Thursday, May 16, 2024 17:29

EVP – Part One

EVP Evidence (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

We have recorded hundreds of EVPs over the years however some of them are not as clear as we would like. We have always tried not to influence the interpretation of the audio, which is why we don’t tell you what we think is said until after you have heard the file. Admittedly you might need to listen to the file a few times before you hear something that makes sense.

Most of the questions that we get answers to our questions are just one word answers, either Yes or No or something similar. We like it when we get multiple word answers or a sentence as this proves that the spirit is actually answering the question. It is very easy to think you heard your name or a yes or no, but a whole sentence or several words makes the evidence more real.

Some of the best evidence is recorded in the least likely of places or after someone has asked an unusual question and given the number of times that we would undertake an EVP experiment (at least once per event with all groups) we have hundreds of responses from the questions that have been asked.
The best questions are those that the spirit answers which is not the same as what we think or want them to answer. We often tell our guests to ask the sort of question that you would answer if a complete stranger asked you.

This example below; Toys Hill & Weardale Manor is one of those locations which can have so much more activity than you would expect. We would put this location on par with Pluckley Screaming Woods as we have held the most ghost hunts at Pluckley, but Toys Hill was our second popular venue. We don’t visit either of these places anymore due to the fact that we hold events at indoor locations every Friday & Saturday night of a year.

Toys Hill & Weardale Manor Listen here
17th August 2012 and a relatively big group of 11 people. As normal everyone in the group had the opportunity to ask a question and a 5-10 gap of silence for the spirit to answer before moving onto the next person. This answer was one of the clearest we had heard and it was recorded as we were standing beside the Old Water Tower (which is now home to bats).
It is answers like this that we strive to get on all events, the more unusual the question, the more likely the spirit will answer, we have found.

Bicknor Woods has also proved to be another haunted place, a mysterious atmosphere awaits the casual visitor, the church is eerie because it stands alone with just fields surrounding it. The woods which were called Gore Woods in times past hold another gruesome past. The orchards here were supposedly the scene of many illicit encounters and a convenient place to murder someone. Even the locals who live in the village say there are nights which don’t feel right.

Once again this was a group of about 10 people and this time it was a cold night in December
Listen here

This question and answer is the type of question that anyone would answer as it isn’t intrusive at all.

On the same night, another guest asks another good question and you can hear two different responses, probably from two different spirits.
Listen here

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