Thursday, May 02, 2024 06:52

Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 10-8-2013

The Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 10th August 2013
Colchester, Essex

We come to the Red Lion Hotel every few months because the amount of activity the guests encounter throughout the ghost hunt is usually very high, this particular evening the activity surpassed everything that we have done at The Red Lion Hotel before, especially in the cellar sessions which enabled the majority of the guests to feel what it was like to be moved and touched by spirit.

The first group to the cellar we were joined by a familiar male spirit energy, his name is Michael and he is a very playful and fun energy and he is able to make the guests feel his energy in all manner of different ways. Michael is a spirit who I have seen at various visits to the Red Lion Hotel. He showed himself as being in his mid-20s wearing a three piece with a white bow tie and wearing a top hat and adorned with a silver pocket watch.

Firstly we started with some gentle arm movement which was concentrated on the two people either side of me, one of the guests commented that she felt a strange tingling sensation in her hand as it moved. From this Michael progressed to moving people’s arms in more forceful and sometimes uncomfortable positions and started to pull people by their arms around the circle so that the guests were rocked and swayed. I then noticed another male spirit energy sitting at the far end of the tunnel on a little chair or stool. He was an old man, well- educated and spoke well, aged about 70 and spent most of the time laughing and giggling.

Some of the guests were now being pulled to the floor by their arms and being pushed into other people. Some guests thought they could here odd noises from the end of the tunnel, although on my side of the séance circle we didn’t hear anything because we were occupied with the strange movement forced on us by Michael.

Whilst most of us were relatively happy being pushed and pulled around by Michael, suddenly one side of the circle was pushed into those who weren’t feeling anything and our arms were being used to stroke faces and chins, then one girl was pushed or pulled to the floor backwards, much to her amazement and our surprise.

As most of us were on the floor I turned around to the guest behind me to ask what she said, to which she replied she didn’t say anything, but thought I had. I then asked what she had heard and others in the group also said that they all heard the same voice, which is what I heard and it was simple voice saying “Yeah”.

As the séance drew to a close, one person who was still on the floor was unable to get up, she said that it felt like someone was pushing her down and keeping her down. It took a while but eventually the person was able to stand without aid.

At the end of this session I held an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. The audible results of this can be found later in this report.

The second group to the cellar had probably the weirdest experience in the cellar for we were joined by Michael and the old man spirit energies who started to move people in much the same way as the first group. Although it didn’t take long before Michael was able to move all the guests and lift their arms, sometime on command but mostly into weird and uncomfortable positions.

Several guests reported feeling a sharp pain in their necks, similar to someone pushing their finger at the back of the neck.

It also didn’t take long for everyone to be moved in some way or had their faces stroked by the two people standing next to them.

Suddenly without any warning one of the guests burst into uncontrollable laughter and although she could hear herself and us, she had no idea when questioned why she was laughing or what caused her to laugh in the first place. Then as quickly as she started laughing she stopped and instead started crying and still she had no idea why.

I asked that Michael do the same thing to everyone at the same time and gave him visual clues as to what I wanted to happen, but I didn’t tell any of the guests. Slowly but surely everyone’s arms were raised to about shoulder height, some took a little longer than others but eventually everyone had their hands at shoulder height. I then asked for Michael to finish the manoeuvre and to my delight everyone’s hands were raised above their heads as this is exactly what I had asked.

More or less as soon as this movement was felt, the lady who was laughing and crying started to laugh again, only this time the laughs were proper belly laughs, similar to the laughing policeman song. Once again she had no idea why although when questioned further she said that one of the people’s face in the group made her laugh. What I found funny is that the person she was talking about is Sue (GHE team) and every time Sue looked at the guest she laughed even more.

Eventually the lady stopped laughing as the spirit energy was pulling all hands into the circle & swirling everyone’s hands around in an anti-clockwise circle until many of our hands became untwined with each other.

At the end of this session I also held another EVP experiment.

An edited version of the laughing / crying part of this session can be seen at

The third group to the cellar had probably the least amount of movement, but that’s not to say they didn’t get moved. They did but it was much more controlled and less painful.

Michael was still present but the old man had left. Once again Michael moved various people’s arms mostly on command and what the guests asked for but quickly moved everyone’s hand that he could and put them wherever seemed to be the most embarrassing for all concerned. Many pairs of hand were placed behind the back of other people.

Some guests (as usual on this night) were pulled to the floor by their hands whilst other guests were stroking the faces and chins of other people.

The only thing that was different on this session is that the majority of people were pulled to the floor very quickly and once on the floor the movement just continued which was unlike the previous sessions where the movement stopped when on the floor. This time those of us on the floor still had our hands and arms moved. Even we the majority of guests were not on the floor there was a lot of swaying and pushing felt by the guests.

At the end of this session I conducted another EVP experiment.

The audible results all the groups EVP experiments can be heard below

There is also an edited video of all the cellar sessions which can be seen at

This was a brilliant paranormal investigation and one in which everyone was able to feel the effects of spiritual energy manipulate them in some way.

Spiritualist Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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