Monday, May 06, 2024 10:58

Toys Hill & Weardale Manor – 17-8-2012

Toys Hill & Weardale Manor ghost hunt – 17th August 2012

We haven’t had a lot of luck with the weather at this venue in 2012. First time it was -10 degrees Celsius back in February, then in April it was just before a thunderstorm, June it was a thunderstorm so fourth time lucky and this was well worth waiting for.

We started in the remains of the manor, gave the guests lots of our kit to investigate with and let them roam around. Many guests reported seeing shadows and lights within the near distance trees. I generally stayed put and various groups of people reported different activity in all directions, but the one thing they all commented on was the fact that all felt watched.

A male energy by the name of Philip approached, he was a gardener when there was a house at this place, he tipped his hat to me and some of the guests felt his presence.

Steve (guest) felt a light touch on his back and the sound of a dog, panting during the phase when the spirit Philip was around.

Many guests also reported hearing voices, whispering and whistles in one particular place. Four guests (Andy, Wendy, Marie & Shelley) all heard these sounds as well as the sound of a children’s music box. I then went over to the part to have a look and was met by a Frenchman spirit called Alain. He was about 55 years old and dressed in a smart black suit which had a silver pocket watch attached. He gave me the impression he was from 1900s.

The guests that had some of our equipment all had high levels of activity displayed on the various meters.

From here we decided to move into the woods to hold a séance, as the last time this proved very successful but due to the heavy rain it was not as enjoyable as it could have been.

Once again after finding a suitable spot there were high levels of activity shown on our KII meters and on our ghost communicators.

Within a few minutes of us starting a séance a male energy aged in his early 30s approached us, his name was Roger and he was wearing a white shirt and grey trousers and it was impossible to associate him with a period of time, although he wasn’t wearing a tie or hat.

Roger was very capable of moving people in various ways and generally pushed and pulled most of the group, starting gently and then as his confidence grew the level of movement increased and some people, especially Phil and Lisa, were manoeuvred into some rather uncomfortable positions.

Cold spots were also reported by the guests, mainly behind me as the temperature was a steady 20 degrees Celsius most of the night, these cold spots were felt behind four or five people and it felt like stepping into a freezer.

During the séance Andy felt a stick hit his legs and since Carl (GHE Team member) was outside the circle and at the time on the opposite side of Andy went to investigate although Carl could not see a stick anywhere near Andy. After the séance finished Andy found the stick about 14 inches in front of him.

After the séance finished, which I concluded after most people apart from two had either felt arm movement or had been pushed by Roger, some of the guests wandered deeper into the woods as they thought they heard voices and noises whilst the séance was taking place. The rest of the guests made their way out of the woods.

However those that stayed listening in the woods were soon returning because they heard footfalls in the woods and since no torch light was seen, this scared them.

We made our way back to the site of the manor house and conducted an EVP, although when we played the recording back very few anomalies were heard, however once we analysed them we discovered there were quite a few responses, although not all could be interpreted.

The best ones can be heard at:-

Once again a very enjoyable ghost hunt and a very productive one with many paranormal occurrences taking place.

After we had enjoyed a cup of coffee back at the car park and just before we were about to leave, Carl (team member) saw a “shadow” behind me and exclaimed that it looked too real to be a spirit and so the four of us who were there turned on all our torches to try to see what this was. To our amazement there was a young male (real person, wearing a blue shirt, black top and trousers and had glasses with curly black hair) standing very close to the hedge on the way out of the car park and even when I blinded this person with my torch he failed to move, but just looked down to the ground. All of us decided that this was a very good time to leave as he was probably drunk. As we were driving out of the car park we noticed this same person lying down on the grass beside the road which was really strange.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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