Saturday, May 04, 2024 09:29

Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 19-10-2013

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 19th October 2013
Chatham, Kent

Fort Horsted is one of our favourite ghost hunting venues and paranormal activity usually happens to various people in the whole group, rarely does so much activity happen to everyone in the same room, but on this particular occasion everyone who entered one of the most interesting areas of the Fort, known at the Fort as area 26 had much the same activity, albeit with some variations but generally everyone had some form of physical paranormal activity that they either couldn’t explain or once it happened the guests wanted it to happen more frequently.

As always we split the whole group of people into smaller groups and after a short historical briefing and a health & safety talk, a quick coffee and or cigarette we head off in our respective groups to start the ghost hunt.

Within the area known as 26, which is a wonderful [sic] 180 steps down and 30 up into the counterscarp galleries I picked one of the rooms which we have had lots of activity before and started a séance circle. To me is the best way that I can demonstrate the active spirits energy in a physical way so that I can “prove” that the spirits are real.

The first group to this area were all quite chatty until I asked that spirit step forward and touch and move people and at first everyone fell silent, then as I noticed a spirit come towards us, he started to move my hands and then others in the group. The spirit was called Gerald Clarke, he was a Second World War soldier, a Private first class from some rifle regiment and he told me (later in the evening) that he trained to be a sniper. He was about 24 years old, 5’9” in height and of slight build. He was wearing his “Going out” uniform. This is a special uniform that would only be worn when the soldiers were out and about in a town or when they were not on duty or in active service. He also sported a pipe, but I forgot to mention this until Jason (GHE team & camera) and others started to smell sweet tobacco smells.

Gerald firstly moved people hands and arms and slowly became more confident and started to touch people’s heads and strangely ears, although the person that this happened to first didn’t like her ears being touched!

Many people in the group we asking (in their heads) that Gerald move their arms in a particular direction, although Gerald had his own ideas and rarely actually did what anyone asked until they asked in a polite way. Many people were also pulled down to the floor very quickly (by their hands and arms) and once on the floor Gerald continued to move them and dragged their hands across the floor to the other side of the circle.

As Gerald became more proficient at moving people there was one moment when everyone apart from one person was on the floor, mostly in a bit of a heap because some people had been dragged down on top of other people who were already on the floor.

During the whole session we all heard some odd and strange noises, some of those noises sounded like footsteps whilst other sounded like stones being thrown, (we have had stones thrown at people in this room before on previous ghost hunts) however we did not investigate the noises because we were usually on the floor or moving towards the floor when these noises occurred.

The Second group to this area started much the same way, people being silent but as soon as I saw Gerald, I explained to the guests what I could see people generally relaxed and once again gentle arm movement started but quickly turned into more meaningful movements. There was also another male spirit, Justin who I believe I have met before at the fort, although he didn’t do anything physical to the guests apart from stand near or behind them to make people feel uncomfortable.

After moving various people within this group, Gerald quickly moved on to swaying and gently pushing people with some guests commenting that they felt like they were on a boat or had just got off a boat.

Some guests felt a physical touch, usually on their backs or in the ribs and considering we were all holding hands as part of the séance it could not have been anyone physical.

This time though as people asked (in their heads) for their arms to be moved in a particular direction, Gerald complied and did exactly what every person asked of him. After many of the guests were moved in some way Gerald moved on to his speciality and that seemed to be pulling people to the floor, which is exactly what happened to me first and when I stood up others were being pulled down. Gerald however had now managed to understand how to move people and wasn’t happy just pulling people to the floor, he now managed to push and pull people in different directions by their arms and move people into strange positions and when anyone asked that they be moved Gerald always picked on one particular guest to move them first before moving the person that asked to be moved, this was very amusing to watch, but unfortunately this session was not filmed by us.

The Third group to this area started in the same manner as all the other sessions, gentle arm movement, usually just lifting someone’s arms so that they realised it wasn’t them and then very quickly (probably because Gerald now understood how to move us) moved on to pulling people in strange ways. This session was much like the first session as Gerald moved various people’s arms to touch other people’s faces, chins, chests and legs, which became very embarrassing.

After just about everyone had been either; touched, pushed or moved in some way Gerald very quickly moved on to pulling people’s arms across the group so that we either had to move or fall over. Justin (the other male spirit) also made an appearance although this time would not really enter the room and staying the same place throughout much of the time. I could see and hear him laughing a lot.

Most of this session the physical nature of the event meant that generally we were all moved and hands were being moved in all directions from just about everyone, it was very similar to a modern game of Twister although this was in virtual darkness!

Many times my hands were pulled to the floor and dragged across the floor, which was actually quite painful, although I was the only person to spend time on the floor, which I suppose made a change, because the other two groups this was a usual occurrence.

As this session progressed several whistles were heard, but unfortunately we were all making a noise or talking when this happened and none of us had any idea where the noises came from, although the noises all sounded like it came from within the Fort rather than the dry moat.

After our controlled session we always allow the guests to wander quite freely to different areas of the Fort, usually with one of the GHE team in toe because of the various dangers at this fort. I joined a group of four guests in an area that they had not visited during our controlled sessions and we came across a familiar (to me) female spirit energy. Her name was Annie and she had been a Nurse at the Fort. One guest asked that she touch his hand and although he felt no proper or physical touch, he did feel a strange tingling sensation in his hand and arm. This is a normal sensation as Annie has previously made guests feel the same when they have been in this area.

This was an exceptionally physical ghost hunt as everyone felt some kind of physical paranormal activity, whether they wanted to feel it or not! Obviously many of the guests who experienced the dragging across the floor or pulled to the floor didn’t want to return to this area and spent the free time doing that so they ventured off to different areas to try to communicate with the spirit with some of our electronic gadgets. Many guests reported some interesting communication and everyone left happy as they had all experienced something that they didn’t expect and realised that actually it wasn’t as scary as they thought it was going to be.

The full edited event video can be watched at

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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