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Posts Tagged ‘ouija board’

Charlton House – 10th October 2015 (Louise)

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

Charlton House ghost hunt 10th October 2015
Greenwich, London

Area: Grand Salon
Equipment: Ouija / Table tipping / Writing Planchette

Session 1 – Group B
This is the area I decided to work in as it was felt to be the more active area in the building. We started our session with some table tipping. Initially it took a lot of effort to get any movement on the table, and then there was a gentle rocking motion for some time until eventually the table tipped up on one side and held this position. I kept encouraging spirit to move the table again or in some other way, but it just went back to a gentle rocking motion. After a while the table suddenly went up on to one leg and rotated anti- clockwise and stopped. Asking spirit to do this again, it did so this time clockwise.
During the Ouija session we had a spirit join us by the name of Tom. He was 4 years old and died in 1906. He told us that he was lost and looking for his parents, and there were 4 spirits in the room with us and he knew two of them. Tom then left us and there was another spirit moving the glass. We established this was the spirit of a young girl of 12 years old named Rebecca. She went on to tell us that she looked after Tom after his parents had passed away and that she was hung in 1906 for stealing bread to feed her and Tom. We then sensed that we were joined by a stronger energy. One of the guests asked if we were speaking to a male spirit to which he confirmed. He went on to tell us that he was 45 years old and that he had hung Rebecca and Tom for stealing.
Three of the guests (Fay, Gemma and Nicola) decided to use the writing planchette. Once the planchette started to move Fay asked the spirit if they could spell out their initials which to their amazement spirit did so. They then asked if the spirit would draw them a tree, and straight away spirit drew a tree.


Session 2 – Group C
In this session the table tipping was quiet and all through the session we only had gentle rocking. We all tried to encourage spirit but to no avail.
During the Ouija session, Rebecca came through again. She went on to tell us the same stories as the previous session only with the difference that she was born in 1906 not die. Her spirit came through really strong in this session. We asked her if she could spell out some of the names of the people around the table. She went on to spell out Kevin, Chris and Louise. Kevin and Chris (guests) were mother and son. We then asked Rebecca if she would like to communicate through the writing planchette and play a game to which she replied yes. The game consisted of a set of cards numbered 1-10. Setting the cards out face down, I asked Kevin to pull on forward but not look at it. Once the writing planchette began to move, we asked the spirit to write the number on the paper. The spirit drew the number 2. When we turned over the card we were all in shock as it said number 2. We tried this experiment another four times and spirit got two more right, drawing them out on the paper. I then asked the spirit to draw the animal that I was thinking of in my head (fish). The spirit went on to draw a perfect fish shape. Spirit then went on to draw random things. At the end of the session, when we looked at the paper, there was a perfect heart shape with the initial R in the corner. We assumed at this point that we had been communicating with Rebecca.


Session 3 – Group A
Again we started the session with table tipping. Movement to start was initially very slow with steady rocking from side to side. Encouraging spirit to move the table more or in another way, it went up on to one leg and gently spun round and then stopped. No more movement was experienced on the table despite encouragement from the guests.
During the Ouija session, to start to the glass never moved. With plenty of encouragement from the guests however, the glass began moving in a circle around the table very quickly first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. As the glass was moving around in a circle it was also spinning around under the guests fingers. Once the glass had centred we were joined by the spirit of a young 7 year old boy by the name of Richard. He went on to tell us that he was at the location in 1059 but unfortunately we couldn’t get the reason why or how he was connected to the land. One of the guests asked Richard to take the glass to where he was standing in the room. He took the glass to Sue (guest) and kept the glass at this point. I asked him if Sue reminded him of anybody and he spelt out mum. He went on to tell us that he was lost and trying to find her, but was in the company of two other spirits ‘Smith aged 9 and Eli aged 7’.

Very enjoyable evening, with lots of communications and footsteps and tapping noises also being heard

Paranormal Investigator
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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 1st August 2015

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 1st August 2015
Colchester, Essex

We always enjoy our visits to the Red Lion Hotel as the team members are usually different which means that the activities are different and the level of paranormal activity is also different.

