser. The other two male guests I moved further down the tunnel and gave them a ghost box pro device. I told them to ask questions that would have a yes or no answer and see what response they got from spirit. I returned to the remaining four female guests and we went back on the Ouija board. Straight away the glass begun moving, not answering any of our questions but spirit drew with the glass a circle, a square, a zig zag and a figure eight. This was filmed by Jason my team member, so hopefully we have some video footage to show you. Whilst spirit was moving the glass we asked could the spirit touch one of the male guests on the shoulder that I had placed in the tunnels. Once again the ghost pro devices we very active but we had no activity on the K2 meters. At the end of the vigil we checked with the male guests had anything happened to them. The guests with the laser said nothing had happened but the guests that had been further down the tunnel had had activity with the Ghost pro flashing yes and no to their questions. The best bit was James (Guest) had said something had touched him on the back of his neck. So Another great session.

3rd Session – Group A My last session was very different. The glass would not move at all, even thought it had been responding so well on the previous two vigils. The guests had such low energy levels that I even got them to sing a song to try and raise their energy. We formed a séance circle and I tried to encourage the guests to call out and ask spirit to interact with us. I always say the more energy and enthusiasm you have, the more spirit will respond but if you stand there and don’t say anything then spirit wont be willing to do anything for you in return. The only guest that had anything was Vicky. When we were all stood in séance, Vicky was using dowsing rods and asking questions. Vicky was stood just outside the circle. Suddenly she screamed and quickly joined the circle as she said had felt someone brush against her hair and ear and she had really jumped. The rest of the vigil was really quite with no activity on the Ghost Pro, K2 or the Glass.

Overall a great night. Some great activity on the ghost pro device. The glass moved and drew various shapes on command.  Two guests were touched. Also a pleasure for me to reassure people that the Ouija is safe when used correctly and with respect. I know a few of the guests were worried at first but left with a new understanding and respect for the Ouija Board. Fort Horsted is always an interesting location and one I enjoy as it is different every time I visit.

Sue Kyle
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Landguard Fort – 5-10-2013 (Sue)

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Languard Fort Saturday 5th October 2013 – Sue & Sean Report

1st Vigil Group B Sean and I were based in the Guard Room. We began by calling out to spirit to make themselves know to us and almost immediately the Ghost Pro meter began to light up. We encouraged the guests to ask questions to the spirit that was engaging with us and the guests were getting responses to their questions via the ghost box pro flashing either once for yes or twice for no. We attempted to get spirit to talk to us via the Ouija board but the glass moved only very slightly. I could sense the presence of a female spirit that had entered the room. I was overcome with extreme sadness and had the feeling she felt isolated and that she had felt betrayed by a man. She did make me feel very upset and emotional but this was the only time this lady interacted with me. We all heard what sounded like a pebble or something similar rolling off a shelf and hitting the floor behind us.

The strange thing is there was no shelf and we couldn’t find anything on the floor that could have made this noise, although it was heard by all the guests. We decided to move into the single prison cell that is at the far end of the guard room. We all held hands and formed a séance circle. Sean and I called out to Spirit and asked them to let us know if they were present. Almost immediately one of the guests began rocking and was being forced backwards, he said he could feel a heavy presence on his chest. My team member Sean and Misha (a guest) began to have their arms moved upwards and twisting. Several other guests but mainly the men, were having there arms moved. We noticed that Daniel (one of the guests) was being pushed backwards quite forcefully. His legs were rooted to the spot but he was bending back from the waist upwards. Daniels breathing changed, it became heavy and he seemed breathless. Sean and I asked if he was ok but we got no response from Daniel, he had gone into a trance like state and appeared to be starring straight through us. This is very unusual and does not normally happen. Sean placed his hands on Daniels back and very quickly he came out of the trance like state. He was ok but said he felt extremely hot. Daniel was not aware of what had just happened, he just remembered the feeling of being pulled backwards. I do stress that after a few minutes Daniel was completely fine and he continued to participate. Whilst we were in the cell, the ghost pro meter and K2 was continually lighting up.

