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Posts Tagged ‘pluckley’

Pluckley Screaming Woods – 8-12-2011

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Pluckley Screaming woods never cease to amaze us, not least the amount of people we encounter looking for ghosts in the woods and sometimes the wrong woods! I don’t really understand why people get so frightened walking 500 yards away from the car park, the scary places are much deeper into the woods!

We made our way to a particular hot spot and after everyone’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, although it wasn’t that dark because the moon was high in the sky and nearly full we were joined by Bernard, a spirit in his early 20s who was a wood cutter from the 1920s. This spirit energy quickly started to move the arms of Kerry and myself and when I asked Kerry to ask in her head which direction Bernard should move her arm he diligently obliged. Bernard then moved around the circle and stood beside Sid and firstly moved his and my arms, then his and Kamilla’s arms. Sid found this both interesting and alarming, since on our walk into the woods he wanted to know why he had never experienced anything before, now he has his answer. I also asked Sid to do the same as Kerry i.e. ask in his head which direction he wanted his hands to move and once again Bernard obliged.

Another male energy made himself known to me although he didn’t participate as he was watching Bernard. This energy looked like Alf Garnett (for those who can remember that TV show). During this arm movement session and the subsequent pushing that was starting to take place, mainly with Kerry and Steve (guests) we all heard a lot of noise, some of the noises were birds, but some of it also sounded like someone making their way through the woods because we all heard snapping of sticks and questioned whether an animal would make this noise?

After walking a little further into the wood we started with another séance but this time the two energies were female, called Mary and Alice, but they showed themselves via my EMF metre but did not interact with the group. We left this area and moved onto a much more sheltered part of the wood, since it was rather cold but thankfully the rain had stopped.

Almost immediately after forming a circle a male energy called Philip stepped forward, he was about 6’ tall and told me that he had passed away in 1960s in a motorcycle accident on the road which passes through the woods. He very quickly started to push Kerry, Steve and myself and also not intent on just pushing us forwards and backwards but also from side to side. This spirit ghost was also a joker and generally fun loving chap who thought it would be hilarious to push us forwards, actually it felt like our arms were being pulled downwards and we could do nothing but follow. After this rather uncomfortable movement, the spirit started to move arms again and placed one of my arms in front of Kamilla and she said that she felt this warming energy flowing from my hands and that all her clothes were sticking to her. Bino (guest) also had the same treatment but he reported that he felt an odd sensation on his head and all the hairs on his neck were sticking up.

During this session many people including me heard voices, some of which sounded very close, but I severely doubt many people could walk through these woods without the aid of a torch. Although I know I could because I know the woods very well but I certainly wouldn’t be walking around these woods at midnight on my own!

We also heard some rather scary sounding groans or growling, fortunately it sounded far enough away but it was very unusual as I have never heard that sound before, yes I have heard other growling noises in these woods but this was different as it sounded menacing.

When I asked Philip to repeat some whistling the EMF metre spiked with activity although it took several attempts before we as a group heard a reply whistle and even then it was quite a faint sound.

After this I conducted an EVP experiment, which proved to be brilliant, because when I played back the recording I and others could hear a definite spirit voice after I asked my question, well actually the spirit voice was recorded in a gap between me saying my name and me asking my question. This is extremely clear and you can hear it at

There were several other ghostly spirit voice answers to the guest questions, but these are being analysed because they are not so clear. There was also a sound of an accordion after Kerry asked her question but this is also being analysed by our experts.

Once again a brilliant ghost hunt in Pluckley Screaming woods with the guests experiencing both physical and recorded evidence.

Spiritual Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Pluckley Screaming woods ghost hunt – 8-10-2011

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

Whilst we were preparing ourselves in the car park another group of intrepid ghost hunters set off, we waited until they had walked out of our sight before we too set off I mention this because of what happened 3 hours later (keep reading to find out!)

We made our way to our usual spot, I go to this particular area because it is a general “hot spot” of spiritual activity. We started with a séance after my EMF metre showed a lot of activity. A male energy made himself know to me, he was about 20 years old a tall gentleman of slim build called Phillip and he looked like a farmhand from the 1930s. At first there was some gentle arm movement amongst the guests and then various cold spots were felt by various people. At the same time that some of us were feeling cold spots, both Alice & Georgina (guests) were feeling incredibly hot and Georgina had to be placed in the centre of the circle for her to cool down.