This particular visit we held sessions throughout the whole event as opposed to letting guests have a free reign session as we had a small group so we held four types of activity.

My first set of sessions were in the cellar for séances. There were two spirit present although the strongest in energy terms was Alex, aged 27 who was a very well-to-do man in the town, dressed smartly in a light grey three piece suit. The other was a drayman who loitered about in the tunnel part of the cellar. He was an older gent who generally stayed in the background.

Alex however was able to lift the guests’ arms and manipulate peoples’ balance. Alex pushed, pulled, sway and generally moved everyone in the first group séance circle around the room. Some people, myself included were pulled to the floor by our arms on more than one occasion, whilst others were tangled by their arms into the centre of the circle. The second séance group did not have the same enthusiastic movement, but they still experienced their arms being raised and some light movements in the form of slight pushing and wobbling. The second group however jumped every time someone walked on the grate on the pavement.

The second sessions I conducted a Ouija board session, the first group had loads of response and a sensible conversation with a local person, however the second group didn’t have any movement at all, so we took the Ouija board into the cellar where there was some good communication, but inevitably the grate on the pavement was walked on much more vigorously which made some of the guests try to vault the Ouija table!

All in all this was an excellent ghost hunt with lots of paranormal experiences encountered by the guests.

Psychic Medium
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Explosion Museum – 24th July 2015 (Kym)

Friday, July 31st, 2015

Explosion Museum ghost hunt 24th July 2015
Gosport, Hampshire

Area: Officers Admin Building
Equipment: Pendulums and Dowsing Rods

Group B – This was a lovely old untouched building, with a tremendous amount of atmosphere to it, and I wanted the guests to enjoy exploring and feeling the energies around them.  With Louise’s assistance we showed the guests how to use the rods & pendulums, establishing their yes & no’s, and then communicating with spirit.  We had a male spirit with us initially who worked here in the 1900’s.  The spirit said there were more than 10 spirits in this building with us.  Everyone then went off to explore, myself I ventured to the opposite end of the corridor into a small room and immediately felt like I was being punched in the stomach, not a physical feeling could just sense this.  I felt there were two men in here that had fought.  Louise joined me and said what she had picked up here: A male spirit called Arthur, worked in the building, died in the 1950’s age 41, was married with two children.  His wife had died during childbirth in her 30’s, his children are still alive.  He worked with his brother who also died here, they didn’t get on and fought alot, and a possible fight here.  Whilst on her own later Louise asked spirit to give her a sign, and she had pins & needles suddenly in her left hand.  We stayed for a short while talking to the spirits, I asked for the spirits name I was talking to and was given the name Peter, Louise said she was also given this but when asked if that was the spirits name her pendulum said no, I asked if I was talking to Arthur’s brother called Peter, and my pendulum said yes.  Peter also confirmed there was a fight in this room with his brother.  He was here 1925-1950, and died aged 47.

We joined the guests downstairs, and one guest said he felt uncomfortable in the bathroom and wouldn’t enter that room.  We went with him, and could feel the energy when entering that room.  It felt like a static energy all around us.  I sensed someone had been strangled here, and could feel pressure on my throat.  Louise was also picking up on the same.  All three of us could feel the energy, but also quite bizarrely we all felt it suddenly go at the same time.

Group A – Again we started in the large end room upstairs with showing the guests how to use the rods & pendulums.  We asked spirit what this room was used for and it was the recreation room.  Louise had connected with a female spirit called Mary, she had worked here, and died here, age 49 in 1944.  She worked here in the war as a maid/housekeeper.  She had not married and had no children.  A guest (Kim) joined her, and Louise asked her to see what she could find out from the spirit, and Kim got exactly the same, including the name Mary.  I was with the remaining guests who were initially picking up on the two brothers from earlier, and were surprised by the amount of energies in the room, with rods & pendulums spinning erratically.  We all then went downstairs, and could hear noises, at first thinking they were from upstairs, then realising they were in a room next to them, followed the noise.  They sensed they were talking to a mischievous male spirit.  Louise took Kim (guest) to the bathroom that we felt the energy in earlier, and with no knowledge from myself of Louise, Kim could feel the energy, could sense someone had been strangled, and by using her rods had confirmation that someone was murdered here by strangulation.

