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Posts Tagged ‘east sussex’

Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt – 01-02-2014

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

The Old Police Cells Museum 1st February 2014
Brighton, East Sussex

On the previous two occasions that we have visited the Old Police Cells the activity has been really great but sporadic with some people getting lots more activity than others and different rooms having different sensations.

However this evening that changed for the better, lots of activity was experienced by the guests in all areas, albeit some of the activity was exceptional.

I had chosen the sub-sub-basement for two reasons, firstly this was the most interesting area to me as it is quite a big space and there are quite a few “active” areas and secondly it was also the coolest area, the temperature down here was a pleasant 15 degrees Celsius. Upstairs it was closer to 25.

On previous occasions there have been two areas where guests have stood on their own and unusual things have happened to them, nothing sinister but also unexpected. I held all my sessions in this area.

The spirit that we present here remained throughout the whole evening with every group, one was a male spirit energy called Tommy in his late-30s who was about 5’10” in height. He also wore a “warehouse” style brown three-quarter length jacket and seemed to be from the early 1900s. He never actually told me the year but I assumed this based on the way he spoke and acted.

The second was a very well dressed man with a large stature, he never told me his name, as he seemed disinterested in telling me. He was about 6’ in height and of a portly build, and he had a full length bushy beard. Wearing a smart three piece black suit, he had the air of authority about him and at first I thought he was a councillor however it later transpired he was a council solicitor who wrote law reports and documents for the council. The area in which we were standing was where all the law report books were stored, some dating back to the early 1800s.

The first group to this area we started a séance circle and almost immediately after I asked for Tommy to move us in some way, Mark (guest) was pushed backwards against the shelving and he stated that he could not lift himself back upright. At around the same time both of my hands started to lift (which is nothing unusual, as spirit usually start with me) Jeanette (guest) however was not expecting this as she was holding my right hand. Kerry (GHE team) who was on my left wasn’t surprised and very quickly Tommy was able to move our arms into more uncomfortable positions!

As Tommy became more confident and more adept at moving us he progressed the activity around the circle with other guests having their hands moved or being gently swayed or rocked, some people were pushed backwards into more of the book shelves.

Whilst all this was happening several of us heard some odd noises, these ranged from footfall sounds to the sound of various things being clicked or dropped and one particularly loud noise which everyone heard, sounded like a pebble being rolled across the floor.

Several times the two people either side of me were dragged (by our arms) to the floor and my hands being dragged across the floor, fortunately there was (this time) a piece of paper on the floor which protected my knuckles from scraping across the floor.

Carl (GHE Team & Camera) was supposed to be filming this session but due to a problem with the camera it just didn’t want to work, so Carl was standing at the end of the shelving looked back towards us. Many time he heard the sound of something around him and every time this was due to the well-dressed solicitor spirit. On one occasion Carl felt a prod in the back of neck. This is something which has happened to other guests who have stood in this spot on previous investigations.

After we finished the séance I asked everyone to stand in between the book shelves as on previous occasions people have felt physical sensations. It is always much better in my opinion when people are not part of a séance circle to be touched or moved as the guests generally cannot find any logical reason for this.

Those guests who stood with their backs near to the wall facing out all felt the same sensation. This was the sensation of being pulled back which can be quite unnerving when standing in total darkness!

Whilst the guests were taking turns to stand in these areas noises kept being heard from the only entrance to this room. It was unfortunate that this wasn’t recorded but this is relatively normal, when good activity happens it is rare to have it filmed.

The second group to this area, we started the séance circle in much the same area, Tommy once again joined us very quickly as did the Solicitor spirit, although he stood closer this time. The two people standing either side of me (both called Emma) felt their arms being gently lifted which surprised them both a little as neither was expecting this to happen so quickly. This very quickly progressed around certain people in the circle and then Tommy started to rock, sway and push people which they were not expecting because all of sudden people would feel their balance go and then would fall into the person standing next to them.

Once again some of the guests were pushed backwards into the book shelves and Emma (the one on my right) was dragged by our arms to the floor again, however this time the sheet of paper wasn’t underneath my hand and my knuckles were dragged across the floor. This wasn’t painful to start with but became painful!

Tommy quickly tired of trying to move some people, however the Solicitor chap stepped in and started to move my arm in a purposeful method (Emma, on the right). I asked the guests to then use our arms as a pointer to ask simple yes and no questions. So a yes was pointing at one person, a no another person.

Several questions were asked by the guests and this is when it transpired that this spirit was a Solicitor, he also didn’t like his job as he found it boring. We also found out that he was a local man who in his day lived in the countryside (now this is part of Brighton) and that he was married and had two boys. Apparently he lived a happy life, but just didn’t enjoy his job.

After quickly looking through the wash room area so that the guests could read some of the macabre stories about the Museum and the murders and criminals who were imprisoned here we finished the session.

The third group, who have attended numerous ghost hunts with us and are collectively called “The Boo Club” I didn’t need to explain what we were about to do. However several people who will remain anonymous were very jumpy looking down to the entrance of the room, they kept saying that it “freaked them out” and none of them really wanted to stand with their backs to the doorway. Both spirits were still present and very quickly started to move and lift our arms, some of the positions were more painful than others and the spirit were able to move the majority of people. Rusty (guest & new member of the Boo Club) stood next to me because he wanted to experience the movements, the rest of the guests had no problem with this as they knew what was going to happen!