All the while we were hearing footfalls (it wasn’t the other group they walked in a completely different direction). These footfalls sounded like a lone person, too big for an animal, but as soon as one person heard the noise it stopped.

A male energy also joined us, he was about 60 years old and seemed to be trader, as he was pushing a wooden cart laden with fresh produce (vegetables and fruit). This energy didn’t seem vert talkative and proceeded on his way without interacting with the group.

At this point I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experiment, the results of which are still being analysed.

We then moved further down the path, but unfortunately it started to rain, although we did not get wet as the trees provided sufficient cover from the rain. In this location we saw lots of shadows but unfortunately we didn’t hear anything because of the amount of rain masked any noises from the wood. Whilst here we were interrupted by the other group who seemed to be walking the entire circumference of the wood on the red path, which takes about 2 hours to walk.

Our third location was in the area in which I (and others) have heard several spiritual whistles, I say spiritual because some were heard audibly and some were only recorded on my digital recorder, as we didn’t hear them at the time, but the recorder did. In this location we heard many noises some of them sounded very heavy as if a large object had fallen, however since it was still raining it was very difficult to pinpoint where exactly the noises were emanating from. The EMF activity in this location was very high, with a general pulsing through the various lights, this seemed to correspond with the noises heard within the woods.

At one point we all heard a very loud cracking noise followed by a very heavy thud, which some guests felt through their feet. Once again at this location we also heard various footfalls alongside the heavy sounding noises.

As we were walking out of the woods as the rain became too heavy for us to continue, myself & John (guest) were at the back and to both of us it felt like we were being followed out of the woods.

When we got to about the halfway stage (halfway to the car park) we met the other group who had decided that they were lost and had obviously decided to wait for us (on a crossroad) to ask for directions, which I found very amusing, because we could have walked on a different path and they would have been waiting a very long time and it also highlights a very important point, getting lost in such a big wood as Pluckley isn’t a very sensible idea especially on cold and wet nights. Or with people who don’t know how to get out of the woods! We visit all of our locations in the day time so that we know exactly which way to go.

It was a productive night and although the spiritual activity was mooted somewhat (due to the weather) many orb photographs were captured by the guests and we have several EVPs which may be cleaned up enough for the results of the questions to be heard properly.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Pluckley Screaming woods ghost hunt – 24-9-2011

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Pluckley screaming woods ghost hunt 24th September 2011

We started our session in virtually the same place as we usually do, as this particular area has never really failed to provide spiritual activity. Although we had to wait (in complete darkness) as there were a group of people who had followed us from the car park. Nothing unusual about this, but most people are ill prepared to walk this far into the woods without fear of getting lost. We on the other hand know exactly where we are going and more importantly know which way to get out of the woods. After 10 minutes or so they too turned back and we didn’t see them for the rest of the night.

Shortly after starting a séance circle a male energy by the name of Ted (Edward) joined us, he began to move the arms of the guests gently at first and as they (the guests) got accustomed to the idea, Ted also began to move more people. It was a still night and unusually we heard very little animal noises. However when I asked for spirit (or Ted) to make a noise there was a definite and loud cracking noise which scared one or two of the guests. Instantly and instinctively they had to put a torch on to see if they could see anything, but as always nothing looked out of place or moved. Various people commented that they could see lights, which could have been from the group of people trying to find their way out of the woods. We also heard definite footfalls and as ever no-one approached. However some of the footfalls sounded like someone crashing their way through the woods, however I ruled out a real person because no light was seen in this direction and I don’t believe you could find your way around those woods without a torch.

We conducted an EVP (ghost voices) experiment, there were two very clear answers posed by people present. You can hear the questions and the answers that we believe are being spoken.

After a while and much photo taking we moved on to an area which I have heard (and guests) a female scream and seen many strange shadows. Whilst we were in this area many noises we heard, none of them sounded like animals or humans. A general mumbling was heard by various people, but the direction could not be placed by anyone.

Our third session was held in an area in which I (and guests) have heard strange whistling noises, although this time we heard nothing and by this time many of the guests were feeling cold, as a mist had descended on the area and was now adding to the spookiness of the woods.

