Sunday, May 05, 2024 05:26

Fort Horsted – 15-9-2012

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 15th September 2012
Chatham. Kent.

As a team we were really looking forward to September as it meant that we were visiting Fort Horsted three times to hold ghost hunts.

The first on 14th September was a Hen night party and we had a really good séance session we also recorded a stone being thrown towards the group on video see

So we were all anticipating this ghost hunt to be just as productive. It was!

Just before we let the guests into the Fort, I was in the smoking area which is at the end of the long tunnel and heard the sounds of metallic scraping, similar to someone moving a load of scaffold poles. Since I know I was the only person in that area and it wasn’t a windy night I did think that that was strange. Later in the evening two guests were also in the same area and they too both heard the same sort of noise.

The group was split into two smaller groups and I headed off for an area which I don’t often investigate, but this is an area which produces lots of strange anomalies and it is the furthest away from the other group.

We had small amounts of KII activity although quite a lot of communication through our electronic devices and the guests heard moans and groans, whistles, female voices and muttering, music and a female singing. We were joined by a female spirit energy called Mary Beth she was quite reserved and whilst holding a séance she was able to push some of the guests and move their arms.

Mary Beth was in her early 30s about 5’8” in height and had passed away during 1870s.

One of the guests (Emma) wandered down the tunnel that we walked to get to where we were to see if she could hear the sounds of the female mumbling and whispering better. She could and then came back very quickly to the rest of us! Towards the end of the session many of the guests including myself could hear the sound of laboured breathing, at first I thought this could be the sound of Sean (Cameraman) breathing as the noise in the room echoes. But as he moved away from us, several guests heard the same sound and it was much louder than the first time. Since Sean had moved away from the group he exclaimed that he though he heard the sound of Children playing, this is extremely unlikely considering it was about 10pm.

The second group session I returned to the same area that I was with the first group. Once again we had lots of communication via our equipment but little or no observed KII activity.

We were joined with a female energy that I have come across before in this Fort and in this room. Her name was Annie and she was a nurse in the First World War. During the resulting séance Annie was able to move just about everyone and arm movement was on command. Annie was also able to push people so that they were bent over and one guest (Dave) who was a sceptic got pushed so hard that he was pushed onto the floor. Many other guests were also pushed downwards and on to the floor. Many guests including me could smell lit matches, which is very distinctive and since we knew that we were alone in this area and no-one was in the smoking area it was rather strange. Some guests also smelt horse manure which equally was strange as there are no horses anywhere near the Fort.

The following two sessions were held in casement 26 which is the most strenuous to go to and from and since I didn’t want to be climbing the staircase (which has 92 steps) twice, the whole group went there in one go and then split up into the two areas at each end of the casement.

During the resulting séance held in this area two Second World War soldiers joined us; Justin and Taff, both were mischievous and they were able to push most of the guests and move their arms without much trouble. Michelle (guest) felt tugging on her coat during this séance and Chris (guest) who was also a sceptic was pushed to the floor. Dave who had already been pushed over once had the majority of the spirit energy affect him and towards the end of this session he was pushed with a lot of force that he could only fall over! Both Dave & Chris were speechless at this activity and had no logical explanation for what happened to them.

The fourth session I stayed put in this area and the guests swapped over, the same WWII energies were able to push people as before, some of which were pushed to the floor or bent over. Plus there was some strange arm movement felt by the guests including twisting or arms, which at times became very painful.

Once again this was a very enjoyable ghost hunt and one in which just about all of the guests had some form of physical paranormal activity happen to them.

We recorded many audio clips throughout the evening but as yet we have not been able to identify any EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voices).

This ghost hunt was carried out by:-
Marc Weston – Paranormal Investigator
Kym McMillan – Paranormal Investigator
Sean McMillan – Paranormal Investigator & Cameraman
Steve Moyle – Psychic Medium

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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