Thursday, May 02, 2024 04:00

Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 18-5-2013

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 18th May 2013
Chatham, Kent

Fort Horsted is one of our favourite locations, not least because we have investigated here numerous times and had some truly amazing results; it is always entertaining and amazing for one reason or another. This time was no different, although equally strange as no-one could have expected what turned out to be a first for us.

Everyone was split into two groups, which was somewhat larger than normal because one of our GHE team could not attend. However since we know the Fort extremely well this did not deter me & Carl from taking the guests to the most active areas. We also chose two areas that we the furthest from each other so that no noise from either group would affect the other.

The area that I chose is an area which we often hear and feel much the same sort of stuff time after time. We were joined by Annie a female nurse aged in her 20s from The First World War who was stationed at the Fort and a 1960s male spirit who was about 50 years old and quite grumpy.

I started with a séance, as this is the best way for the guests to get a physical experience. Arm movement started to occur quite quickly and usually on command, the guests could ask which way their arms should move in their heads and the spirit would comply. I also had several KII (EMF) meters in the room which also showed spiritual activity. Many whistles, bangs and mumbling voices were heard throughout the séance, which is actually quite normal in this area. One guest felt a touch on their head. When I suggested that guests hold out their hands in a particular area of the room so that Annie could touch them, those guests that participated could feel strange tingling sensations and that their hands were being squeezed and touched and in some cases people felt that their fingers were being pulled apart.

The second group to this area were also treated to the same spirit energies and once again lots of arm movement on command was felt by the guests, as well as lots of more physical movements some of which looked painful, especially as guests were moved in ways which they wouldn’t either choose to move or wouldn’t move as they know it would be painful.

We also moved to an upper room during this session and came across a spirit called Simon who was about 20 years old and smartly dressed. In this room we heard some odd sounds, which I likened to hearing a conversation that we couldn’t hear the words, just the sound of a conversation.

We advised the guests that after the controlled sessions they could venture off on their own, but many didn’t want to so essentially we carried on with controlled sessions and I joined a group doing a Ouija board experiment. The spirit energy was Welsh called something unpronounceable although was happy to be called Caddy. Caddy had difficulty in spelling although he was able to answer some simple Yes or No questions, but the majority of his responses just kept going to the letters G and O “GO”

I took a lot of guests, probably the majority to the Counterscarp Galleries, however very little happened because there were too many people making lots of noise, however one guest did hear her name being called out, which she thought was her friends, but they were with me and neither of them called out.

The stand out moment of the night didn’t happen with me, but happened with Carl in one of the magazine rooms, as the guests were randomly taking pictures, one of them thought that their picture contained a face, so then everyone in that group took a picture and many of them, not all, had photographed a face on the wall. Carl was keen to rule out Pareidolia so looked at the wall and rubbed any loose dust from the wall. Nothing could be seen when he stood in front of the wall, but when he stood back and some more photos were taken, the face could easily be seen and photographed. Below is the picture taken by the guest and we have circled the area to look at.

Face at Fort Horsted

Photo from ghost hunt taken by Hannah Bune

I too investigated this phenomenon and have several photographs and I don’t really have a credible explanation for this, as we have hundreds of photos and videos from this Fort and of this room and we have never seen anything like this. If indeed it is a pareidolia effect then surely we would be able to all see it all the time. Which was not the case on the night.

Several EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiments were undertaken throughout the night, but unfortunately nothing audible, or clearly audible could be heard in the recordings. In all of the possible EVP’s, we can hear the start of a response, but the background noise or noise made by a guest talking or shuffling ruins the possible EVP. Which is a shame as we have had many great EVP’s recorded at Fort Horsted.

All in all this was a great ghost hunt, with lots of physical and unexplainable paranormal activity felt by the guests throughout the night.

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Ghost Hunt Events

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