Once again a very enjoyable event for all and one in which every guest had some physical evidence of their own.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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Pluckley screaming woods ghost hunt – 20-8-2011

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

After an eventful start to the evening, eventful because of the strange nature of the people who were in Pluckley, who clearly had no respect for the people that actually live there.
Once into the woods, we walked far enough that we would not be disturbed by the gang of teenagers roaming the woods in search of ghosts!
I stopped in the usual path, where my EMF metre was generally going nuts, many of the guests started taking photographs, and most of them captured at least one orb. There was an unusual photo taken of me and beside me a mist had formed, that was not seen by the naked eye (and no one was smoking).
The area which I always go to rarely fails to deliver and this was no different, within a matter of minutes a male energy made himself known to me. He was 5’6″ in height and in his early 20s, with short brown hair and a stubble beard. He was a quiet energy and it took him a while to tell me his name, which was Trevor. Trevor proceeded to walk around the circle and then stopped just behind Dean (guest) where he gradually started to move people. He started moving the arms of myself & Kellie (guest), very gently at first but as the energy gained confidence he moved us with greater force. During this time a Kellie also felt an unusual cold sensation that only affected the back of her legs, I too felt this coldness, but only on my ear. (It was a still night and quite warm)
There were numerous noises, but unusually the woods were quiet of what I would call normal woodland animal sounds, it was if all the animals were hiding. These noises all sounded like people approaching and at one moment both Paddy (guest) and I heard foot falls in the same direction. Had I not been here before and thus know the layout of the paths I would have expected to see someone as it was that loud. There were other noises which I haven’t heard in these woods before and that was the sound of something falling. I don’t know what it was, but it was sizeable enough to make quite a lot of noise and rattle the sanity of the guests.
Trevor was also making Dean feel itchy, as Dean had the cobweb sensation around his face and neck, which is always a good sign that the spirit energy is near.
Just as Trevor was increasing the level of movement Alison (guest) jumped forwards, as something had brushed up behind her and that made her jump somewhat!
After this we walked slowly down the path, I gave Dean one of my EMF Metres and I held the other one. I encouraged spirit to walk with us and they did not disappoint as more or less on command lit all the lights to the highest level, but just as someone tried to take a photo of the lights the energies would back off. Trevor was also following us, although he was not responsible for all the EMF activity along the path. Dean also asked spirit to light up the EMF metre and to his initial surprise they complied.
At the second location, which on previous occasions has been marred with constant animal noises this time was exceptionally quiet, there was absolutely no animal noise at all which in itself was a little eerie. Another male energy by the name of Mr Knight stepped forward, he was in his early 60s quite a stocky build and about 5’10” in height. He sported a very bushy beard which matched his full head of hair and was what I would call salt & pepper colour. He seemed to be dressed as a farmer, although he did not give any personal information about himself. Once again we all heard various noises, but none of them sounded like normal animals. Again we all heard foot falls, Paddy even heard horses hooves, which is odd because there are no fields particularly close by. Various lights were also seen (the moon had risen, but was low in the sky) in the heavy woodland opposite me. This is a dense part of woodland and before we started the séance Lee, Mark & Richard (guests) had witnessed something move in front of them, which moved some branches and they were swinging quite freely. But we all saw an archway of light appear in this part of the woodland and more lights further down the path. The energy stood virtually behind Kellie and she complained that her arms felt very heavy as if she had been carrying heavy shopping bags. Dean however was being pushed forwards and backwards by the spirit and Dean had his jacket tugged at one point. There were other energies around us, but very few of them came close enough for me to get a description of them. One of the oddest things to happen was a crack noise that we all heard right above us in the trees, we all looked up but saw nothing, but whatever it was landed quite a distance behind us. To me this is odd because it if were something falling then I would have expected it to have landed near us because it wasn’t windy and things generally fall straight.
After conducting an EVP experiment many people took more photographs, but the strangest photo was captured by Lee. In the photo it looked like a shape of a person (a torso but no head), Lee had thought he had captured one of the guests, but no-one was wearing white, and generally everyone was standing together, but the figure in the photo was alone. Unfortunately none of the EVP recordings are audible enough to work out what is being said, however we had three EVPs recorded.
The third location is where previously I had captured whistling noises and I was hopeful that we might hear the same noises. I asked the spirit to make a noise and when they finished to light up the EMF metre. We didn’t hear anything, but several times after I asked a question the EMF lit up.
Once again a very enjoyable ghost hunt at Pluckley screaming woods and some very interesting photos captured by the guests, some of which are on our ghostly gallery (
Spiritualist Medium
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Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt – 30/7/2011