2nd Vigil Group C We decided to start off our second vigil with a new group of guests in the Cell area. We formed a séance circle and almost immediately one of the guests Angie said she felt very light headed, faint and as if she was going to blackout. We placed Angie in the centre of the circle for protection and so she could sit down. Within a minute or two she said she felt better. We decided to leave this area and move into the main guard house area. We placed a table in the middle of the room with 2 x K2 and 2 x Ghost box pro’s and formed a séance circle around the table so all the guests could see the equipment. Myself and Angela (a guest) both said we felt sea sick and we felt as if we were rocking gently, as if we was on a boat. Angela said she felt a bit drunk and merry. When we asked spirit did he like a drink the K2 spiked. I asked the guests could any of them feel or sense anything happening. One of the guests Daniel who had been very quite said Yes something has pulled my trousers down, when I asked Daniel, how far have your trousers been pulled down he replied, right down to the bottom of his bum. With this everyone began laughing and we all said I wish this was on film. Once we all began laughing this seemed to raise the energy because all of the guests apart from two ladies began having their arms lifted in the air and twisted. Guests were having there arms pulled down and pushed into the floor. One gentleman said to Sean (my team member) it feels like they are trying to push my hand right through the floor. It was most amusing to watch as it was if they were playing a game of twister. I have never before witnessed so many people being touched, moved and pushed by spirit. It appeared as if the male spirit was trying to pull (a guest) Simon’s body round so he had his back to the rest of the circle. Simon, Gemma, Sean and several other guests were all pulled down to the ground. We were all laughing as we were so shocked by how physically we were being touched when Gemma said Simons hand had gone very limp. Simon had gone into a trance like state just like Daniel had in the 1st group. It took a few minutes but we brought Simon back round but when he went to stand he had lost the feeling in his legs and they felt like jelly.  Simon has no memory of what had happened but after a few minutes he was ok. This really is strange and something that I have only ever witnessed once before so to have this happen twice in one evening is extremely unusual.

3rd Vigil Group A Our last group experienced similar to the other two groups although they were not pulled to the ground but there arms were moved, lifted up into the air and twisted. When we were in the cell area several of the guests and Sean were pushed up against the wall and Spirit was pulling Sean and other guests around the room.  A guest said he could feel a cobweb on his face. There was no cobweb but when a spirit steps close it often feels although you have walked into a cobweb. The other strange thing that did not happen on the 1st or 2nd group was we noticed how dark the cell had become. This area should have been quite light as you have a window in the cell and also we had set up in the corner a camera that was recording and a torch was on the bed. However the cell was extremely dark. Through out the night we had activity on the ghost pro meters but the k2 only spiked occasionally.

Free time For the final hour the guests are allowed to investigate the fort by themselves. They can go anywhere they wish and use any of our equipment. They can investigate by themselves or grab a team member is they wish to. Simon, Gemma and few other guests asked if they could come with me. We headed for the room that had the baths in. This room made you feel uneasy and we did get some responses on the ghost pro but this is a small area and there was quite a few of us so we decided to move on. I then took the guests to the room that they store wood in. As soon as you walked into this room the atmosphere changed and the guests did not like the feeling of this room. We asked a few questions but within a few minutes the guests wanted to leave this area as they just didn’t feel comfortable. Simon, Gemma and I went back to the guard house. We began using the Ouija board and connected to the male spirit that had been so physical with the guests. The spirit was reluctant to use the letters on the board. We asked if he could spell his name for us but unfortunately he could not spell. So we communicated with him by asking questions and the spirit using the yes and no and the numbers on the Ouija board. The gentleman told us he was married and had two sons. One of his sons had died in infancy. The year the gentleman had died was 1847. He was a sailor and I sensed his death was an accident. So by asking several questions we established that his death had been caused by an explosion. He felt he was to blame for this.

Overall Sean and I have a very interesting night. I don’t think either of us has ever seen so many guests and Sean being pushed, pulled and twisted. The level of activity we have had has been amazing. This Fort is huge and has so many areas to investigate. I cannot wait to come back again and investigate other areas of this Fort.

Many thanks to all the guests

Sue Kyle & Sean McMillan
Paranormal Investigators
Ghost Hunt Events

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