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Posts Tagged ‘evp’

Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 8-3-2014

Friday, March 21st, 2014

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 8th March 2014
Rochester, Kent

The majority of the team enjoy Fort Borstal as we always get some good activity, this evening was no different and some of the séance sessions in the counterscarp galleries were very memorable to some of the guests. This area is one of the best areas for the feeling of being touched or moved in some way.

The first group to the counterscarp galleries I started asking for some gentle arm movement from the spirit energy who stepped into the room, an old prisoner of the fort who had lots of energy and Captain Daniel Bedford who usually gets some guests on the floor. The prisoner spirit started by moving my arms and the two people either side of me. Most of these movements were gentle touching of faces and some of the men’s chests. This quickly moved onto touching people shoulders and one particular guests fur jacket although he was intrigued by a female guests’ jacket which had the appearance of someone in authority.

Several times the people who were standing beside me were pulled by their arms down to the floor or made to bend over as there was a heavy weight on our arms. Several times my hands touched the floor and then it was wiped clean on some other guest’s jacket!

When asking for the spirit to sway or push people only one of two people could feel his presence and they felt a gentle or slight pull back or push forward.

The second group to the counterscarp gallery the movements started almost as soon as I asked for spirit to move us, with the two people either side of me. This started as gentle arm movement, which quickly descended into various people’s arms being twisted and entangled with some guests being forced to twist and turn to face the opposite direction. Several guests also had their faces touched by spirit via other people’s hands, this some people found unnerving. One particular guest asked to be pushed into the centre of the circle and although it didn’t happen instantly, eventually this guest found herself standing in the middle of the circle with her hands entwined with other guests that didn’t know what the spirit were intending to do. The spirits that were responsible were two prisoners, Biffa & Justin and these spirits I have met before. They are particular with making sure the guests want to be moved and if the guests didn’t ask to be moved they weren’t moved.

At various times the majority of the group were pulled by their arms and hands onto the floor and even when the guests were able to stand up, many of them felt that they were being pulled back into the wall or rocked gentled, sometimes forward and backwards but also in circles. This is a common experience from these two particular spirits, this seems to be their thing and it usually happens first to a female member of the group and then once the spirit knows that people don’t resist then they do it all the more. This can make some of the guests feel unwell as we conduct all of this in virtual darkness. People find it a little disconcerting to be rocked and swayed when they cannot see what it causing the movement and no matter how much they try not to move the spirits are always able to move people in one direction or another.

The third group to the counterscarp galleries was a larger group than the rest of the groups although this seem to have no effect on what the spirit could do, we were joined quite quickly by a spirit who I usually encounter in this area, a First World War soldier; Captain Daniel Bedford. This spirit also has a particular thing he likes to do, which he didn’t achieve with the first group. This always ends up with many of the guests being dragged to the floor by their arms and after initially asking for him to lift people’s arms, which he completed just to prove that it was possible he then moved onto moving people in the way he wanted to. This involved the two people either side of me first (Kat & Neil) and then the people standing next to them until the majority of the guests were being moved. Arms were being lifted towards the ceiling, whilst others were being pulled to the floor. This proved to be quite painful for some and involved just about everyone being touched in some way. At various times many of us were twisted and entangled by our arms, sometimes whist we were on the floor.

Kat was pushed down until she was kneeling on the floor, yet each hand was being pulled away from her. Then she asked whether the spirit wanted he on the floor face first, she asked that her left hand be raised if this was true and immediately her left hand was raised, then dropped and pulled away from her until she had no choice but to obey the spirits wishes.

After asking for the spirit to push and sway people many people were swayed and pushed into a wall, Neil found himself being pulled backwards towards a wall to the point where he had no option but to sit on the floor with his back against the wall and once he was down then the spirit were able to pull the people either side of him down (Me and Harry) and then subsequently the people next to us.

At various times those who were being moved were twisted and squashed up together so that all the dust that each of us had collected on our clothing was now being “transferred” to those who were less dirty.

All of this twisted and entangling went on for a long time and every time that I asked for the spirit to put us back to where we started with all our hands by our sides, so that we could finish the séance part, it just didn’t happen, this just made the spirit want to continue moving us. After the third time of asking I told the guests to let go and thus break the séance circle. I don’t like to do this as I know that it has taken a lot of energy for the spirits to move us but had we not let go this twisting and pushed and being pulled to the floor would have gone on for a longer time.