Monday, August 1st, 2011

After leaving the car park we walked deep into the woods and began a séance on a familiar path (to me). My K2 EMF (Electromagnetic Force detector) metre was showing everyone that there were energies present so after everyone had finished taking photographs we held the first séance. Within a few minutes a male energy by the name of Timothy stepped forward and began to give the guests physical evidence. Timothy was about 5’9″ and of slim build, with dark short hair.  He seemed to feel at home in the woods. He started by gently swaying Kerry (guest) to my left and moving the arms of Sandra (guest) to my right. Timothy proceeded around the circle but not everyone wanted to experience physical movement, so Timothy came back to Kerry and pushed her some more, much to Kerry’s amusement. During this session there were many noises of rustling and other normal woodland animals, but every time many of the guests were rattled by these noises.
After the séance had finished I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experiment to try to capture timothy’s voice. Unfortunately the results of this EVP experiment are inconclusive, there were some noises and possible voices but they are too quiet to analyse further.
The guests at this stage took many photographs, several of them captured bright spirit orbs.
From here we walked a little further into the woods, once again a familiar place to me. After taking several photos we formed another séance circle. Almost Immediately Timothy had followed us down the path and was starting to sway the people he swayed before. Although there was another male energy who slowly came forward, his name was Drake (which I assumed was his Surname) he was approximately 62 years old, about 5’7″ he had a very haggard looking face and was mostly bald, but had a little grey hair at the back. He seemed to be a fist fighter or prize fighter. Drake was a very strong male energy and he quickly started making people sway and rock, which was very similar to The Weebles (a TV show from the 1980s, the tag line of “Weebles Wobble but they don’t fall down!”) as I commented on this at the time. Even one of the guests who initially didn’t want to be moved or pushed ended up standing beside me and because I knew she would not be frightened if she was moved, spirit obliged and moved her arm gently and held it in a position that would have hurt if we tried to do this of our own accord.
From the next EVP experiment that I conducted there were several noises which when they are fully investigated may prove to be spirit voices, however one example was very clear in the initial response, the spirit in question did say something after answering the guest question but as yet we cannot work out exactly what is said.

From here we walked a little further down the path (I have never walked this far) the K2 metre was lit up like a Christmas tree and I immediately asked that the spirit(s) in question make a whistling noise, almost immediately we all heard two definite whistles, this did not sound like any animal I’ve ever heard so I asked again. This time the guests heard the whistle but I didn’t. I noticed that every time I asked the lights on the K2 metre went to the lowest light and when I asked my question, almost immediately the lights were pulsating, as if the spirit were letting us know that they had completed their quest. On the third attempt I also recorded this with my digital voice recorder and although we didn’t hear anything at the time, the lights on the K2 flashed away. Upon inspection of the recording you can clearly hear three definite whistles.

I also asked the spirit in question to make other noises and we all heard various noises, mostly what sounded like someone walking through the woods, although when a torch was shone in those directions nothing was seen and no animal ran away or made any noise. But because we were in a wood those noises could not confirm spiritual activity.
After the display on the EMF subsided I decided it was time to make our way back to the cars, however as we were approaching the main path I decided to step into a small part of the woodland which on previous occasions has made the guests feel strange and one in which they have seen shadows and movement. Within a matter of minutes everyone was not feeling too great, they all said that whilst they could see something they couldn’t be sure it wasn’t their eyes playing tricks, but they all felt the same; vulnerable and slightly on edge, as if they were expecting something but they didn’t know what.

All in all a very enjoyable ghost hunt in Pluckley Screaming woods with some excellent physical evidence experienced by the guests and the whistling noises were absolutely brilliant and also a first for me to record the unusual sound of a spirit whistling.
Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt – 23-7-2011

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Pluckley Screaming Woods – 23rd July – Private Ghost Hunt

After walking deep into the woods we stopped at a familiar path (to me), one which has surpassed all our expectations on previous visits to Pluckley woods.

Using my EMF (K2) Metre to show the guests that spirit energy was around, I waited until the energies were close to us before starting a séance.

The first séance a female spirit by the name of Natasha (Tash) stepped forward, she was in her late 20s and about 5’5″ in height. She had long ginger hair and fair skin and was wearing a white dress. She gave me the impression that she was from the 1860s and she was a farmer’s daughter. Almost immediately Nicky (guest) was being gently rocked and mine and Tabitha’s (guest) arms were being moved. After several minutes of Nicky being gently pushed the energy moved around the circle and gave Tabitha the same treatment. A male energy made himself known to me, he was called Tom McBride, aged in his 50s and was about 6′ tall. He was Tash’s father and a well-built gentleman with a very square looking face and what I would call salt & pepper hair colour. Between the two energies they began to firmly push or pull various people although both Laura’s (guests) had very little movement at this time.