Very quickly the whole group were being manipulated and arms twisted and entangled with each other and people forced to move into extremely painful positions, at one point two guests (who usually stand together, Mark & Darren) who this time stood far away from each other each ended up on the floor, both of them were pushed down wards by their heads and both at one point but at different times had their heads touching the floor. Several times various people were pushed into others and at one point most of us were on the floor on top of someone else, this proved to be a lot of amusement for Carl (who was now successfully filming) and the two spirit energies.

In a rare moment when were we all standing upright, after being pulled one by one around the circle, we all heard a loud crash of paperwork, everyone in the room was suddenly very awake and alert and Carl was swearing. This was because a box file of paperwork which was on the top shelf above Carl suddenly fell or jumped from its position on the shelf and landed on the opposite side on the gangway (so really not a fall, as things don’t fall in arcs, unless pushed). Even though it happened in front of Carl it wasn’t recorded because the box file fell above the camera’s view point. Which is a great shame, but you can definitely hear the sound and the resulting swearing on the video!

After we finished getting up from the floor for the fifth or sixth time, I suggested that people stand at the end of the gangways to see if something would happen to them, like the first group. The majority of people who stood in a particular spot all got pushed or pulled, some quite violently, which did unnerve them.

After briefly spending time in the washroom part of this area, as there was a spirit in the wash rooms who didn’t like us and impolitely asked us to leave. He was a Policeman from the 1970s who seemed to have the belief that he was a Policeman “do as I say” not “what I do” personality.

After our controlled sessions finished all guests were allowed then to venture throughout the building and hold their own ghost hunt or participate in activities they enjoyed during our controlled sessions and as always we let them use our ghost hunting equipment.

This was a very enjoyable ghost hunt with the majority of the guests having some form of physical paranormal activity happen to them.

Short videos from this ghost hunt will be available on our YouTube channel – table tilting/spinning

A full edited event video on our TV website shortly.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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The Star Hotel ghost hunt – 25-10-2013 (Jo)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

The Star Hotel, Alfriston – 25th October 2013

Session 1: We began with a short séance circle to build some energy in the room, this was room 17. the K2 meters were laying on the bed and spirit was lighting these up on demand and in sequence, although only able to light to orange. We had 2 ghost pros in the room with us, one of which was behaving normally and responding to questions, the other was continuous rapid flashing. The battery was new that evening so this was unexplainable and continued to happen all night. When the ovilus was turned on we received many words including the name Jim and also Paranormal. When asked on the ghost pro if this was Spirits name, it confirmed that it was. We switched on the spirit box (SB7) and were immediately told to “get out” and “go away”. A few more words were spoken but not clear enough to understand.

Session 2: Again we were in Room 17, and began with a short circle. As before the K2 was very active on demand, but still only able to light to orange. we had 3 in use around the room, all responded at the same time. Whilst we were scattered around the room, we all saw a very large dark shadow in the doorway on the inside of the door, it remained for a few minutes and then disappeared. During this time, there was spikes of up to 1.8 on the Mel meter. When the SB7 (spirit box) was turned on we asked for Spirits name, to which we all heard Dawn in a female voice. I asked spirit for the name of someone in the room, to which she responded Jo. When we asked for a noise to be made in the room, we had the response of “trying” and “weak”.

We had no table movement and very slight glass movement.

Session 3: For this session I decided to go downstairs and investigate the “Library”. As usual a 5 minute circle was done to build energy, although I feel this may not have been necessary! The guests wanted to go straight into table tipping which immediately began to move very strongly and in whatever direction that was asked for. I came off of the table as soon as it was active, so that the guests could experience this for themselves. We continued with this for about 20 minutes and then moved to the Ouija board. The glass began to move almost straight away, and we received the name James, who claimed to be 89 years old and from the year 1689. James stayed with us for a while and told us that there were 7 spirits in the room, 2 of which meant to harm us. The next spirit to communicate was Tom, who said he was 64 and married with 5 children. He claimed to be form the year 1620. He also told us that there were 7 spirits in the room and 2 meant us harm. The third and final spirit to come forward was a man called Michael, who said he was a priest and was 54 years old. He told us he had a wife and was from the year 1884. he then said Goodbye, and this ended our session.

Jo Titcombe
Paranormal Investigator
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The Star Hotel ghost hunt – 25-10-2013 (Kym)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

The Star Hotel, Alfriston – 25th October 2013

I was in the main room with the Ouija table, trying glass movement/Ouija/writing planchette and table tipping.  I started with my first group using the Ghost Pro & KII, however as they seemed to be lighting up very erratically we choose not to use them (later when chatting to other team members they all experienced the same).  With no immediate movement with the glass on Ouija table we did a séance circle to build the energies.  I started to feel a heavy weight on my right shoulder, I asked spirit to do this to others and immediately it left me and moved to a guest.  Others were swaying and one guest felt a cold breeze behind her (no windows open).  We then tried the writing planchette and to our surprise it started moving.  I went elsewhere in the room and drew a circle with a line through it, asked spirit to copy this with the guests and it did.  When asking spirit to copy another picture, it seemed to want to play and do his own thing.   We asked spirit to take the planchette to the edge of table to show where he was standing, and when it did guests could feel cold between them.  The planchette then started lifting on one corner, and when the guests looked the side that lifted up was where most of their fingers were.  Asked spirit to lift it higher which it did.  We then asked spirit to draw the number of how many human females were in the room – it drew 4 – correct.  Asked spirit to draw the number of human men in the room – it drew 3 – correct.  The planchette started moving in rapid circles, and when guests took it in turns to ask spirit to change direction, the planchette would stop and change direction every time.

