Sunday, May 05, 2024 01:08

The Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt – 3-8-2013

The Old Police Cells Museum ghost hunt 3rd August 2013
Brighton, East Sussex

When choosing the date for this ghost hunt we didn’t check to see what was on in Brighton to see if it would impact us in any way. However as it turned out this was Brighton Pride weekend, which had we known beforehand we probably wouldn’t have booked it because of the likelihood of a lot of loud noise and music playing all night because The Old Police cells museum is situated at the Town Hall which is in the middle of Brighton, however it turned out that it didn’t make any difference as little of the noise could be heard in the basement of the Town Hall and the traffic wasn’t a problem either, in fact it was harder to get out of Brighton than to get in.

This event was also a little strange because normally our Locations team visit every venue before the event so that areas can be allocated to team members, but because the preceding two months were very hectic for our Locations team, no visit was made and thus the investigation team were going in blind not knowing the building nor where the interesting areas were. However being professionals we quickly toured the building on arrival and separated the areas for the investigation.

Carl (GHE team) chose the Female cells and I chose the Male cells to start our investigation.

Whilst I was unlocking all the cells I noticed that certain cells had very uneasy and oppressive feelings and it had nothing to do with the mannequins placed in the cells, some were quite unusual!

As I reached the last cell I noticed that a spirit energy called Gerald was standing at the other end of the corridor, he was a jailer and carried a bunch of keys which was similar to the keys that I was holding. Gerald was aged in his early 50s, quite a portly chap who uttered the words “be careful” as he swung his jailer keys. What he was talking about remains unknown.

Whilst the majority of the guests were standing at the same end of the corridor as me apart from one person who was in a cell we all heard a metal clanking sound which we all assumed was Bob (guest) as he was in the cell, however when we asked Bob what the noise was he said that he had not heard the sound let alone made it. On inspecting the cell where Bob was nothing in this cell could have been responsible for the noise that we heard.

After spending some time in each of the cells, the general consensus was that two cells everyone felt uncomfortable when inside on their own but when another person joined them the feeling dissipated.

After leaving an audio recorder in one of the cells, one in which many of us believed the door would rattle of its own accord we moved down the hall to the washroom area. On analysis of this audio file nothing interesting or unexplained was recorded and certainly no EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voices).

Whilst in the toilet end of this area strange feelings were felt by many people, mostly that of a threatening feeling but once again this was only felt when a small amount of people were in the room, as more people entered the feelings disappeared. This room wasn’t a small room and had nothing to do with being claustrophobic as the ceiling was about 12 feet high.

Some guests stayed in this area whilst other joined me in what I shall call the library as it was full of old books, some dating from the 1800s.

Andy (guest) saw a white light on his shirt and dismissed this as he thought it was from a smoke alarm, however later when the rest of the group joined us this happened again although no-one could find a source of the light.

There was a strange spirit in this area, his name was Silus who was aged in his 80s and told me he passed in 1908. However Silus seemed more than just a random spirit, he seemed very knowledgeable and was able to answer some truly difficult questions posed by the guests and he was able to show me an incident that happened to one of the guests many years ago that started this persons quest to find out more about ghosts/spirits. The guest confirmed to me that what I described was in fact what had happened to him.

Whilst Andy was standing in a particular area he felt a sharp pain in his neck, to me it looked like Silus had “stabbed” Andy with a screwdriver or a sharp implement shaped like a screwdriver. Silus also made Emily (guest) feel dizzy and she reported that her arms felt odd.

As another guest entered the room we all heard a cough, the guest didn’t hear a cough nor had he coughed himself, later when the same guest excited the room he too heard a couch coming from in front of him but there was no one in that room as we were all in the library. We didn’t hear that cough either.

The second group we started in the Male cells as before and I was keen to know if these guests felt the same about certain cells as the first group, which after much deliberation from the guests they all agreed one cell felt the same as what the first group felt. Although they didn’t feel that there was a second unpleasant cell.

Some of the guests wanted to dress up as police officers and had an amusing time doing so. As we were about to leave this area to go to the washroom area one guest thought she saw a person or the shadow of a person at the end of the cell block behind the gate. This is the same area that I first saw Gerald from the first group.

In the library area some of the guests happened to be standing where Andy from the first group stood and one by one everyone that stood in this area felt a touch on their head or the their neck even though they were expecting it we continued to talk about other things as to take their minds off the incident and then to their surprise when the guests were least expecting something they all felt a touch. Silus (the spirit from the first group) was responsible.

When asking for spirit to make a sound Karen (guest) heard a “Whoo” sound, which could have come from outside but the first group also heard exactly the same sound in exactly the same place but there was a good hour’s difference in time.

Back in the main washroom I held a séance and we were joined by a spirit energy called Simon, he was able to push and sway some people and move their arms on command. Some of the guests including me felt very warm during this séance, other on the other side of the circle opposite me felt very cold.

During the free time (where guests may hold their own ghost hunt or vigil with our equipment) a lot of us were in the washroom area and Carl (GHE Team) had the name Harry repeating in his head over and over. The spirit that was with us might have been called Harry, but I don’t know because he wouldn’t talk to me. This spirit was about 19 or 20 years old, quite skinny with blonde hair and freckles. Whilst I was describing him to the guests some saw a strange light, as did I but none of us could decide what we had actually seen, although the light came from the place where this spirit stood. This spirit didn’t do anything of a physical nature to any guest so we all moved off to different areas of the building.

This was a very enjoyable ghost hunt and one in which many of the guests had some form of paranormal activity happen to them, mostly physical that defied any rational or obvious explanation. This location we will be happy to return to as hopefully more activity will present itself as some of the areas that were available to us I didn’t visit and will look forward to that on our next visit.

See photos from the investigation at

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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