Friday, May 03, 2024 09:45

Landguard Fort ghost hunt – 29-6-2013

Landguard Fort ghost hunt 29th June 2013
Felixstowe, Suffolk

After our last visit in March we were hoping for better weather as there is nothing worse than dealing with snow, fortunately this evening was very pleasant and warm.

My first session we started in the Caponier and whilst this was not as active as past sessions here communication via our electronic devices started well, as did high spikes of KII (EMF) energy seen on our meters.

Two Second World War spirit energies were just looking at us, without interacting. From here we moved into one of the magazine rooms with half of the group in the room and half in the corridor, everyone was quiet because we could hear talking and mumbling coming from the lighting passageways. We can be sure it wasn’t the other group since they were nowhere near us and two floors above us. Starting a séance in the magazine room the spirit energies joined us quickly and many guests had their arms moved at their request and sometimes against their wishes. Many guests (Louise & Aidan) were pushed, pulled backwards and swayed much to their amusement.

The two people either side of me felt a heavy weight on their arm, so much so that Aidan and myself were pulled by our arms down to the floor until our hands touched the floor. Many guests throughout this session felt tingling sensations in their hand and arms.

Carl (GHE team) who was with the remainder of the guests in the corridor were using an Ovilus (a device that enables us to hear spirit) and when they came closer to us in the magazine room we all heard “Steve”, however whether this was me or a guest called Steve we have no idea.

The second group I started in the magazine room as I wanted those guests to be physically moved by the spirit energies. Shortly after commencing the séance and asking the spirit to move us in any way possible several peoples arms were all moved at the same time as well as people being pushed and swayed. Some guests felt that they were on a boat as the swaying in some cases was very regular. Once again my arms felt heavy but this time I was not pulled down the floor thankfully. This time everyone was in the room but we still heard lots of noises in the corridor, several times we heard the sounds of people approaching us (footsteps) but no-one arrived and one particular noise was very loud that Carl went to investigate, he came back and informed us that he had seen no-one nor heard any noises. Whilst we were standing in the virtual darkness, the only light being the red one I was wearing many guests felt that something brushed past them, since I was the only person who could see everyone clearly some of the people were standing on their own and there was no physical person near them. There were however spirit energies in the room.

After we finished our controlled sessions we suggested to the guests that they venture off on their own to conduct their own vigils, as a team we would join the guests periodically.

I joined a group of guests in the Mine room, they were asking questions and recording as part of an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. There was a spirit in the room and he was called Keith Mitchell, roughly early 40s, mostly bald and quite a portly gentleman. He passed away building a mine as it exploded in front of him. Whilst in the room we all heard some odd noises and tapping. When the recording was played back there were noises in the recording that we didn’t hear at the time. Unfortunately we cannot find the recordings as we recorded about 100 hours of audio from the event, but during one of our weekly team technical sessions these recordings could not be found which is a great shame as we heard responses to the questions asked by guests.

However I have some recordings, but cannot remember where in the Fort I was at the time, although I believe this to be the Mine room.

I joined two guests at the Guard house, which is an area we often overlook because it is by the entrance to the fort. As soon as Aidan and I walked into the first room it felt oppressive and the KII meter that Aidan was holding lit up instantly. When we moved into the back room both of us commented that it felt similar to walking through treacle and then as we turned to talk to another guest the feelings and the KII activity disappeared.

I also joined Marc (GHE team) in the old ablution room (shower room) as he was attempting glass movement on a table with two guests, the strangest part was while everyone’s finger were on the glass to me the table looked to be moving as I was standing at the edge of the room. Those on the glass also said the same as they could feel the table moving below their fingers.

Some photos were taken at the end of this session and many of these had strange anomalies, not lights, but the walls looked to be reflecting light, however unlike a normal tiled bathroom there were no tiles in the room to reflect light.

Walking through the tunnels with two guests (Cheryl & Gemma) we came across the old boiler room and Cheryl took many pictures, however in one of her photos it looked like a fire in the boiler, this boiler was all rusty and had not been used for decades. Once in these tunnels we could hear many strange noises, footfalls and whispering, although we couldn’t be sure it wasn’t any other guest we didn’t come across anyone whilst walking in the tunnels.

Many guests during this free time had many strange and weird things happen to them especially those who ventured into the cells on the upper level.

All in all a very enjoyable and pleasant ghost hunt with all the guests getting some form of paranormal activity.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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