After the three controlled sessions, all the guests were then allowed to go to various parts of the fort with some of our ghost hunting equipment to hold their own ghost hunt. Many guests used this opportunity to try some table tilting, Ouija boards and semi-solo vigils to record EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice experiments) and Spirit Box sessions (a device that scans the FM radio band at 100ms in reverse) to hear a spirit voice. Some of these sessions that the guests undertook on their own were very successful, although those that heard responses asking them to leave the room or area did so.

This was an excellent ghost hunt which was very enjoyable to those guests who were moved or manipulated in ways that they never thought possible and many were surprised what could be achieved, especially the more physical nature of the movements.

There will be an event video (edited into a shorter video) of some of the group sessions.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt – 7-2-2014

Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Pluckley Screaming Woods ghost hunt 7th February 2014
Pluckley, Kent

Pluckley Screaming woods is one of our most popular ghost hunts which is attested by the amount of time in advance people have to book, which at the time of writing is 4 months ahead of the event. Everyone came dressed for the weather, which as usual was rain, although the rain didn’t arrive in the woods until we were at least half way through the night.

After walking to the centre of the woods I handed out our usual ghost hunting equipment, which consisted of KII meters (with are proximity metres [to spirit]) and our Ghost Pro’s which are communicators through a series of flashing.

It took a while, but eventually spirit started to come forward, first a male spirit who had leather patches on his trousers, which I thought may have been a woodman, as it turned out he wasn’t. He was a pig farmer who kept pigs within the woods. Although he never actually gave me his name he was aged in his late 30s and came from the mid-1800s. He was quite happy to answer questions that John (guest) asked via our communication equipment. We were also joined by a female spirit who was aged in her late 20s, possibly early 30s and she also didn’t give me her name. She seemed shy and reluctant to answer questions. The KII meters never lit up at all, much to our disappointment.

The two spirits seem to be opposite each other and communicated with the people who were closest to them, so the pig farmer communicated with John and the female spirit communicated with Cheryl & Kerry (guests). David & Charlotte (guests) didn’t have a communication device but both kept seeing odd shadows and lights within the woods. Kerry and I also kept hearing mumbling and talking, which was like a conversation being carried on the wind, but at that time it wasn’t windy in fact quite still and I couldn’t work out or hear what the conversation was about although it seemed relentless.

Several people started to take photos and Kerry & Cheryl had strange anomalous photos with unusual light anomalies which I have never seen before here or in fact anywhere else.

Pluckley Woods light anomaly

Copyright Kerry Davidson 2014

John kept seeing a shadow walk between two trees and every time he saw something come towards us his communication device lit up. He asked (not out loud) whether the spirit kept pigs and then felt something brush past him, I too felt something on my foot and looked down but saw nothing.

I decided that the best way for the guests to feel the spirit energies and experience their energy first hand was to hold a séance. Neither of the spirits that we were communicating with earlier seemed to want to do anything but just as I was wondering whether anything at all would happen a very well dressed spirit called Alfred turned up, he looked like he could have been a mayor or a councillor because he was wearing a very smart suit, he was about 5’8” in height and aged in his late 50s and had a “handlebar” moustache. Alfred was able to move our arms and started with Charlotte and me, which progressed around the left hand side of the circle, leaving just Kerry. As I reassured her to relax and loosen her grip with me our hands started to slowly rise. I then asked Kerry to ask Alfred to move her hands in a particular direction, which Alfred slowly accomplished. Several times my arms were pulled downwards and both guests on either side of me could feel the weight and pressure, although I insisted that I did not want to touch the ground since it was very wet and muddy. Alfred moved my arms to within a whisker of the ground just to prove a point!

At various times whilst we were being moved, I and some of the guests heard footfalls and whispers plus the strange relentless talking, which wasn’t getting louder or quieter, if it were carried on any wind then I would have expected that.

When I asked Alfred to gently push people he moved around the circle and one by one everyone fell backwards, very gently, but enough to know that they were not just losing their balance and David was picked more than anyone else. Cheryl however was not moved at all but Alfred did try a few times but it didn’t work.

From here we moved on to another part of the woods where I switched on my spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio band in reverse at 100ms) and asked for any spirit to say our names. It took a long time but eventually a spirit came and said three of our names and when asking for how many people were present we all heard 10, but there wasn’t ten of us, just six. However we don’t know how many spirits were present as they didn’t answer that question. By this time the rain had started to fall, not terribly heavy but enough to know it was raining. We happened to be standing beside some trees that when the wind blew creaked and groaned like an old wooden door which added to the atmosphere! But every time that I asked for a noise this particular tree squeaked which became rather annoying.

Using the laser grid here as well didn’t produce anything interesting because the rain was interfering with the beam although communication continued and a few times the KII meter that David was holding lit up a lot, which surprised him, although the other KII held by Cheryl and Kerry didn’t.