With my second group we tried the writing planchette and had slight movement.  We tried table tipping and again very slight movement.  We then tried glass work and it started moving very gently, we felt possibly a female or young girl.  We tried asking her name and age but just got the letter A and 5, 6 or 7.  I had been thinking of the name Annabel, Julie (guest) had been thinking of the name Alice.  Then the energy seemed to change and the glass started moving faster around the table.  We received no definitive words but the spirit was willing to move in rapid circles and stop and change direction when anyone asked.

With my third group as we had no movement on the writing planchette and glass, we held a séance circle to build some energies again.  The guest to my left started swaying, then I did too and we seemed to be swaying at the same time in sync.  Then she started feeling a heavy weight on her right shoulder.  Her hand was being pulled to the floor.  This continued until her hand touched the floor, and however hard she tried, she was unable to pull her hand off the floor.  We asked spirit to move us back up, and after much asking we were standing upright again.  Then we started feeling the pull down again, we fought against this, which we found extremely difficult, and eventually spirit seemed to give up and move away.

At this point Steve and his group joined us as the free session had now started.  We all stayed in this room and tried the writing planchette again.  Steve could see the spirit of Jeremiah with us, wanting to draw for us.  The spirit was able to draw for us a balloon with string, and a triangle, which Steve had asked for.

Kym McMillan
Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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Rye Castle (Ypres Tower) ghost hunt – 28-9-2013

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Rye Castle private ghost hunt 28th September 2013
Rye, East Sussex

We as a team were heading back to Rye with a sense of uneasiness because the first event that we held here this year was an action packed amazing experience for everyone who was present, then we returned a month after that and whilst the level of activity was still interesting it was nothing like the first event. So we were a little cautious in getting our hopes up. However since this was a private event, the majority of the people have been on a ghost hunt before we didn’t have to show the guests what to do, they knew. This however didn’t prepare anyone for what happened.

Whilst half of the guests headed into the Women’s Tower with Carl, I stayed in the Keep with the other half.

During my explanation of the room, as there are two cells in two corners and a balcony which overlooks the courtyard I was standing on the balcony explaining to the guests the metal prongs which stopped anyone from climbing the walls. I was using my torch to show some of the guests where they were and undoubtedly shone my torch into the women’s tower skylight. However Carl came out of the tower as they had seen a light above them (which was my torch) but they had also saw a light shine up the staircase, which could not have been me because the entrance to the staircase is 90 degrees from where I was standing.

Back inside the keep we were joined by a spirit called Tommy or Thomas, quite recently a spirit from 1988 aged in his 50s and quite broad shouldered and well built.

Whilst using KII (EMF meters) and our electronic communicator meters we all noticed a strange “ball” of energy in the room, it seemed to start about 2 feet off the floor and extend to about 7 feet above the floor and was approximately 8 feet in diameter that suddenly “arrived” at the same time as Tommy. It was also centred in the room right over some of the display cases, which although had an electrical supply, these were all turned off as I checked to make sure. There was no obvious explanation as to why this ball should be there as we have never had something like this happen before and as quickly as it arrived it disappeared. It was only after talking to Ted (the Museum guide) later in the evening that he suggested the tie ring. The tie ring was in the centre of the room and prisoners were tied to this ring when there was no room in a cell.

Tommy though was able to say several words on a spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio bands at 100ms in reverse) including “Tom” and answered some questions posed by the guests.

After a short break I demonstrated what I had done in the first group with regard to the torch as those in the Women’s Tower were a little confused how my torch managed to shine up the staircase and no matter what I pointed the torch towards the light never shone up the staircase, which sort of proves that it wasn’t me. Although no-one had any idea what they saw the first time as my torch looked completely different apparently and according to those who saw it my torch wasn’t that bright either.

The second group to the Keep we still had Thomas present and once I started a séance circle he was able to move people’s arms very easily. He also pulled Darren (guest) downwards and backwards so that he was resting on the table behind him in an awkward manner. Tom also pulled Mark, Darren, Esther and me to the floor by our arms, then without any warning pulled Jo down as well. Once we were on the floor we were all still being moved and twisted although Darren remained in an awkward position much to his delight [sic].

Eventually we were allowed to stand back upright and more or less as soon as we got to our feet, Esther and Jo were both moved in a swaying circular motion. Others of the group had our heads pushed down by other people’s hands and arms and Darren had his head and ear “stroked”. My hands were pulled in opposite directions which was quite painful and also pulled behind other people’s backs. Whilst this was amusing for us it was also fun for the spirit energy as he smiled throughout the session obviously enjoying what he could do with us.

After another break I headed with a group to the Women’s Tower as I wanted to see if the same sensations and noises that I had heard on previous ghost hunts happened again.

On the top floor everyone felt the same swaying and pushing sensation. No matter where anyone stood, everyone felt the same sensation and that was being pushed or pulled towards the corner of the room by the only window. This is exactly what happened when we first visited earlier in the year, which was just after the tower had undergone some building work. Whilst we were here we all heard a familiar noise, footsteps. However like the previous time I visited this tower the footsteps sounded like someone walking on a wooden floor and since the tower is detached from anything else this sound still remains a mystery.

