Sunday, May 19, 2024 01:15

Pluckley Woods ghost hunt – 21-9-2012

Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt 21st September 2012
Pluckley, Kent

It is always a pleasure to investigate Pluckley Woods as the amount of paranormal activity we encounter during the night is always interesting, sometimes scary and usually surprising. This occasion was no different.

As we made our way to my favourite part of the woods, this is a place where so much has happened on past ghost hunts, I noticed that a spirit energy was already following us, much to the surprise of the guests as those at the back felt that they were being watched and followed. The spirit energy that was following us was a Bobbie (Policeman) from late 19th Century.

Once we were where I wanted to be, we gave the guests a collection of our equipment including KII meters and our ghost communication devices so that the guests could interact with the spirit energies present.

There was a male energy aged about 35 who was eager to talk through these devices to the guests and the guests were able to get many answers to why he was with us. After many guests took photographs, some had some unusual mist formations and plenty of orbs. I decided that we should hold a séance to encourage the spirit energies to interact with the guests.

We were joined by a female energy called Lizzie, she was approximately about 40 years old and was able after a while to move the arms of several of the guests, mostly on command. Many of the guests also experienced gentle pushing and swaying and many guest commented that it felt like they were on a boat. During this time many cold spots were felt by the guests and although we were outside, these cold spots were much colder than the ambient air temperature and felt similar to putting a hand inside a freezer.

During this time colleagues of mine stayed outside of the séance circle taking photographs, listening for footfalls and noises and generally monitoring the area. The photograph below is one of the many taken and although it is out of focus it is taken under IR light, which will only illuminate for about 10 feet in complete darkness. The female which is in the distance on the right hand side of the picture should not have been illuminated, not only that but we don’t believe this was one of our guests nor have any explanation of the positioning of the person, since we were standing on a generally flat path. This photo therefore at this time remains anomalous.

Our second stop a little further along the path we set up a laser grid but nothing was seen by anyone in this grid. There were however lots of strange footfall noises which sounded like someone was walking around us, this too is unlikely without the aid of a torch as the woods here are very dense and the ground very uneven. There were lots of periods where there was high levels of EMF energy recorded and shown on our KII meters.

In this area, which has been a very active area in the past I decided that we would hold an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. Out of the 10 people present who participated there were two good ghost voices recorded. You can hear them at:-

Our third area of investigation is in an area that I like to call the spooky woods, as the trees here are much older and higher and on previous occasions we have had lots of things happen to guests.

Once again a laser grid was set up and some of the guests were seeing strange things within the grid; shadows and other lights mainly. I was standing further along the path and could see a male spirit energy approaching, trying to sneak up on us in a way. His name was Alfred or Alfie to his friends, which was strange because a guest also standing with me was called Alfie. The spirit Alfie was aged roughly in his early 60s and was wearing a British Army uniform from the Second World War era. I asked those guests who were standing with me to put their hands out to see if they could feel a difference when the spirit walked into their hands. Many guests reported that they felt a warm sensation in the middle of their palms and tingling or pins & needle sensation in their fingers. Some guests also felt that their fingers were being separated and stretched.

During this time Alfie (guest) felt his jacket being touched and moved, as he described it being like someone had just brushed part him.

After a while the spirit energy carried on and walked past us. We returned to looking into the laser grid and some guests also walked into the grid to see if it made any difference to their senses apart from the ability not to see where the path was. During this the rest of us could hear footfalls and other noises to the right of us and some whistles and knocks were also heard in this direction.

Once again another successful and active ghost hunt with many gets getting a physical experience from the spirit energies that we encountered throughout the evening.

This ghost hunt was carried out by:-
Marc Weston – Paranormal Investigator
Steve Moyle – Psychic Medium

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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