Area: Grand Magazine
Equipment: Ouija, Table Tipping, Writing Planchette

Group B – I had now moved to the Grand Magazine and started with five guests and myself on the ouija, and Louise with two guests trying table tipping.  The table started moving very gently at first, and establishing their yes & no found out they were talking to two children.  Then the table started moving with a lot more energy, and was able to confirm this was now a male spirit.  On the ouija we didn’t have any movement on the glass, but did feel the table move.  We did try asking spirit to move the table, but with no movement we switched to the writing planchette.  Although we didn’t get any drawings, the planchette did move up and down, and the guests were able to communicate with the spirit this way.  I did join the others on the table tipping, and asked spirit to lift the table up so we could all feel how strong the spirit was by trying to push the table back down, which was incredibly hard.  Two male guests tried the ouija and had some glass movement with the letters P D Q then the glass went to goodbye.  The five guests then tried some table tipping together and had some movement, whilst I joined the two ladies on the ouija.  We had a male spirit called Mark, from 1824 and was married with 4 children.  He didn’t work here, but did live here.

Group A – This group of guests had a lot of experience talking to spirit so didn’t really need our assistance, so initially Louise & I asked spirit to move a chair whilst we rested our hands on it.  And to our surprise the chair started rocking quite fast, and did twist slightly.  I then joined the guests as they had stopped the table tipping and were asking spirit to move the glass on the table for yes & no answers.  They were talking to a 13 year old boy, who worked on HMS Victory as a powder monkey.  He knew Nelson and was involved in battlement on the ship, and had died in combat on the ship, although it did not sink.  He was at the battle of Trafalgar.  He gave the year initially as 1850.  They were fighting the Spanish.  They were also able to establish the spirit’s name was William Henry.  We then switched to the ouija table and the spirit stayed with them.  Asking spirit to spell his name, he gave us William Henry.  Asking for his family name he spelt FUGR twice.  Asking if he meant Fergus – confirmed yes.  He also confirmed he was 13 years old, but the year was 1803.  He had 4 brothers and 1 sister.  He was the middle child.  His mother died in childbirth.  His father and other children fought too.  William died in an accident, a canon had backfired.

Some guests wanted to return to the Admin Building with the Ouija and when they came back said they had spoken to the female spirit Louise & Kim had spoken to earlier, and she confirmed her name was Mary Smith.  Also they took the Ouija in to the bathroom and spoke to the sprit(s) there and confirmed that a man was strangled there because he was gay.

Wow – what an amazing place – still didn’t explore everywhere so definitely looking forward to coming back!

Kym & Louise
Paranormal Investigator
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Landguard Fort ghost hunt – 13th June 2015

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

Landguard Fort ghost hunt 13th June 2015
Felixstowe, Suffolk

Due to a smaller group of guests we kept everyone in one group and the team took turns to host different sessions. We started with a human pendulum sessions in the guardhouse and shower/boiler room. The session was split between two rooms because Sue (GHE team) wanted to use both rooms.

Spirit stepped forward in both areas and guests were able to communicate and get answers to their questions.

The second session was a tech and gadget session in the communications rooms. These rooms have in the past been very active. Once again our equipment lit up with spirit activity but this time the spirit needed to be ordered to do something. Considering the room; a communications room and plotting room where ship movements could be plotted it really isn’t surprising that the spirit needed to be told what to do, as this would have happened in life. There was a female spirit called Natalie present, she was aged in her late 20s and a Royal Navy clerk and gave the year that she would have been at the Fort as 1959.