Darren felt a female energy at the bottom of the stairs was too afraid to enter the building, so we went downstairs to see if this would make any difference.

Since we were all in the small downstairs room no-one was expecting to hear the sound of a person walking on gravel (which is what is in the garden, the previous exercise yard) but that is exactly what we heard, someone approaching, but no-one did. Then we all heard a stone thrown into the Women’s Tower which landed a few steps in. We checked but no-one was outside nor on the balcony to the keep. Immediately after the stone being thrown we all heard the sound of water being poured from a jug as we heard a “glug glug” sound plus several bangs. Darren and Mark went to investigate upstairs as they thought that the noise came from upstairs, however they didn’t stay long because they kept hearing footsteps and other noises that we didn’t hear nor make because we were standing still.

As soon as they came back down to join the rest of us both Carl & Ted thought they heard the footsteps on gravel sound. Although most of us thought it sounded like it was raining, however when going outside it wasn’t raining or windy.

Back in the keep once again lots of KII spikes seen on our meters plus lots of electronic communication.

There was a soldier present in the room, but not a uniform that I have ever seen before. He was wearing a bright red jacket with a white belt (similar to a Boer war soldier) and a black fez style cap. It is the cap that puzzles me because it didn’t look like it belonged to the rest of the uniform.

We recorded a spirit box session and EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voices) but on analysis nothing tangible could be heard.

This was a great ghost hunt with lots of strange and paranormal occurrences for the guests and it also had a familiar feel for us, because we have investigated here five times previously and every time we have similar activity, not necessarily the same activity from the previous time but something that has occurred on a previous visit happens in a similar way or the experiences of the guests happens again. We cannot wait to investigate here again in 2014.

Psychic Medium
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Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt – 13-9-2013

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

The Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt 13th September 2013
Brighton, East Sussex

The first time that we came to this venue for a ghost hunt was so good we had to revisit it, just to see if the same sensations were experienced.

This time one group had both the male and female cell area to investigate through a one hour session and I took the lower washroom and un-renovated areas.

Starting in the library part of the building, although to call it a library is not right, more a dumping ground for all the things the Town Council don’t know what to do with. We came across a spirit energy who called himself Titan. He was about 5’ tall with grey hair on the back and sides and a small beard and in a way reminded me of a gnome.

Whilst we were in this area some odd noises were heard but little else, I was hoping for some movements like the last visit, but no-one felt anything. Moving back to the washroom and as soon as we entered the far end of the room where the toilets were situated a large male spirit energy came to join us. His name was Adrian and he was a muscular 6’5” policeman from about 1870s. You would not have messed with him! The person who was standing nearest to where Adrian stood felt cold shivers. Asking Adrian to make a noise didn’t unfortunately happen although when asking for him to move people, the only person to be moved was me, which slightly defeated the point of asking.

Many photos were taken and various light anomalies or orbs were photographed. Lots of communication occurred on our electronic equipment and some odd levels of KII (EMF) energy were detected.

The second group to the washroom felt uncomfortable in the library part and one particular guest felt that we should not be in this room as she felt extremely unwelcome. Another guest (who had chosen to wear a policeman’s uniform since visiting the male holding cells in the first session) felt odd and changing cold spots in certain parts of the room. The rest of us tried to find a breeze or at least feel it but none of us could feel what the guest felt.

Once again lots of electronic communication enabled the guests to get some answers to their questions and the strange levels of KII still existed but not in the same areas or rooms seen by the first group. The high levels of KII seen with the first group in the toilet and washroom area had now moved into the library area and the end of the store room.

After everyone had visited the cells and washrooms we all went upstairs to the council chamber room, as I hadn’t visited this room before and whilst we all felt some strange sensations within the room, the level of spirit activity was minimal. It was not due to the amount of spirits as there were two prominent spirits; one was a cleaner from the turn of the 20th Century and the other was a Security guard from 1980s called Derek Jacobs, who worked part time as a local builder.

But neither of these spirits seemed to want to interact with us and touch us. They did however make some noises but unfortunately the rain was louder in this room as the rain lashed on the windows making hearing anything other than the rain very difficult and always left us questioning whether it was spirit or the weather that was responsible for the noises.

We are looking forward to 2014 when we will return to see whether the first ghost hunt or the second ghost hunt activities can be repeated. Plus we will bring some of our hearing enhancement equipment to try to hear the strange noises that we have heard on both occasions.

Spiritualist Medium
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Rye Castle ghost hunt – 24-8-2013

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Rye Castle ghost hunt 24th August 2013
Rye, East Sussex

After the first ghost hunt at Rye Castle earlier in the year, we had high hopes for this ghost hunt, but unfortunately as we all know rarely are two ghost hunts at the same venue the same and activity that happened before may not happen again. This is exactly what happened at this ghost hunt. That’s not to say it wasn’t a good ghost hunt it was just different.

My first session in Keep some of the guests were feeling hot for no particular reason, the level of KII (EMF Electro Magnetic Field) shown on our meters was low and we had an Ovilus III which blurted out some fairly random words.

There was however a male spirit in the room with us. He was called Thomas and he was some kind of soldier, possibly French because he was wearing a French style cap similar to French Foreign Legion soldiers hats. Thomas was tall and slender in appearance and aged about 25 years old. As he walked around us many of us felt wobbly on our feet. As the session progressed this feeling seemed to affect everyone as we all ended up holding on to something to stop ourselves from wobbling. Those people in front of the main window felt more wobbly and unstable than those who were standing elsewhere.

