Sunday, May 05, 2024 20:19

Wychling Church & Woods ghost hunt

Wychling woods – 15th July 2011 – Private Ghost Hunt

After spending an entire afternoon trying to find the church in Wychling, I thought this would be a great venue to investigate with a small group and because of the Kent show that was taking place at Detling, this venue would be a good replacement.

We did not need to create a séance circle as the level of energy was extremely high and within a matter of minutes our K2 metres were showing that energies we all around. We took many photographs, some had orbs in them whilst others had strange mists, which cannot be explained, as although it wasn’t a calm night the wind was not too bad, but certainly it was not still enough for mists to form. At one point we heard some foot falls which could have been the local wildlife, however I would have expected to see large animals but the woods are too dense for a large animal to navigate those woods. Both guests saw some green lights, which could not have been car lights or local farms; however we didn’t establish what they could have been. During a session when I was using my sound amplifier I could distinctly hear a music box, (like a jewellery music box) albeit quite faintly, but the volume did not increase or decrease with the wind (this I would have thought would happen if the sound was carried on the wind). The source of this is unknown as it stopped as abruptly as it started. Both guests also noted that when someone took a photo and an orb was captured that there seemed to be a cold spot nearby.

We found a clearing and I asked spirit to come and join us, both of our K2 Metres jumped to life and were flashing in unison with a lot of vigour. I sensed that we were joined by a male energy by the name of Mark and he was about 22 years old and broadly built. He was carrying a satchel with him that contained rabbits. I did not establish whether he was a game keeper or a poacher. Our respective EMF Metres were still flashing in unison and during this period I carried out EVP experiments. Then I noticed that another male energy had joined us, this turned out to be Mark’s brother Brendon who was aged about 18. Both these energies were giving all guests some slight movement, but the majority of their energy was expelled making our EMF Metres lights flash. When I looked up from the ground I saw another physical face in our little circle and this made me jump and swear, as I wasn’t expecting to see a physical face looking back at me, as I took a step back to recompose myself the two male energies backed off. I wonder whether I had scared them?!

After a short while I became aware that a female energy had joined us, she was wearing horse riding gear and although this is timeless I had the impression that she was from the 1950s. Once again our EMF Metres jumped back into life and this female energy told me her name was Anne-Marie. Lots of questions were asked as we conducted EVP experiments. At one point I held out my right hand with the EMF Metre and my arm was pushed backwards with such force it was if it were attracted by a spiritual magnet. All the while the lights on my EMF were flashing in unison with the EMF Metre of my guests.

When Anne-Marie left us the atmosphere changed and we all started to hear strange noises in the woods, these were either coming from right in front of us, or directly behind us. These woods were not the sort of woods that a person could easily navigate, you would need a good torch to see and because of the undergrowth anyone approaching would make a lot of noise. But the noises we heard didn’t sound like a person moving in the woods, they were just random cracks and groans.

At one point one of the guests said that they were feeling strange, as if a cold energy was behind them, as they had felt a cold sensation on their back. I at this point did not sense anything behind the person although I knew it didn’t feel right, so I asked my guide to step forward and instantly I could see the spirit responsible. It was a male spirit by the name of Frank and he was wearing a dog collar and was either a reverend or bishop and he was putting all his weight down the shoulders of the guest, so much so that his legs began to buckle under the strain. My guide immediately stood in between the spirit and the guest and once the guest was feeling normal, my guide escorted Frank elsewhere.

As we were deciding whether to move or not we all saw various coloured lights in the trees, blue, orange, red and white. One of the guests thought they had seen two red eyes, but when our torches were on none of these lights could have come from anything in front of us as the wood was so thick and dense. We then made our way back to the car as it had been a great investigation site and one that deserves further investigation when there is less undergrowth to wade through.

Spiritualist Medium

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