Certain rooms were more active than others and the smaller radio rooms seemed to reveal the most results with one room in particular that guests found to be more active.

The third session was another double activity session with half the group using a Ouija board, the other half table tilting. It was a bit of a let down to start with as very little happened to either group when they were both in the same room. However we split up and moved a few rooms away from each other and I joined the table tilting group. There was a male spirit called Colin who was present and able to move the table although this was not massive amounts of movements, this was gentler. However as a team we have had table walked into and out of rooms, down staircases and around the narrow walkways of the fort, we can’t expect to have that sort of activity every time as different spirit are able to do different things. But we always hope that the spirit can move the table to start with, that in itself is probably a massive feat for the spirit.

The fourth session was a séance session in one of the older magazines rooms. This room I have used many a time as the spirit that seem to frequent this area are able to move people. Lots of people felt spirit move their arms, this was after a while on command and the spirit who was called Damien, a young 20 year old modern spirit, although he didn’t tell me the year, his clothing was from the 1980s period. Once Damien got used to moved certain people he was able to twist people up and tangle their arms, wobble the guests forwards and mostly backwards when they least expected to be moved. Both Will and Ben (guests) who were either side of me, were both pushed many times and they both had their arms moved. Damien also dragged mine and Will’s hand down to the floor and every time let us stand up a bit and then push or pull our hands back down to the floor. This was all very strange and something which I haven’t experienced before at this fort. Usually the spirit either push people to the floor and then let them stand back up but to be let half way up and then pushed down feels very odd. There was another male spirit in the room with us, but I could not see him nor would he tell me his name, but he was responsible for moved people opposite me, as those guests were moved in a different way.

From this room we moved through the tunnels around to another magazine room underneath the seaward side gun rooms as there is one room that we sometimes have activity in. We asked spirit to make a noise or tap or knock and after a short while we heard some noises. These sounded like water dripping onto something (it was raining at the time) but we could not see any water on the ceiling or on the floor. However when asked to make the same noise again we all heard a definite tap, this happened just two more times before we had to finish the session.

The guests then had a 45 minute free time session where they went off on their own or with different team members to do their own style ghost hunt in rooms that we didn’t use during the ghost hunt. Many guests headed towards the Caponier or to the upper gun rooms.

All in all this was an excellent ghost hunt with all the guests having some paranormal experiences and our VIP guests thoroughly enjoyed the experience. You can watch the VIP reviews at

This is one of the GHE team’s favourite venues and we always look forward to returning to the venue.

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Explosion Museum – 9th May 2015 (Kerry)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Explosion Museum ghost hunt 9th May 2015
Gosport, Hampshire

Ouija / Table tilting

Session 1 – Group A

We started our session with some table tilting. Initially it took a lot of effort to get any movement on the table, then there was a gentle rocking motion for some time until eventually the table tipped up on one side and held this position. I kept encouraging spirit to move the table again or in another way, but the table just stayed in this position. After a while, the table suddenly did a half spin and stopped. When we asked spirit to do this again, it did so this time with a full spin.
We heard a tap on the window, and asked spirit if it was them who made this sound and to do it again, but unfortunately it didn’t happen again.
During the Ouija session we had a spirit join us by the name of Amanda. She was 47 years old and died in 1928. She told us she wasn’t connected to the building in any way, and there were 5 spirits in the room with us, although she didn’t know any of them. She went on to tell us that she had a husband called Kevin but they had no children. Both her and her husband died from TB, he caught it from her and he was the first to die. We then sensed Amanda had left us and there was a new spirit moving the glass. We established that it was another female and when asked if there was someone round the table they wish to talk to, the glass moved to Louise (team), who was standing to my left. We asked spirit to spell their name and the glass spelt Winnifred. Louise sensed this lady to be her Nan and decided to leave the table at this point. Someone else asked the spirit’s age and the glass went to 7, then 1. When asked to confirm if she was 71 years old, the glass moved to yes. Just before our session was due to finish, another female spirit came through by the name of Ethel who died in the area in the 1940’s.