During the séance Thomas was able to move some people’s arms but not everyone and those in front of one of the cells complained that they felt like someone was watching them. There is a mannequin in this cell, but there is no head on the mannequin which people sometimes fell quite weary of. It seems more scary because it has no head. Thomas was also able to push and pull some of the guests gently so that the guests found themselves rocking on their feet.

The second group to the keep also felt similar sensations to the first and they too found themselves holding on to objects to steady themselves. Thomas was still present and everyone ending up holding on to the table or resting on the table for support. Once again the Ovilus blurted out some random words none of which made much sense or seemed relevant.

Following on from our two sessions we decided to do something that we have never done in this venue before. Since there is a Women’s Tower; a building which was for the sole use of Woman and Children prisoners we decided to split the guests into a male & female group and spend time in the Woman’s Tower in these groups to see whether it would make any difference to the level of activity felt by the guests.

When it was the Men’s turn we all sat or crouched on the floor. Very quickly we all heard some odd noises, it sounded like someone walking on a wooden floor. Considering we were the only people in the building and no one was moving, the staircase is concrete as is the ground floor room and there are no buildings which adjoin it, this is a solitary building within the grounds and exercise yard.

I noticed two female spirits that were apprehensive to join us, they seemed to be waiting at the bottom of the stairs, one of the female spirits was called Marjorie and she was about 55 years old.

Then without any warning everyone in the room heard someone in high heels walk up a wooden staircase and the last footstep sounded like entering a room with a wooden floor. One of the guests who was sitting with his back to the wall said that it sounded like an impact sound from the adjoining property. When I showed him a photo of the tower and that there is no adjoining building he could not think of any explanation for what we had heard.

This was a strange ghost hunt because it always felt as if something were about to happen but never did. Even as we were outside before the ghost hunt started strange noises were heard coming from the garden (what used to be the exercise yard) by myself and some guests that arrived early. At the time I (and the Museum guide) had no answer as to what those noises could have been as there is nothing that moves or rattles within the garden.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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The Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt – 3-8-2013

Friday, September 6th, 2013

The Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt 3rd August 2013
Brighton, East Sussex

When choosing the date for this ghost hunt we didn’t check to see what was on in Brighton to see if it would impact us in any way. However as it turned out this was Brighton Pride weekend, which had we known beforehand we probably wouldn’t have booked it because of the likelihood of a lot of loud noise and music playing all night because The Old Police cells museum is situated at the Town Hall which is in the middle of Brighton, however it turned out that it didn’t make any difference as little of the noise could be heard in the basement of the Town Hall and the traffic wasn’t a problem either, in fact it was harder to get out of Brighton than to get in.

This event was also a little strange because normally our Locations team visit every venue before the event so that areas can be allocated to team members, but because the preceding two months were very hectic for our Locations team, no visit was made and thus the investigation team were going in blind not knowing the building nor where the interesting areas were. However being professionals we quickly toured the building on arrival and separated the areas for the investigation.

Carl (GHE team) chose the Female cells and I chose the Male cells to start our investigation.

Whilst I was unlocking all the cells I noticed that certain cells had very uneasy and oppressive feelings and it had nothing to do with the mannequins placed in the cells, some were quite unusual!

As I reached the last cell I noticed that a spirit energy called Gerald was standing at the other end of the corridor, he was a jailer and carried a bunch of keys which was similar to the keys that I was holding. Gerald was aged in his early 50s, quite a portly chap who uttered the words “be careful” as he swung his jailer keys. What he was talking about remains unknown.

Whilst the majority of the guests were standing at the same end of the corridor as me apart from one person who was in a cell we all heard a metal clanking sound which we all assumed was Bob (guest) as he was in the cell, however when we asked Bob what the noise was he said that he had not heard the sound let alone made it. On inspecting the cell where Bob was nothing in this cell could have been responsible for the noise that we heard.

After spending some time in each of the cells, the general consensus was that two cells everyone felt uncomfortable when inside on their own but when another person joined them the feeling dissipated.

After leaving an audio recorder in one of the cells, one in which many of us believed the door would rattle of its own accord we moved down the hall to the washroom area. On analysis of this audio file nothing interesting or unexplained was recorded and certainly no EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voices).

Whilst in the toilet end of this area strange feelings were felt by many people, mostly that of a threatening feeling but once again this was only felt when a small amount of people were in the room, as more people entered the feelings disappeared. This room wasn’t a small room and had nothing to do with being claustrophobic as the ceiling was about 12 feet high.

Some guests stayed in this area whilst other joined me in what I shall call the library as it was full of old books, some dating from the 1800s.

Andy (guest) saw a white light on his shirt and dismissed this as he thought it was from a smoke alarm, however later when the rest of the group joined us this happened again although no-one could find a source of the light.

There was a strange spirit in this area, his name was Silus who was aged in his 80s and told me he passed in 1908. However Silus seemed more than just a random spirit, he seemed very knowledgeable and was able to answer some truly difficult questions posed by the guests and he was able to show me an incident that happened to one of the guests many years ago that started this persons quest to find out more about ghosts/spirits. The guest confirmed to me that what I described was in fact what had happened to him.

