Sunday, April 28, 2024 21:27

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 11-6-2011 Lynn

I took my group to tunnel 11 (the Cave). We decided to go into one of the side rooms as light was still coming through the main tunnel.
We started with a séance circle, straight away a gentlemen came through who gave me his name Ted, he was about 65-70 years old about 6′ tall, silver/grey hair, he appeared to be very smartly dressed in a brown suit with a hat, he was also carrying a briefcase an old brown leather one. I asked what he was doing here he informed he was to do with the war but not a serviceman, (Anne then informed me he was a civil servant) Ted confirmed this to me. It became very dark in the archway the appeared to be 3 soldiers only one gave his name Jeff. I was asking the guests how they were all feeling and everyone felt uncomfortable as it was so dark I asked if the energies around us could give us some proof they were there. Some of the guest arms started to move upwards, Tess at this stage said she did not want this to happen to her, everyone was pleased when this happened. A female called Evelyn popped in to say hello, everyone was getting some physical proof throughout the séance.

After a short break I conducted an EVP recording and went back into the main tunnel. We decided to leave a torch on as it was too dark. As soon as we went into this tunnel I said to Sean “Hey Stu let’s get started” (I am unsure why I said this as I have known Sean for a number of years), as I looked down the tunnel a young spirit lad came walking up he said he was Stu, I asked spirit to give us some proof they were there and again Anne’s arm went up in the air as well as Lee and mine.
Another male energy came in behind me he told me his name was Terry; he was newly passed over and said he wanted help, I asked my guide to come forward to help take him over. There were some strange noises in this part they sounded like footsteps, everyone heard them but we had no idea where they came from.
After a short break of teas and coffees we were ready to tackle our next area. We were going into where Steve’s group had been, and all felt hyped up.
Straight away we lit a candle so we had some form of light we joined hands and started, Tess became a bit agitated and kept trying to pull away from the circle Sean kept a firm grip on her, both of us saw a male energy in the door where we had come from, again I asked sprit to move someone, Richard and Mark were very quiet. There appeared to be lots of soldiers standing against the wall behind Lee and myself and Richard kept shuffling and standing very straight and putting his feet together Richard said he was unaware that he was doing this, we had lots of arm movements, we asked the soldiers to come forward and talk to us, they were very reluctant to do this, we all heard what sounded like running down the tunnel. Mark started with the standing up tall, and being gently swayed, it was all very strange, after another short break I conducted another EVP experiment, everyone was very pleased to leave this area as we all felt on edge.
Our last port of call was with the rest of the group we split into 2 groups but at each end of the tunnel, I was left with just Lee, Mark, Richard and Sean, I can honestly say we did not stay here long as we all felt very uncomfortable nothing happened but we were pleased to leave.
An excellent investigation and one which I look forward to returning to.

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