During this séance various rustling noises were heard and Tabitha kept looking over her shoulder as she thought she could hear some foot falls of people approaching.

At the end of this session I conducted an EVP experiment and then everyone started taking photos, some of these pictures feature in our Ghostly Gallery

After a short break we proceeded to walk deeper into the woods, to another location which has proved to be active on our other Pluckley ghost evenings.
At this location I suggested that we conduct a séance first to build up the energy and then use a Ouija board.

A male spirit who was aged in his late teens eventually stepped forward, he seemed quite shy and had the appearance of someone who lived rough. His name was David and once he gained confidence he was able to quite forcibly move Laura (who was on my left) with ease. He also moved everyone’s arms and at one point when Tabitha was feeling itchy our arms moved to where the itch was, much to the amazement of Tabitha. At this location many noises were heard, one particular noise which was not paranormal in any way was a cub fox or small mammal calling out, it was a very persistent squeak. During the séance however we all heard a growling noise, which is something that I have not experienced in these woods before, this growling was very close to us and mainly scared everyone. When I left the circle to search for the source of the noise it stopped. Also during the séance various cold spots were noted by some people whereas the person standing next to them noticed nothing. After all movements ceased I decided to set up the Ouija board.

Very quickly an energy came forward and started communicating with us, he was very capable in the use of a Ouija board and knew exactly what to do (which is fairly rare). As he was spelling his Christian name, Nicky told everyone that she knew what it was and to her amazement she was correct. His name was Frank Tanner who lived on the Isle of Man, he was 27 years old when he passed in 1960 and he committed suicide by jumping into a path of a train (on the mainland). His suicide was due to money concerns. He was married to Rita and had 4 daughters. During this session we all heard a noise which we had no heard all evening and when asked Frank said it were he who was making the noise. I asked him to make the same noise again and although quite quiet we all heard the noise.

I asked Frank a question that I have been meaning to ask spirit on a Ouija board for some time. The question was ‘What were you doing immediately prior to this?’ His response was sailing and when I asked where, he gave no answer, in fact he basically told us he couldn’t answer and it was a secret, or something that we do not need to know until it is our turn. It was all very interesting.

After we had finished the Ouija board Tabitha said she could hear a faint whistle or flute, most of the other guests also heard this, but I only heard the last incarnation of this sound. Strangely the direction of this sound was the same direction that we heard the female scream from our March (2011) event and we were in more or less the same spot in the woods.

On the way park to the car park I stopped in a different part of the wood, this part seems to watch you and generally people feel very vulnerable here. Quite quickly the EMF Metre showed us that there was indeed spirit energy about and I suggested holding a séance. Since no torch was on it was extremely dark and Laura (to my right) seemed to have longer hair than she actually had, Nicky and Tabitha also commented on this. Nicky also said that I looked much broader in the shoulders and had an ‘Afro’ hairstyle. At one point Laura felt that I was looking into her face and quite close. I hadn’t moved. A male energy was responsible for the rather violent movements felt by Nicky & Tabitha. He seemed an angry man who was intent on causing trouble, he was aged in his late 20s and came across as a mischievous person. During this séance I had become deaf in one ear, which was not nice since everyone else could hear foot falls and rustling, I could hear it but since deaf in one ear could not locate which direction the sound was coming from. After a short while I suggested we end the séance since the energy had generally stopped moving people and not much else was happening.

Another excellent ghost hunt in Pluckley Screaming Woods, which rarely fails to deliver spiritual activity in some form, although I have noticed that smaller groups here generally get much better results.

Spiritualist Medium
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Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt 25/6/2011

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt

After the long walk into the main part of the woods, we decided to split the group up, with 7 people in each group.