Whilst Andy was standing in a particular area he felt a sharp pain in his neck, to me it looked like Silus had “stabbed” Andy with a screwdriver or a sharp implement shaped like a screwdriver. Silus also made Emily (guest) feel dizzy and she reported that her arms felt odd.

As another guest entered the room we all heard a cough, the guest didn’t hear a cough nor had he coughed himself, later when the same guest excited the room he too heard a couch coming from in front of him but there was no one in that room as we were all in the library. We didn’t hear that cough either.

The second group we started in the Male cells as before and I was keen to know if these guests felt the same about certain cells as the first group, which after much deliberation from the guests they all agreed one cell felt the same as what the first group felt. Although they didn’t feel that there was a second unpleasant cell.

Some of the guests wanted to dress up as police officers and had an amusing time doing so. As we were about to leave this area to go to the washroom area one guest thought she saw a person or the shadow of a person at the end of the cell block behind the gate. This is the same area that I first saw Gerald from the first group.

In the library area some of the guests happened to be standing where Andy from the first group stood and one by one everyone that stood in this area felt a touch on their head or the their neck even though they were expecting it we continued to talk about other things as to take their minds off the incident and then to their surprise when the guests were least expecting something they all felt a touch. Silus (the spirit from the first group) was responsible.

When asking for spirit to make a sound Karen (guest) heard a “Whoo” sound, which could have come from outside but the first group also heard exactly the same sound in exactly the same place but there was a good hour’s difference in time.

Back in the main washroom I held a séance and we were joined by a spirit energy called Simon, he was able to push and sway some people and move their arms on command. Some of the guests including me felt very warm during this séance, other on the other side of the circle opposite me felt very cold.

During the free time (where guests may hold their own ghost hunt or vigil with our equipment) a lot of us were in the washroom area and Carl (GHE Team) had the name Harry repeating in his head over and over. The spirit that was with us might have been called Harry, but I don’t know because he wouldn’t talk to me. This spirit was about 19 or 20 years old, quite skinny with blonde hair and freckles. Whilst I was describing him to the guests some saw a strange light, as did I but none of us could decide what we had actually seen, although the light came from the place where this spirit stood. This spirit didn’t do anything of a physical nature to any guest so we all moved off to different areas of the building.

This was a very enjoyable ghost hunt and one in which many of the guests had some form of paranormal activity happen to them, mostly physical that defied any rational or obvious explanation. This location we will be happy to return to as hopefully more activity will present itself as some of the areas that were available to us I didn’t visit and will look forward to that on our next visit.

See photos from the investigation at

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Rye Castle ghost hunt – 20-7-2013

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013

Rye Castle Ypres Tower ghost hunt 20th July 2013
Rye, East Sussex

This was the first ghost hunt that we held at Rye Castle since the building work has been completed. The location has always been one of our favourites since activity has often been strange and unexplainable but this ghost hunt was exceptionally active.

My group started on the first floor of the Keep and within a matter of minutes after everyone had settled down we were joined by a male spirit energy called Marquis de Rocforte, who was French and aged in his mid-50s wearing a purple jacket (three quarter length) with brass buttons, white shirt, white stockings and black shoes with buckles, he also wore a hat similar to an Admiral Bicorn Hat. He looked to be an important person. We have since found out that this uniform would have been worn in the Napoleonic era by “Payeur Général de la Garde”.

There were also two children aged about 10 years old playing noughts and crosses in one of the cells.

Levels of KII (EMF – Electro Magnetic Fields) were also very high with sporadic spikes.

One of the guests (Audrey) was French so she started to ask questions in French and I relayed his answers, after several questions Marquis de Rocforte tipped his hat in a very Royal fashion. Audrey noted that her arm felt as if it was being held and many of the guests also noted that she was standing in an awkward way. Audrey also felt as if something was being pressed into her hand, like a coin.

Many guests could smell cannabis and near to Audrey the smell of stale alcohol could be smelt by some. The more we talked about the spirit energy the more the KII meter showed high levels of EMF. Another guest Michelle felt a touch on her shoulder whilst she was standing in one of the cells.

I decided to finish the session with a séance to try to get some of the other guests to feel the spirit energies, however the only person who seemed to be affected in a painful way was me, as my arms were moved into some very painful positions, other guests were gently swayed and pushed.

The second session, we would normally swap groups so that all the guests spend time with all of the team, but because the first group to the Woman’s Tower had experienced something unusual we decided not to swap the groups to see if my group felt the same sensations as the first. That way both groups were going into a new location “blind”.

As soon as we entered the Woman’s Tower it had a strange oppressive feeling, we have visited this location several times before but this was the first time I have felt this heavy feeling. Within a matter of minutes everyone in the group was either swaying or rocking gently. It didn’t seem to matter where people stood the feelings were the same. This has never happened here before. Some of the guests who were standing in front of the window (with their backs to the window) were pulled backwards towards the window, those guests who had a wall behind them were pulled backwards into the wall. It was a very strange sensation as this is the area that had recently undergone building work and the floor was perfectly level. I was standing near the door and on more than one occasion I was pushed into the door.

Quite early on in the session we all heard a “Whooo” sound, which because of the way the place is orientated this noise could not have come from outside the Ypres Tower grounds, it had to come from within the courtyard and no-one was in the courtyard.