Kerry and I could still hear this odd talking noise, although we both thought it was coming from different directions, I thought it was coming from deeper in the woods whereas Kerry thought it was coming from the edge of the woods, unfortunately none of the other people could hear this talking sound.

As we started to make our way out of the woods, past an area that people used to live in the woods as late as the early 1900s I could distinctly smell a wood fire, which given the amount of rain we have had recently was hard to believe especially on this particular night because of the level of the rainfall. No-one else could small a fire although John smelt what he described as an odd smell, but couldn’t describe what it smelt like.

Given the weather no EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) experiments were undertaken because the only noise that would have been heard was the rain, which was a shame because we have had some excellent EVPs from our Pluckley events.

Given the weather this was an excellent ghost hunt with lots of noises and physical paranormal activity felt by the guests and one in which all those present thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Psychic Medium
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Rye Castle (Ypres Tower) ghost hunt – 28-9-2013

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Rye Castle private ghost hunt 28th September 2013
Rye, East Sussex

We as a team were heading back to Rye with a sense of uneasiness because the first event that we held here this year was an action packed amazing experience for everyone who was present, then we returned a month after that and whilst the level of activity was still interesting it was nothing like the first event. So we were a little cautious in getting our hopes up. However since this was a private event, the majority of the people have been on a ghost hunt before we didn’t have to show the guests what to do, they knew. This however didn’t prepare anyone for what happened.

Whilst half of the guests headed into the Women’s Tower with Carl, I stayed in the Keep with the other half.

During my explanation of the room, as there are two cells in two corners and a balcony which overlooks the courtyard I was standing on the balcony explaining to the guests the metal prongs which stopped anyone from climbing the walls. I was using my torch to show some of the guests where they were and undoubtedly shone my torch into the women’s tower skylight. However Carl came out of the tower as they had seen a light above them (which was my torch) but they had also saw a light shine up the staircase, which could not have been me because the entrance to the staircase is 90 degrees from where I was standing.

Back inside the keep we were joined by a spirit called Tommy or Thomas, quite recently a spirit from 1988 aged in his 50s and quite broad shouldered and well built.

Whilst using KII (EMF meters) and our electronic communicator meters we all noticed a strange “ball” of energy in the room, it seemed to start about 2 feet off the floor and extend to about 7 feet above the floor and was approximately 8 feet in diameter that suddenly “arrived” at the same time as Tommy. It was also centred in the room right over some of the display cases, which although had an electrical supply, these were all turned off as I checked to make sure. There was no obvious explanation as to why this ball should be there as we have never had something like this happen before and as quickly as it arrived it disappeared. It was only after talking to Ted (the Museum guide) later in the evening that he suggested the tie ring. The tie ring was in the centre of the room and prisoners were tied to this ring when there was no room in a cell.

Tommy though was able to say several words on a spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio bands at 100ms in reverse) including “Tom” and answered some questions posed by the guests.

After a short break I demonstrated what I had done in the first group with regard to the torch as those in the Women’s Tower were a little confused how my torch managed to shine up the staircase and no matter what I pointed the torch towards the light never shone up the staircase, which sort of proves that it wasn’t me. Although no-one had any idea what they saw the first time as my torch looked completely different apparently and according to those who saw it my torch wasn’t that bright either.

The second group to the Keep we still had Thomas present and once I started a séance circle he was able to move people’s arms very easily. He also pulled Darren (guest) downwards and backwards so that he was resting on the table behind him in an awkward manner. Tom also pulled Mark, Darren, Esther and me to the floor by our arms, then without any warning pulled Jo down as well. Once we were on the floor we were all still being moved and twisted although Darren remained in an awkward position much to his delight [sic].

Eventually we were allowed to stand back upright and more or less as soon as we got to our feet, Esther and Jo were both moved in a swaying circular motion. Others of the group had our heads pushed down by other people’s hands and arms and Darren had his head and ear “stroked”. My hands were pulled in opposite directions which was quite painful and also pulled behind other people’s backs. Whilst this was amusing for us it was also fun for the spirit energy as he smiled throughout the session obviously enjoying what he could do with us.

After another break I headed with a group to the Women’s Tower as I wanted to see if the same sensations and noises that I had heard on previous ghost hunts happened again.

On the top floor everyone felt the same swaying and pushing sensation. No matter where anyone stood, everyone felt the same sensation and that was being pushed or pulled towards the corner of the room by the only window. This is exactly what happened when we first visited earlier in the year, which was just after the tower had undergone some building work. Whilst we were here we all heard a familiar noise, footsteps. However like the previous time I visited this tower the footsteps sounded like someone walking on a wooden floor and since the tower is detached from anything else this sound still remains a mystery.