My group staying on one of the scariest and active paths, where after explaining what was going to happen we held a séance.
The energy that stepped forward was called Desmond, he was in his early 20s, about 22 years old and he stood about 6′ tall. He looked like a farm hand or a farmer. He wasn’t very communicative although had the impression that he had passed over relatively recently.
I asked the energy to step forward and give all the guests some personal evidence. This started with me and then Julie to my left, she was being pushed and pulled like a puppet, as she had no control over which direction she would be moved next I then asked Julie to ask in her head which direction she would like to be pushed. Desmond then proceeded to move her. After a 5 or 10 minutes I asked Desmond to move onto the next person, who was Carole and he pushed her forward, I said the same thing to Carole, to ask in her head, then Sean, Kym and Ellen and finally Debra. Everyone hold some gentle pushing and pulling. There were also some gentle arm movements, but these were very few and far between.
During this period we all heard some woodland sounds, but what I cannot be sure of were the lights that we saw, as the other group were much further away and out of sight, yet throughout our séance we could all see some lights like torches. The other group confirmed that they did not leave their torches on all the time.
After the séance I conducted an EVP experiment, there were several EVPs that were captured, however the best one is

Before moving off everyone took some photos and a number of Orbs were captured, some of these photos can be seen in our ghostly gallery
We then made our way down the path to join the others, after exchanging notes the other group once again went further down the path, we stayed where they had been. After a while another male energy joined us, he was a big man, about 5’7″ in height and weighing about 20 stone, to me he looked very similar to the character Ted Bovis from Hi-De-Hi. This energy did not reveal his name at the time, as he seemed very reluctant to speak to me. A little arm movement occurred, but nothing like the first energy. At around 1.30am we all heard church bells, which was unusual because we have not heard church bells at that hour on previous visits to Pluckley woods and I very much doubt any church bells would be ring at 1.30 in the morning. The other group later confirmed that they had heard the bells at that time, but did not hear them before then. There were also some lights and shadows seen behind me in the woods, this is a very thick part of the woods and it would be impossible for someone to walk in that part without the aid of a torch.
I then conducted another EVP experiment, a few EVPs were captured, once again the best is
At this point the other group came back to join us and whilst we were standing around talking another group of people that we had seen approaching joined us. These were casual ghost hunters but what I found strange is that they had no proper torches and seemed mostly scared and they had ventured into the deepest woodland with no idea where they were and more importantly no idea how to get back to the car park.
On our way out of the woods we stopped in a thicker part of the woods, as this area was recommended to us by The Royal Marines 40 Commando that accompanied us back in April as they too heard some weird sounds at this location.
Lynn sensed a female energy was around her part of the circle, however I could not sense this energy and after a while I did sense a male energy who looked scary although I suspect he wasn’t that bad. He was however about 6’5″ and very muscular and he had an evil looking face. During this séance a group of real people wondered by. The female energy that Lynn had sensed seemed scared of the male energy that I sensed. He made his way around the circle but very little movement was apparent.
Once again another excellent evening, where everyone in my group had some physical evidence, photographic evidence captured on their own cameras and some EVPs. What more could you ask for.
Spiritualist Medium


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Pluckley Woods Ghost Hunt – 14/5/2011 Lynns Report

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

The evening was nice and calm we had had quite high winds during the day, but when we arrived at the woods it was calm. We had 11 guests with us for the night’s investigation. Also present was Steve and myself.

My group which included, Heidi, James, Matt, Joe and Katie went our separate way; we went into a part of the woods that we had only investigated once before.
We got ourselves sorted Joe and Katie had not been on a ghost hunt before and Joe was sceptical but was very open. We started with a séance circle, within 10 minutes an energy came through behind Katie, he gave his name as Jeff, he appeared to be late 20s was about 5’10” could not make out when he had passed, he just stood looking at us. A few minutes later another energy came behind Joe this was a lady called Evelyn, I could not get her age but would have said she was about 55, 60 years old, I asked the group how they were feeling Heidi said her back was very hot, no one else reported anything.

I asked Evelyn if she could give us some evidence that she was there with us asked if she could move someone, push them or touch one of us, straight away Joe and mine arms started to move up Joe was speechless, I let my hand go limp so Joe knew it was not me doing this, I thanked Evelyn for her effort and asked if she could do anything else, at this point, Joe was started to be turned towards me and his arm was still be moving up and down, I asked spirit if they could move anyone else, Matt who was standing next to Joe noticed a strange feeling in his arm it then started to move upwards as well, at this point I noticed another energy behind Heidi, I asked Heidi if she was OK, she said that she still felt very hot on her back I explained there was an energy behind but was unable to tell her anything about them as they would not show themselves to me, I asked this energy if they would be able to give Heidi some prof that they were there by either moving Heidi or lifting her arms, spirit coopered and went on to move Heidi and James arm up, the only person at this point who had had no evidence was Katie, I asked spirit to please move Katie in some way and both our arms were lifted, poor Joe and Matt were still being turned and having their arms moved this went on for some time. Heidi said that James and her arm was now swinging back at forth,
Joe and Matt arms were now being swung quite violently I asked spirit to please be a bit more gentle, they did not oblige. I decided at this point to thank spirit and asked everyone to drop hands.