I was describing a female spirit energy to the group who had just “popped her head in” her name was Daisy, approximately 40 years old who had piercing eyes although the left hand side of her face was disfigured (either by a stroke or a scar). Whilst I was describing her Carl (GHE team) suddenly exclaimed he had just seen a face, below is his account of what he saw.

I started to feel very strange, all the hairs on my arms and neck started to stand up and I had goose bumps on my arms. Then something caught my eye and my attention was drawn to the door. This is when the following event happened;

The room was nearly in total darkness with only a little light coming in through the window from the moon. As I looked in the direction of the doorway a women appeared at the doorway and took three steps in to the room and looked straight at me for a moment and then stepped back out of the doorway out of view. I was taken a little by surprise and couldn’t really talk for a moment and I was trying to get Steve’s attention and when I finally did, I stuttered that I had just seen a women walk into the room. After a moment I started to calm down and explained in more detail what I had seen.

The woman was about 5ft6 to 5ft8 in height and had very wild looking white hair. She had very gaunt face and you could clearly see her cheek bones sticking out, she had dark eyes which were set back in to her face, her expression on her face was very strange which scared me a little. She was wearing a white smock which was very dirty. The sleeves were short and it came down to her knees, it was all ripped and in tatters. The women had nothing on her feet and her skin was pale and dirty, her nails on both her fingers and feet were dirty and long. When she moved she did not make any sound. No one heard anyone or anything come up or down the stairs, which are normal so noisy is anyone moves on them. It was like looking at someone in daylight and she was so clear and solid.

I was a little shaky after the experience and took me several hours to recover fully. But with this in mind I can’t wait to go back and investigate again.

Just after Carl had seen this, noises could be heard on the staircase and footfalls outside on the gravel to which I stated to the group that it was so loud it must be a person. It was. It was one of the members of the other group who asked that I come with them as they had an issue with one of the guests that needed my urgent attention.

As I arrived back at the main Tower one of the guests was being carried out of the building by two people, she was totally oblivious to what was happening and erratically shaking with spasms and fits. This particular guest had something similar happen to her before at this location and on that occasion had to be manhandled out of the Tower, this time she had to be carried out. The guest was being affected by a particularly nasty spirit energy who in the past would have easily murdered women with one hand by strangling them. I decided that we need to move this guest further away from the Tower as the spirit energy was able to use the Tower as a source of energy, further away he would not be able to. The spirit gave me his name as Terry the Terrible, which obviously wasn’t his name. The guest kept repeating the name Frank, even when asked who she came with, the only name she uttered was Frank. All the time she was still shaking violently, although not as bad as when I first arrived on the scene. During this I was administering what I would call emergency healing to push the nasty energy out of the guest, which was working, but as always it takes time. Within 10 minutes the guest was fully back to normal although very shaken and dazed, probably wondering why she was outside on the grass. The guest described the sensation of what it felt like, which in her own words were “like being pushed down inside”. This is typical although thankfully not common of what it feels like when a nasty spirit energy pushes our own energies aside. This is something that I have come across before but thankfully not too often.

After this all groups had a break before we embarked on our free session, this is when we let our guests use our equipment and venture throughout the venue to hold their own ghost hunt.

I went back to the Woman’s Tower as my session was cut short and I wanted to see if the same spirit energies would do something. On entering the upper floor the now usual swaying and tipsy feeling returned and with the people present I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. All four recordings had spirit voices in them, but when this was analysed by our experts none of the words spoken could be understood, this is unusual because we can usually identify at least one word, but on this occasion we have four recordings with words, but we cannot understand any of the words. During the EVP experiment Jamie (Guest) had trouble speaking and she sounded completely out of breath, Carl felt unwell (as usual here) and had to leave. Marc (GHE team) who was downstairs heard some random noises which he thought was us, but we weren’t moving or making any noise. When asking for the spirits to make a noise everyone heard mumbling but could not decide on which direction the noise came from and then we all heard something drop, on investigating this, I found a small stone on the middle of a step of the staircase, which I am fairly sure wasn’t there before as I’m sure someone would have noticed it. I joined Marc downstairs to hear some of the noises he was hearing and those noises were odd but neither of us couldn’t decide where or what we were hearing. Jamie (Guest) & Ted (Museum staff) quickly joined us as they said it was too freaky upstairs.

A little while later I went back to the Women’s Tower and joined three guests, who had a spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio frequencies in reverse at 100ms) and were trying to get spirit to say something. As soon as I entered the room everyone clearly heard “Steve” on the spirit box.

Asking various questions some of which were answered correctly, some were not (especially the number questions e.g. how many people in room).

On asking whether the spirit energies would like leave, I requested that they say Bye or Goodbye on the spirit box, we all then heard “Good” “Bye” as two separate words, spoken in a female voice.

This ghost hunt was one of the most interesting we have had at this location as the activity seemed to be non-stop and every guest (some more than others) felt real paranormal activity or heard something that they could not explain. The sensations felt in the Women’s Tower were the same for both groups and everyone felt the same sensations and physical movements. Certainly one ghost hunt that we will remember for a long time.

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Toys Hill and Weardale Manor ghost hunt – 26-4-2013

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Toys Hill and Weardale Manor ghost hunt 26th April 2013
Toys Hill, Kent

Toys Hill and Weardale Manor is a strange place, during the day it a favourite location for walkers as the place is very serene and wonderful views over East Sussex towards Reigate. At night the atmosphere changes and although not in a scary way, but the location seems to have a more watchful feeling. Many guests often feel that they are being watched especially when we are standing around in the area that used to be the Manor house.