Session 2 – Group B

We had some very good table movement in this session, with the table rocking slowly to start with and gradually building up until it was rocking very rapidly from side to side. It seemed the more noise the group of guests made, the stronger the table would move. The table continued to rock in this way, and after a lot of encouragement it started spinning around, to the amazement of the guests.
We had three spirits come through during the Ouija session. A lady by the name of Nancy who was 41 years old, and died in a fire in 1618. Then a male spirit called Pez who fought in the Second World War. He said he was born in 1928 and had two children. Also a man came through who was connected to one of the guests, and we soon found out it was her dad. The guests kept asking questions and all the responses seemed to be relevant in some way to this lady and her family. I asked her to take her finger off the glass and ask a question no one else would know the answer to. So she did and asked for the initial of her mum’s middle name, to which the glass moved to the correct letter on the table. No one else touching the glass at the time would have known the answer to this.
During this Ouija session we all kept hearing what sounded like footsteps on the stairs. It only seemed to happen when we were all making noise. I asked the guests to be quiet for a few minutes while I called out to see if spirit would make the noise again, but unfortunately we didn’t hear it again. One of the guests also said she felt a sharp tug on her handbag which was around her shoulder.

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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 2nd May 2015

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 2nd May 2015
Rochester, Kent

This event was a little unusual since there were less guests than we are used to. So each team member held a session in different parts of the fort doing different activities so the guests had a normal ghost hunt.

The first session was a table tilting and Ouija board session in the Caponier where there was a male spirit called Cecil who was severely burned along his right side that affected his face, arm and leg. Cecil was responsible for the table being twisted and “walked” around part of the Caponier.

There was also a female spirit present; Annabelle who was a cook from the Second World War era she was trying to communicate via the Ouija board.

The second session was my séance session held in the Counterscarp Galleries. We were joined by a spirit who I have encountered before, his name is Bernard although he prefers the nickname Biffa. Guests were pushed, swayed and had their arms moved but only when I was near to them, not just the people either side of me but the people next to them, so I had to move around the circle for everyone to feel these movements.

There were different spirits watching (although not interacting) us than on previous visits, although these spirit may join us again or it may have been a one off.

Towards the end of the session some guests were shaking because they were cold whilst other guests were extremely warm and some guests felt cold on one side and heat on the other side of their bodies with several people having one cold hand and one warm hand. There didn’t seem to be a logical reason for this as it wasn’t a cold night and the Counterscarp galleries are sealed from the outside air.

The guests then went to participate in a tech and gadget session in the old Cartridge Stores.

After the controlled sessions the guests participated in their own style ghost hunt as we allowed them to visit any part of the fort that they had used in our controlled sessions to hold their own ghost hunt or to hold their own vigil. During this time we let the guests use our equipment.

Whilst this was not a usual ghost hunt, many guests had an excellent ghost hunt and had a paranormal encounter that they could not explain or something that they hadn’t experienced before.

Psychic Medium
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Red Lion Hotel – 18th April 2015 (Kym)

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 18th April 2015
Colchester, Essex

Area: Room’s 6 & 7
Equipment: Scrying, Ouija, Table Tipping, Writing Planchette, Glass Work

Group C – We started with the scrying, and people were seeing the face change in the mirror to an older lady.  However, several of the women, including myself, started suddenly feeling very strange.  The room felt very hot and oppressive, we had headaches, and were feeling dizzy and tingly all over.  You could feel the energy around us.  What made us most surprised about this was when we entered the room it was quite cool as the window had been open.  I had closed the window when we entered.  But after about 5 minutes the energy suddenly changed and we all felt normal again.  Another guest then sat in front of the mirror, and we were seeing and feeling the same spirit energy again, and almost suddenly like before the feelings changed back to normal.  I then split the group with 3 guests in room 7 doing Ouija, and the remaining 4 in room 6 doing the writing planchette.  Both groups had movement immediately.  On the Ouija it was a female spirit, spelt the word PEG but then someone sensed the name Margaret.  Asking if that was the spirit’s name, glass went to yes.  She was age 78, but unsure of the year, possibly 1988 or 1891, although wouldn’t confirm which was correct.  Asked where she lived, she spelt the word LIVE, when asked if lived here, confirmed yes.  Asked if she would do some table tipping – answered yes.  I went to check on the other groups, and they had heard us mention the name Margaret:  they had the letter M drawn, and asked if the spirit’s name was Margaret, had confirmed yes.  So they had been communicating with a Margaret too.  Perhaps the same spirit was communicating with both groups.  With all guests possibly talking to the same spirit, I thought it would be good to bring everyone together and we tried table tipping.  The table lifted up one side at the start, then we were hearing lots of taps on the table, asking spirit to copy our taps, we would hear them repeated back.