We took some photos (many orbs caught on camera) and made our way out of the woods to the footpath as we were making our way down all 5 of us noticed a very sudden drop of temperature, I suggested we did a séance there. As soon as we started Joe had the sensation of being pushed by the shoulders down into the ground, all 5 of us heard running in the wood were we had come from. Joe said that it was no way an animal as there was only 2 foot steeps, (there was no way a human could have been running in there as the trees were very close together and there was no torch). I must say at this point I felt quite unsettled and made the suggestion we went to find then rest of the group.
Everyone said they had had a good hour and was looking forward to the rest of the evening.
Joe said he was definitely a believer now.

Trainee Medium / Paranormal Investigator

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Pluckley Woods Ghost Hunt – 14/5/2011

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

Pluckley screaming woods never cease to amaze me, this time our ghost hunt was split into two groups, with Lynn taking 5 people to a different part of the woods. My group continued further into the woods to the particular area where we have had so much activity in the past.

The séance started off quite normally with some gentle pushing and pulling and gentle arm movements, but as time went on the movements were getting more defined and forceful, the energy that was responsible was a male energy about 5’10” in height and of slim build and looking at him I would have put him in his early 30s. He was dressed as a typical farmer of 1870s and was wearing a white shirt and green/olive trousers. He gave his name as Mark, and as soon he became aware of what he was able to do, he began pushing Diane (guest) and Graham (guest) into extreme positions, whereas I, Chris, Debbie, Zoe & Kim (guests) were just gently rocked. During this period of time we all heard various noises from within the woods, some sounded familiar (like rabbits etc.) but some sounded unusual including some voices, which were not coming from the direction of the other group. At one point something touched me on the back of the knee which startled me, as I thought it could have been an animal, but it wasn’t. I don’t know what it was but it felt like a hand.

I then proceeded with an EVP experiment, and although I can hear noises after people asked their questions, it is too quiet to be able to understand what is being said.
Once the other group joined us, we continued down the path to where we heard the female scream on a previous ghost hunt. The energy that joined us here was very forceful and pushed some of the guests to the ground. This séance circle was split 50/50 between gentle movements and harsh movements. Fortunately I was on the gentle side and a male energy by the name of Thomas made himself known to me. He was quite a tall (5’11”) stocky man who was mostly bald and had a very wicked sense of humour and he knew what he was able to achieve with us. During this very energetic séance we didn’t hear too many unusual noises until we had nearly finished. It sounded like a circus in the distance, not too far away, but we could hear music. Bearing in mind this was 1.30am the likelihood of it being music in these woods is slim, because we met the Police back at the cark park who were in the area looking for anything unusual, they were just checking the area as they do every weekend. Once we finished the séance I conducted another EVP experiment and the results from this session are much more audible. and there are two more which were captured but the Ghost Hunt Events audio expert and myself cannot agree on what is being said.

All in all another excellent night of ghost hunting in Pluckley woods and everyone had some form of evidence, two people had some really excellent evidence because they were pushing to the ground and one of them (Joe) couldn’t get up immediately.

Spiritualist Medium

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Pluckley Woods Ghost Hunt – 23/4/2011

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Well where do I begin? It was a fantastic night not least because of the spiritual activity more on than later, but also because we were joined by some members of the Royal Marines 40 Commando who informed me earlier in the week that they would be in the woods. I was told “don’t try and find us, we’ll find you” and they certainly did within 5 minutes of us being in the woods, which I thought was quite impressive because we didn’t see or hear anything until they turned their torches on, we probably walked straight past them after leaving the car park!