This night was no different. Whilst standing in parts of the current landscape, which would have been indoors in the past many people felt uneasy, although our KII (EMF) Meters lit up as the spirit walked amongst us. Our communication devices also allowed the guests to talk to the spirit energies.

Richard (guest) felt strange tingling sensations in his neck, not around his neck, but he said that it felt as if something was manipulating his neck muscles, which he also said felt quite nice, as it was similar to a massage.

After a period of time, we moved away from the remains of the Manor house, as the spirit energy contact was getting less and more sporadic and walked into the woods.

We were joined by a spirit energy called Thomas who was 67 years old, mostly bald and of a thin build, 5’11” in height who was an engineer in life and wearing a blue and white striped shirt, and the sleeves were rolled up. Although he didn’t tell me the era that he was from, by his mannerisms and how he spoke I would have said that he was from the 20th Century.

I started to hold a séance circle, as in the past this has been very fruitful. Once again various people within the group started to feel their arms tingle. Richard also informed us that it felt as if something solid was holding his bicep, like a cane or a walking stick.

Emma (guest) had her arms moved by Thomas and she also felt dizzy and sick at times, this seemed to occur when her arms were moving.

Since Thomas didn’t seem to have enough energy to move some people, I moved around the circle to assist with the energy requirements. When I was standing beside Katie (guest) her arm with me moved suddenly that it surprised her, she was also questioning the movement, so I asked her boyfriend to ask which way her and my arms should move in his head. There is then no way that either Katie or myself are going to know what he asked in his head. Katie was then really surprised when our arms moved and in the direction that was asked for, twice!

After the séance some guests left as they had moaned since the start that it was cold, I asked them why they were not wearing the correct attire for the conditions (a warm coat for instance), given that we were standing on a hill at midnight in April, to which they answered that they didn’t think it would be this cold. It was about 7 degrees Celsius and with a keen northerly wind and completely clear skies.

Those that remained, the spirit energy Thomas had not finished and as we stood there he was able to gently push and sway people, we were not holding hands at the time and the guests found this very strange and exhilarating at the same time.

At the end of this session I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena A.K.A. ghost voice) experiment. There were answers after all the questions, but unfortunately the majority of these were too quiet to hear properly or when amplified the recording was distorted.

The only one that is audible is my question and that can be heard at:-

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The Star ghost hunt – 2-11-2012

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

The Star ghost hunt 2nd November 2012

Alfriston, East Sussex

The Star Inn has a history of smugglers and tyrants who used the Star as a safe haven because of the instant protection of the Sanctuary Post offered by the Church. We had confined ourselves to the upper floors and the “Feature Rooms” (the two oldest in the hotel) to start with until the Restaurant and Bar had all emptied.

In the first room, there was a male spirit by the name of David, who told me that he was a peasant and lived under a local bridge and passed away because of a horse running over him. Although he gave no year, possibly because he didn’t know the year, I got the impression that this was some time during the 1700s. There were periodic energy spikes shown on our KII EMF meters when he stood near people and David made Jamie feel cold and in his own words “odd”. There were also periods of communication via our electronic equipment and some guests saw shadows within the room.

Whilst a guest was asking questions to David I recorded them and the following EVPs were recorded

In the second room another male energy called Charles was present, he was aged in his mid-50s, very well dressed in a three piece black suit with a top hat and a cane and he also had a full beard. Charles was also a portly gentleman who gave the impression that he once owned the building.

As I asked Charles to touch people, some felt the sensation of being pushed (the pressure) but not that actual physical pushing. On our Spirit Box (a device that scans the FM radio frequency in reverse at 100ms) some names were heard.

Further audio recordings were taken but no ghost voices were found under analysis.

During a séance in the Heritage room there were some arm movement and one guest was gently pushed by a female spirit.

However when the rest of the guests (who were downstairs with another member of the team) joined us for another séance and different spirit energy joined us. His name was Timmy and he was 36 years old, he was able to life everyone’s arms and gentle push people. During the senace it became apparent that this particular energy was capable of so much more. So we then started to use a writing planchette. This is similar to a Ouija Board planchette, except that there is a pen or pencil used for drawing.

First Timmy drew a flower, similar to a sunflower.

I then asked Marc (GHE team) to draw a shape on a piece of paper & not let us see it, but show it to the guests watching. Then I asked Timmy to go and look at what had been drawn and repeat it using the writing planchette. Timmy got them all right.

The first shape was a figure of eight, then a Triangle, a square & circle combined which turned out be remarkably similar to the key shape that Marc drew (although not identical)

I then asked Marc to draw a number and asked Timmy to copy this. Timmy drew either a 6 or 9, which is exactly what Marc had drawn, because it depends which way you look at it.

Then someone on the table asked for Timmy to write his age, after he had finished we couldn’t really work it out, although it started with a 3 so using a strange Yes and No method, as Timmy didn’t seem to be able to write a Y, so we used a circle for Yes and N for No we deduced his age to be 36.

This sort of activity and incredible drawing ability is quite rare and one which certainly made the night for us.

This ghost hunt was surprising as we did not expect the level of activity that we encountered the writing planchette experiment was definitely the highlight of the evening. The meal that accompanied this ghost hunt was also enjoyed by all.

I was joined by Marc & Kym from the Ghost Hunt Events team

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