Sunday, May 19, 2024 01:42

Explosion Museum ghost hunt – 7th February 2015 (Kerry)

Explosion Museum ghost hunt 7th February 2015
Gosport, Hampshire

Equipment: Ouija and table tilting.
Location: Lab Building

Session 1

I decided to use the upstairs of the building and began the session in the room at the far end of the corridor. We started with the Ouija board and the glass started moving immediately. A female spirit came through who told us her name was Lorraine and aged 56. She died in 1865 and was connected to the building in some way, although we were unable to receive any more information from her. We then connected with a male spirit by the name of Geri. He was 24 and died in 1767. When asked if he knew the other spirit by the name of Lorraine, he said he did and when asked how he died he said he died on a boat that crashed into the harbour along with seven others. A guest then asked how many spirits were in the room, and the glass moved to 8. Geri said the spirits of the other people who died with him were all there in the room with us.
During this we all heard what sounded like a chair being dragged across wooden floorboards downstairs, but there was no one else in the building, no furniture downstairs and no wooden floorboards. The floors were all carpeted. We all found this very strange.
We moved to another room at the top of the stairs to try some table tilting, and the table started moving immediately. A slight rocking to start with, then gradually started moving faster. A guest suggested asking spirit questions via the table so we then established our directions for yes and no responses. We had Geri with us again moving the table. After a while the movements became much stronger and I sensed that a different spirit had taken over. The movements became aggressive and the table started twisting and moving around the room. At one point it was difficult to keep up and a couple of the guests came off the table as it was going too fast. This just left myself and guest, Mary, who sensed that this male energy was not very pleasant. The table then stopped suddenly and we had no more movement. All had gone quiet so we started calling out to see if we would get any noises, and then heard footsteps out in the corridor. When asked if spirit could do that again, we had no response but we did all hear quite a loud hiss and wondered where it had come from.

Session 2

We began in the room at the far end of the corridor and during the Ouija session we contacted two male spirits. The first was Dave, aged 47 who only died within the last five years. He was with his wife in spirit but had a son who was still alive. He told us that he was in the Navy and he worked on the submarines. We then had a spirit by the name of Colin who was 33 years old. He died in 1948 and was in the Marines.
We moved to the other room to try some table tilting and once again we had movement straight away. We had a strong energy with us who was able to manipulate the table with ease. It was moving all around the room, then I asked spirit to walk the table through the door along the corridor and into the room at the end, which it then proceeded to do so. It was quite a narrow corridor and guests found it difficult to move around with the table but they managed to keep their fingertips on it, and it walked right down into the other room and continued spinning and twisting around the room. I then asked spirit to walk the table back again to the room we started from and it did so. The guests all commented how amazing this was. When we were back in the room the table walked over to the window and pushed a guest against it, then gave a couple of nudges as if wanting the guest to move out of the way, which he did. I asked spirit if they were able to touch us and the table responded with a yes. One of the guests said she felt a touch on her hand. I then asked if spirit could pull one of the ladies’ hair and nothing happened at first, then I got a sharp but gentle tug on the back of my hair. All guests present were in front of me and there was no one else in the room.

Session 3

We started again with the Ouija, but unfortunately didn’t get any movement after quite some time trying so decided to try the table instead. It took a while to move but eventually it tilted up on one side and did a half spin then stopped. There were only very slight movements after that but it needed a lot of encouragement.
We tried the Ouija again and got a bit of movement initially, but spirit seemed reluctant to answer questions and all we were able to find out was that the spirit was female and aged 54.

Paranormal Investigator
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