Friday, May 03, 2024 20:12

Deal Rifle club ghost hunt – 27-8-2011

Deal Rifle Club ghost hunt – 27-8-2011
When I was approached by a member of this club to “have a look” I wasn’t expecting much, because of the nature of the place (they shoot guns) I wasn’t expecting spirit to be very active. I was wrong, this is an active place and we certainly were not disappointed throughout the investigation.
This venue is probably the smallest I have ever investigated, basically there are two rooms. The club room for teas and coffees and the shooting lanes. The rifle range room is 25 yards long, so there was space. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I certainly did not expect to have the activity that occurred.
We started with a séance in the rifle range, I became aware of a young male energy who was dressed as a WWII soldier although his uniform looked different from UK soldiers and when he gave me his name it became apparent that his was Swedish, unfortunately I cannot remember who to spell his name it was quite long and unpronounceable in English. The soldier was about 5’6” in height and he started moving the hands of Justine, me and Christine. At the same time Andy was also being moved gently.
Lynn picked up on another male energy, he was in his early 60s and I could see him dressed in a plain blue boiler suit, Lynn got the name Bert. Bert started by gently moving the arms of John & Lynn. Whilst this was happening Justine and myself heard what sounded like footsteps, at one point we heard a metal clank and then about 7-10 footsteps. Everyone heard this and John asked whether we had shut the outside door, because it sounded like someone had entered the building and walked down the passageway. (Which was adjacent to the room we occupied)
We asked if it were Bert who was making the noise (1 tap for no, 2 taps for yes) and we all heard two taps. Lynn asked many more times for Bert to tap, which he did, some were more audible than others, but generally everyone heard those taps. During this I (and others) heard metal sounding taps coming from the far end of the room. The pellet collectors and baffles were metal, however we could not establish what was making these noises at the time because of the noises which were coming from the wall that separates the corridor and the rifle range.
Whilst all this was going on some of the guests were more vocal than others and I had noticed that Marc who would usually have said something, especially about the noises, remained very silent. After asking him if he was OK for about the third time and having no response I decided that he may have been in trouble, so I proceeded to stand behind him holding the arms of the people who were next to him, thus placing him effectively in the middle of the circle. Marc then immediately stated that he was OK. However afterwards he explained to me that although he was aware of what was going on he could not respond at the time, he also felt that his chest was tightening from the back and his legs had just locked up. Below is how Marc described the feeling in his own words.
“I felt as if the whole of my back, shoulders, neck, head and legs were being “forcibly pressured” horizontally and downwards from my shoulders, whilst experiencing a strange tingling sensation’ likened only to a mass pins and needles effect, in all of the aforementioned areas, almost rendering me paralysed! I felt cold and squeezed and experienced the sensation of a difficulty in breathing. At the point I realised you were standing behind me, forcibly parting my hands from those of my neighbours in the closed circle,I began to recover my senses and total awareness of my surroundings. I felt the presence of a female, nothing malevolent or oppressive, who sought merely to experience the sensations of my physical being. I have encountered this once before but with slightly different results and it was a male entity on that occasion. I have suffered no after effects whatsoever.”
Many guests experienced cold spots, the room was effectively sealed against drafts. It was the amount and volume of the tapping however that made all of us generally speechless, because at first these sounded distant, no-one could be sure which direction they were coming from. But as the taps became louder they seem to originate from the separating wall.
I asked Bert (the spirit) to tap twice in quick succession and then we would leave him alone and take a break. Almost instantly we all heard two very loud taps.


After a coffee break, we all assembled back in the rifle range, although I wasn’t expecting spirit to top the experience, but nevertheless we tried various experiments. I had set up my laser grid, in the hope that if spirit could walk in the room the laser light would be affected and I had placed my two EMF (Electromagnetic Force) Metres at the lower end of the room. Marc also had his EMF closer to the shooting area. Just after setting up the laser grid the laser seemed to twinkle, it isn’t supposed to do this, although looking at a laser is not a good idea, but it seemed as if the laser light was fluctuating, which it shouldn’t because the batteries were new and no one was holding the device.
A female energy had joined the group and the group were generally asking questions and getting some responses, but nothing like what happened in the first session. However Marc threw some of his flashing LED balls in the hope that spirit would throw them back. But as Marc and I became aware that where the pellet collectors were situated was generally where we were hearing some odd tapping sounds. When Marc and I were standing close to the baffles we both heard many taps, although later Sean came down to the same area and he noted that it sounded like the plastic lights. I however still believe that some of the noises were the lights but some were definitely metallic in nature. Since Sean was filming and I was recording with my audio recorder I am hoping that I can isolate and compare the two noises to see if the early sounds were those of the lights or metal. What I don’t really understand is why the lights would be making a noise (like cooling down) because they were not turned on all evening.
Marc recorded that there was quite a large temperature difference between the two ends of the room. Where we were hearing noises was 16 degrees Celsius and a few minutes prior to this activity the temperature was 19.3 degrees Celsius. There was no obvious reason for this sudden drop in temperature.
After this some people tried using a Ouija board with some mixed results and I was using a writing planchette. We had a female energy come through who couldn’t spell or write, but she could draw, through some careful question asking I managed to ascertain that she passed in 1749 and was killed at 37 years old due to her own brother, she was married with children. She was able to draw squares, circles and basic shapes and when each one of us on the board imagined or drew a shape that the others could not see the spirit responded by repeating the shape on the paper.
All in all this was a surprisingly good ghost hunt with hopefully some useful evidence captured (the camera footage & EVP recordings have not yet been fully analysed). But one which would be good to repeat just to see if the tapping sounds occurred again.
Spiritualist Medium
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