Tuesday, May 14, 2024 23:23

Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 15-3-2014

Fort Horsted invitation ghost hunt 15th March 2014
Chatham, Kent

This special ghost hunt was only open to our best customers; the plan for the evening was complicated to say the least as I didn’t want to have team members only being in one area throughout the night. The objective was to have different team members in different areas doing different activities and for the guests to choose what they wanted to do and who they would join for each of the three hourly sessions.

Surprisingly it wasn’t too hard for all the guests to understand, however as a team it was a little more confusing because no-one knew neither where they were going nor who with.

I started in an area only known as 36, this is a magazine room at the far end of the Fort which in the past has proved to be a very active room.

After started a séance circle and asking for any spirit to move us in any way they could, we were joined by a spirit called Michael who was a carpenter. He appeared to be wearing dungarees and a vest and had a carpenters pencil behind one ear. He was about 5’11” in height and of a stocky build aged in his mid-40s.

Michael started by moving our hands gently and when the majority of people had their hands moved (usually on command) he progressed to gently pushing and twisting people. However this turned very quickly into pushing people into other people and twirling others on the spot. Some of our hands were dragged on to the floor, which is fairly common and then once the majority were kneeling down Michael was able to push people more easily. David (guest) had his face stroked first and then as Michael became more adept at moving us was able to push David on to the floor face first, much the amusement of the rest of us.

Everybody felt some movements, some were treated to more forceful movements whilst the rest had more gentle movements and several guests had their faces, chins and shoulders rubbed. Odd smells seemed to fade in and out of the room with some smelling a sulphuric aroma whilst others smelling a lead paint aroma.

As the session went on Jason (GHE Camera) thought he heard a voice say “It’s alright” although no-one else heard this. We are hopeful that this will be captured on the video footage. Several other noises were heard throughout the session including something being dropped or thrown. It sounded like a pebble being kicked across the floor. Lights and other sounds were also seen and heard coming from the entrance to the room.

After we had all had our arms stretched towards the ceiling and dragged on the floor Michael tired of our presence at started pushing some of the guests and pulling those with their back towards the door in the direction of the door. We took this to mean that he wanted us to leave the room. So I asked him to step back and I closed the séance circle.

The Second group I chose to go to room 10, which we call it the spider room, because this is predominantly where the majority of the biting cave spiders reside and nest. The best way to visit this area is not to look up especially if you are afraid of spiders!

After forming a séance circle in the left hand room a spirit called John joined us, he was a plumber/boiler maintenance man, very plump and came from the late 1940s. He started by gentle moving arms and then pushing and pulling the guests backwards. This mostly happened very randomly with no-one knowing who was going to be moved and when. Arm movement was restricted to me and the people either side of me but everyone got pushed or swayed. I then left the séance circle but stayed in the room to try to direct the spirit to move the guests which worked well.

During this whole session we could all hear some odd noises, the funny thing is that we could all clearly hear the noises when we were talking, but as soon as we stopped the noises seemed to be quieter. The odd sounding noises ranged from whispering and mumbling to full blown talking, which I went to check to see if anyone was near us. They weren’t and it was quieter outside of the room. Apparently when I left the room everyone felt the atmosphere change and all the candles in the room flickered violently, but when I returned the candles didn’t flicker at all.

Other noises continued as we moved throughout the tunnel complex with the sound of footsteps on concrete, but most of this tunnel the floor is either broken stones or loose sand.

The third séance session was held in area 26 and more of an experiment for me as I wanted to try to something that I encountered a few months ago at another venue. I wanted to direct spirit to do particular things to certain people without their knowledge. So I started in the circle to help build the energy levels and then after there was some gentle arm movements and gentle pushing I left the circle. As I moved around the room I asked the spirits to move people that I pointed to. There were three spirit energies in the room. One was a Captain Bell who was a Second World War soldier, the other two joined us a little while into the session, they were both prisoners but neither gave me their name. All three spirit energies were quite happy to push and pull the guests.

As it is quite difficult to explain what happened to whom and how, the video of this session will be published so that everyone can see the result. Generally though, most of what I asked to happen to the particular guests that I pointed to (without them seeing) happened.

At one point the majority of the circle were on the floor, two guests (Darren & Russell) had their faces pushed onto the floor and when they stood back up they looked like they had just returned from a coal mine! This proved extremely funny for everyone else!

After these controlled sessions we then allowed people to go to various parts of the Fort to experience activities that they hadn’t experienced before or for us to try experiments with the guests.

I joined a group in room 36 who were with Sue & Kerry (GHE team) who were attempting a human pendulum experiment. When I walked in the room they asked me for some more questions to ask as they had run out of ideas. However I was more concerned with a spirit that I have seen many times in this room. Her name was Annie and she was a Nurse. She also took a dislike to Darren (who was the pendulum) and she wanted to do something different to Darren.

I then asked one of the guests to leave the room so that I could tell him what Annie was going to do and then we both re-joined the room.

Darren started to feel his legs and knees shaking and after much encouragement from the other guests in the room Darren started to feel his right leg lift off the floor, he also said that he felt dizzy and strange. I stood behind him and placed my hand on his back to give him more energy until Darren started to sway and he seemed to stand in an odd position. I then asked Mark (guest & the person I told) to come and place his hand where mine was. This is when it got really interesting as Mark and I had to stop Darren from falling over many times. It was similar to a Weeble, wobbling all over the place but not falling over because we were holding him up. Annie however made Darren feel odd and when she couldn’t do anything more than lift one leg, she did manage to lift one of his arms and make him shake violently.

Annie had told me she wanted to try and make Darren walk or move him by his legs. Whilst this didn’t really happen it was brilliant to see a person affected in this way as Darren had no idea what was going to happen. [We have had this happen to another guest at another location, which was filmed. – July 2013 at Fort Borstal to Charlotte]

This was an excellent ghost hunt with lots of activity throughout all sessions and with all team members. Hopefully we achieved what we set out to do, which was capture and record some amazing activity for the guests as the majority were experienced ghost hunters.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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