Group D – Started with scrying in room 6 again, and first someone was seeing what looked like a 12 year old boy, and felt very sad, the person in the mirror looked like she was crying.  Some people were being touched.  Then the image changed to an older man with dark hair and moustache, the face would suddenly disappear, and some saw evil eyes.  One guest saw a shadow in the room by the doorway.  Then tried the Ouija in room 7 but only slight movement. With the table tipping we had gentle rocking and taps on the table.  With the writing planchette, had some movement, but one guest saw a shadow behind me walk past the wardrobe?  In room 7 they tried some glass work and it moved a lot.  The spirit was a lady who had worked here at the hotel.  The guests then heard a cough coming from the bathroom, and as guests Steve & Terri looked towards the bathroom (the light was on in the bathroom, and you were able to see the light shining through the door at the top & bottom), they saw a dark shadow pass across the bottom of the door.  The glass stopped for a short while then another spirit joined them.  This was a male, again had worked here, was married, had worked with me before on a ghost hunt here.  Asking for him to draw his initial with the glass, it looked like a C or an S.  The glass then started moving continuously in a circle, and I asked guests to ask in their head for spirit to stop the glass and change direction.  The glass responded to all the female guests immediately, but not the male guest.

Group A – With the scrying this time nothing was seen in the mirror, so we all went to room 7.  Tried the Ouija but no movement.  Tried the table tipping, some slight rocking, but annoyingly every time I turned my torch off the table moved quickly.  With all the guests knowing each other, they felt confident it wasn’t any of them doing it.  I wanted to split the group as with smaller groups things sometimes happen, so three guests tried the writing planchette in room 6, whilst the remaining three stayed in room 7.  We tried with fingers touching the glass & table, and as we felt the table rocking we removed the glass.  However, as I took the glass off the table, the table lifted once, with the table tipping towards Stephen, to his surprise touching him.  Then when I was in room 6 we all heard noise next door, on checking the guests had heard a tap on the bathroom door, and a loud bang in the room.  On checking what it was, it was the folded Ouija table leaning against the wall, it had banged hard against the wall.  No-one had been near it.  I then brought all the group together again, and we tried table tipping, and had some gentle rocking.

Group B – With my last group we started with scrying, and were seeing a male spirit, with a rounder fuller face.  Facial hair and smaller eyes.  We tried the Ouija but had no movement.  With the table tipping, the table lifted once then slight rocking.  We tried the writing planchette but had no movement.  However with the glass work we had a male spirit come through.  He was not connected to the Red Lion or Colchester, but had just stopped by to see what we were doing.
Again a fun night at the Red Lion, with fantastic guests, all willing to try things, and with an open mind.