We headed for an area where we have had excellent experiences in the past and this was no exception. After a quick rundown of what I intended to do and what is likely to happen to those within the circle we started holding a séance. Almost immediately a male energy made himself known to me. He stood approximately 5’6″ aged in his late 50s or early 60s, quite a bald headed man with patches of hair and quite gaunt looking. He gave his name as Jeffery and he made a point of telling me that his name was spelt with a J. He also gave his date of passing as 1910 and he was a local baker. He very quickly started pushing Andy (guest) to my left and without me asking (although Andy did) he moved our arms slowly upwards. After this Jeffery made his way over to Ruben (guest) and started to gently rock Ruben, much to his surprise and then moved Rubens and my arms. The male energy was quite reluctant to move the female guests at first but after a while and with some encouragement Jeffery began to move Lynn’s (Paranormal Investigator) and Ruben’s arms. During this period of spirit manipulation we all heard noises in various directions but mainly in the thicker part of the woods. These noises sounded like people walking through the undergrowth, but the Marines who were watching, soon ventured in the direction of the noises with their torches and they saw absolutely nothing. The noises also continued when a torch light came on which if it were an animal I would have expected the noise to stop. There were lights (possibly orbs) further down the path, Justine (guest) saw these on a number of occasions, as did the Marines and every time they (the Marines) investigated and reported that they could not see anything.

Another male energy that was in his early 20s came to join us, but the only information he would give was Henry as his first name. He was a lot stronger and had no difficulty in moving Ruben, Andy and myself. Both energies continued to move everyone for quite a while, during this time though the noises in the woods were getting louder and or nearer but these noises did not sound like animals or people as it was not consistent with footfalls.

Just before I was about to break the circle I saw a huge flash of light in the sky above the tree tops which was some distance away (It was a cloudless sky and no aircraft had been heard flying overhead). The Marines and Andy also saw this flash of light but they did not know what it was, as I thought that maybe it was something to do with the RM as there were a number of them in the woods.

After undertaking an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experiment, I decided to play back the recording to see if we could hear anything, we all heard one particular answer to a question asked by one of the Marines ([There were three EVPs captured during this session] Lynn asked to use the K2 Metre (EMF) and the results were quite astonishing, although the energy did seem reluctant to step forward at first.

After a short break I decided that we would head further down the path which is the direction in which several guests and the RM had seen various lights, this was also the same place that I (and guests) had heard a female scream the last time Ghost Hunt Events investigated Pluckley woods.

During the séance held here there were a couple of energies that had stepped forward but none were giving any definite evidence at first, although the K2 Metre was showing sustained and persistent activity. Some of the RM had joined in and as soon as two male energies joined us from the same direction that we had come, everyone’s arms lifted almost immediately to shoulder height. The two energies were dressed like woodsmen from late 19th Century but they did not reveal their names or any personal information. During this séance there were several noises but once again they didn’t sound like footfalls, more like something being dropped from waist height. There were also mist formations according to the guests and RM, although I did not see anything. We broke this circle quite early, or earlier than planned because the RM wanted to take us to a particular part of the wood where they had experienced some strangeness before we had arrived.

This part of the wood was very dense with small trees and plants and extremely dark. Almost immediately after creating the séance circle I had a strange sensation that I had lost vision in my right eye, a couple of the RM had either pains shooting down their backs or a dizzy sensation. A female energy had joined us; she gave her name as Marie and 1946 as the date of her passing. She was a Land Girl during the war years in and around the village of Pluckley and was dressed in a white/beige top and a dark green skirt. She appeared to be in her early 20s (although she didn’t tell me her age, but then again I didn’t ask – you should never ask a lady her age!). Marie quickly moved behind Justine and began to give gentle but definite pushes on Justine’s back and some slight arm movement. Marie also moved other people within the circle but this was brought to an abrupt stop because a less than friendly energy appeared quite close to the group. At this point more unusual noises were heard and many members of the group commented that it had got much darker (I couldn’t tell as my right eye was still not working properly) but the K2 Metre which was on the ground was flashing continuously, firstly just to the orange light (in the middle of the scale) then the red light (the maximum). Whispers were also heard and mumbling which seemed to come from all directions. The RM once again investigated as they thought they could see something behind where they were standing, but every time they moved in one direction the sound came from a different direction. After a while it became apparent that this is all the evidence we were going to achieve, which was fantastic since those noises were not created by something in the physical, at one point we all heard a male scream or shout and I decided that I would conduct another EVP experiment, this time the guests asked questions of a similar nature and I have captured four EVPs (these will be on the website, Facebook and YouTube as soon as possible [1-2 days] after publishing this report).

All in all everyone including the RM Commandos enjoyed the evening, as it was filled with spiritual activity right from the start, possibly the most active night that Ghost Hunt Events have had at Pluckley screaming woods.

Spiritualist Medium

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