Paranormal Investigator
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Colchester Town Hall – 17th April 2015 (Kerry)

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Colchester Town Hall ghost hunt 17th April 2015
Colchester, Essex

The Mayor’s Parlour
Ouija/Table tilting

Session 1 – Group B

The group were split so that half were on the Ouija and half doing table tilting.
With the first group, the glass took a very long time to move, but eventually it moved to the letters T and R. When asked if this was spirit’s initials, the glass then moved to Yes. Then the glass moved to numbers 2 and 3, and the glass confirmed that spirit’s age was 23 by once again moving to Yes. The group continued asking more questions to try and gain more information, but unfortunately there was no more movement on the glass after this.
The group on the other table had just slight rocking initially, then the table tilted up on one side. However, despite our best efforts to encourage spirit to move the table more or to spin it, unfortunately there wasn’t much more movement apart from gentle rocking and the occasional tilt.
We then swapped over and once again on the Ouija the glass didn’t move, but guests kept feeling coldness and touches on their arms. I also felt like I was touched on my left hand. One guest said they felt hands on their shoulders and another felt a push on their back.
When the other group tried the table tilting, they had movement straight away, with rocking and spinning, and at one point the table was spinning so fast that one of the guests fell onto the floor! He got back up to carry on and the table continued to spin and twist. When I asked spirit to walk the table across the room, it proceeded to do so, stopped halfway, and there was no more movement after that. During this session I felt a touch on my right cheek and also on my left leg below the knee.
On leaving the room a few of the guests explained feeling a static sensation all over which lasted for some time.

Session 2 – Group C

The guests said they would prefer to do glass work rather than Ouija, so we went and sat at another table in the room with just the glass on it, and tried to get spirit to come forward and move the glass. Unfortunately after trying for some time, the glass didn’t move so I suggested trying the writing planchette. Once again, despite our best efforts, there was still no movement. The guests then decided to try the Ouija, and after a while the glass started to move. We connected with a 12-year-old girl, and when we asked for a name the glass moved to the letters A,S, and K. We kept asking questions to try and get some more information, but the glass stopped moving, and it seemed the spirit had gone.
There was some very good table tilting experienced by everyone during this session. There was very gentle movement to start with, and it gradually picked up speed as the table continued to tilt and rock. It took a lot of encouragement to get the table to spin, as if spirit didn’t know how to do it. The table seemed to move fairly cautiously at first, with the movements gradually getting stronger, and eventually the table was spinning quite fast, to the amazement of the guests.

Session 3 – Group A

We tried table tilting first, and as soon as we placed our hands on it, the table started to move. Slowly at first, then it started rocking and spinning. It eventually started walking across the room. We decided to try and ask spirit some questions using the table, so we established our yes and no directions and discovered that we had a male spirit with us, who was in his seventies and used to be a Mayor.
The group then decided to try some glass work, and a male spirit came through who seemed to be connected to guest Steve Downs in some way. We asked spirit to draw his initial on the table with the glass and he drew a D. We soon found out his name was Daniel, in his thirties, had four children, and was Eastern European. He said he was connected to Steve on his grandfather’s side, but Steve couldn’t think where the connection could be, so would have to check on it with other members of his family.

Paranormal Investigator
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Marwell Hall – 11th April 2015 (Kerry)

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Marwell Hall ghost hunt 11th April 2015
Winchester, Hampshire

Equipment: Ouija board / Table tilting

Session 1 – Group B

My first group preferred to do glass work rather than Ouija. A spirit came through straight away, and after establishing our yes and no directions, found out we had a female spirit present. We asked her to move the glass the number of times for her age and this showed her to be 23 years old. She went on to tell us that she worked at the Hall as a lady-in-waiting, wasn’t married and had no children. We asked her to show us where she was standing by moving the glass in that direction, and she was standing behind the guest seated to my right.
After a while we moved to the other table to try some table tilting, and there was slight rocking initially but it was very difficult to get spirit to move the table much more than that. Although eventually the table did tilt up on two legs and held this position for a while. I kept encouraging spirit to try to spin the table and after a while the table did half a rotation, then stopped and there was no more movement after that.

Session 2 – Group C

A spirit came through on the Ouija by the name of Elizabeth who was 25 years old. She died in 1634 and said she had a daughter called Eleanor and they used to live in the building. Elizabeth also told us that she was burned in a fire, although this wasn’t how she died. This we were unable to establish. We then had another female spirit come through and start moving the glass. We were unable to get a name as she just kept moving the glass to random letters which didn’t make sense, although she told us she was 39 years old and died in 1950.
We experienced some very good table tilting in this session, with the table spinning and walking across the room. There were also taps heard on the table. At one point spirit walked the table right over to the door and started banging against it as if wanting to go out into the corridor. Louise saw the figure of a man standing by the other door.

Session 3 – Group A

The glass took a while to move but we started communicating with a 9-year-old girl by the name of Kirsty. She said she died in an accident involving a horse and carriage in 1864. We didn’t get any more information from her, and after a while a male spirit called Frederick came through. He was 27 years old and died in the 1750’s.
When it came to the table tilting, four people at a time went on the table as this was quite a large group. One group did not experience very much movement with the table, with just gentle rocking. The other group got lots of movement with the table spinning and walking around the room.

Paranormal Investigator
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Marwell Hall ghost hunt – 11th April 2015

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Marwell Hall ghost hunt 11th April 2015
Winchester, Hampshire

This was our third visit to Marwell Hall and we were hopeful that it would be as active and interesting as our previous visits, as there are certain rooms which similar activity occurs every time we visit.

As always I chose the room upstairs to hold my séances, this is the room the staff don’t like, things happen in this room, it is also the room that the window bar moved on our previous visit.

In this room there were a couple of spirits; the first one I saw was a Footman he was about 5’11” and quite portly for his height, wearing faded navy trousers with leather boots and a dark Navy jacket, he was dressed similarly to the old Royal Mail uniforms. His name was Andrew although he wasn’t a talkative person he was able to move people.

The first group there was some arm movement although by comparison to other groups this was very minor because no-one (apart from me) encouraged the spirit to do anything.

The second group Andrew was able to lift everyone’s arms and twist people’s arm in the centre of the circle. He was also able to push and rock people and in some cases pull the people down to the floor by their arms. Many of the guests felt the pressure that he was able to assert on to their shoulders to force people to move. This pressure was forceful but not malicious in nature. He was also able to pull people backwards, usually quickly and surprisingly which the guests found fun and interesting because it happened so quickly and without warning. The majority of the movements were asked for and the spirit obliged with the requests.

After we finished with the séance as this room became very hot we sat around the table and asked for spirit to make some noises or repeat our knocks on the table. Many times we heard knocks and taps that sounded like they were made from underneath the table (all our hands were flat on top). Many times when everyone heard the knocks from spirit everyone pointed to a different part of the room or the table.

Whilst we were sitting around the table there was a female spirit who seemed to affect one end of the room. She was Victorian in dress but did not give me her name, in fact she didn’t really talk to me, and she just paced around the other end of the room. I stated at the time this was probably because all the men were sitting at the same end and she was affecting the women of the group. Several people felt a coldness like someone breathing on them, however this moved around the table and one person felt a brush across her face whilst another felt a physical touch, a finger or hand poke in the back, which surprised her!

The third group to this room, Andrew made himself know and moved just about everyone’s arms, he also was more able (or willing) to move people. He pushed one person down to the floor in a very embarrassing manner and lifted another person’s left leg a few inches off the floor much to her amazement and surprise. Whilst this was going on other people had their arms raised above their heads and arms and faces stroked, sometimes this was asked for other times not.

Once again after finishing the séance we sat around the table in the hope that we would hear more noises, but alas we didn’t. However the female spirit came through again and affected the same end of the room, with various people feeling cold spots and they too said that it felt like someone breathing a coldness onto them.

After all groups had spent time with all the team members doing different activities in different rooms. We then (as we always do) allow the guests to investigate on their own in any of the areas that they have been and the guests may borrow our ghost hunting equipment and Ouija boards. Many guests had great paranormal experiences on their own or in small groups. One group used our writing planchette and had various letters and names written as well as objects that they asked to be drawn.

Another group upstairs the room that I held the séances managed eventually to get a long table to be moved by spirit.

This was another excellent ghost hunt and we are looking forward to our second visit later in the year.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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