Darren felt a female energy at the bottom of the stairs was too afraid to enter the building, so we went downstairs to see if this would make any difference.

Since we were all in the small downstairs room no-one was expecting to hear the sound of a person walking on gravel (which is what is in the garden, the previous exercise yard) but that is exactly what we heard, someone approaching, but no-one did. Then we all heard a stone thrown into the Women’s Tower which landed a few steps in. We checked but no-one was outside nor on the balcony to the keep. Immediately after the stone being thrown we all heard the sound of water being poured from a jug as we heard a “glug glug” sound plus several bangs. Darren and Mark went to investigate upstairs as they thought that the noise came from upstairs, however they didn’t stay long because they kept hearing footsteps and other noises that we didn’t hear nor make because we were standing still.

As soon as they came back down to join the rest of us both Carl & Ted thought they heard the footsteps on gravel sound. Although most of us thought it sounded like it was raining, however when going outside it wasn’t raining or windy.

Back in the keep once again lots of KII spikes seen on our meters plus lots of electronic communication.

There was a soldier present in the room, but not a uniform that I have ever seen before. He was wearing a bright red jacket with a white belt (similar to a Boer war soldier) and a black fez style cap. It is the cap that puzzles me because it didn’t look like it belonged to the rest of the uniform.

We recorded a spirit box session and EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voices) but on analysis nothing tangible could be heard.

This was a great ghost hunt with lots of strange and paranormal occurrences for the guests and it also had a familiar feel for us, because we have investigated here five times previously and every time we have similar activity, not necessarily the same activity from the previous time but something that has occurred on a previous visit happens in a similar way or the experiences of the guests happens again. We cannot wait to investigate here again in 2014.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Toys Hill ghost hunt – 22-9-2013

Friday, November 8th, 2013

Toys Hill and Weardale Manor ghost hunt 22nd September 2013
Toys Hill, Kent

After making our way through the fairly spooky path to the site of the old manor house and handed out to the guests some of our ghost hunting equipment, spiritual activity was noticed and spotted on the various electronic gadgets quite quickly. I then left the guests to wander around the various parts of the grounds and joined them intermittently as different parts of the grounds guests feel and can interact with different spiritual energies.

Whilst I was near to the terraces a familiar male spirit was seen. His name is Alfred and he would have been a head butler in the house. He often stands at the edges until I ask for him to do something physical to a guest, like a gentle touch or push.

There were many spirit present, which is nothing unusual, but it is rare for them to interact with us unless there are asked to join in, otherwise they just watch with curiosity.

Many guests were getting meaningful communication on various pieces of equipment and as I joined several groups of people I was able to tell them details about the spirit that they had not thought of asking or couldn’t get meaningful responses on the electronic equipment. Many female spirit energies were spotted and toward the end of this session a brother & sister who were about 8 years old had taken a liking to one of the guests and followed her around the site.

From the manor house we descended into the very spooky woods, the walk into the woods is scarier in appearance than actually being in the woods but that is because there are so many trees which are exposed out of the ground or knocked over by the strong winds that occur on this hillside.

Once in a familiar place in the woods I started a séance circle so that all the guests could experience a physical paranormal encounter. We were joined by a spirit that I have seen on a couple of previous occasions. He was called Edward and was a local Engineer. Aged in his late 50s and mostly bald with dark brown and grey hair on the back and sides.

Edward started by doing exactly what I asked; to gently move the hands of some of the guests and myself and the three people either side of me felt our hands gently move and when I asked the guests to ask in their heads or for others Edward did exactly what anyone asked with regard to moving hands. After a while Edward obviously got bored of doing what we asked and then started to do what he wanted, which seemed to be to stroke the shoulder of a particular guest, which she found a little odd, although it didn’t frighten her.

Many guests reported that when my hands were near to them they could feel a lot of heat coming from my hands even when I wasn’t touching them.

During this time other guests were gently swayed and rocked from side to side then all of a sudden the two people either side of me were pulled backwards, then pushed forwards and then pulled downwards by our hands towards the ground, which none of us wanted to touch because it was a little muddy!

The séance came to an abrupt end because one person couldn’t follow the simple instruction not to break the circle and due to this incident another guest was feeling unwell and faint and this guest required some attention by me.

I then held an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment

There were several responses but unfortunately not all of them could be understood, the best ones can be heard at: –


After this I turned on my spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio bands at 100ms in reverse) and asked for Edward to say something to us or said one of the guests’ names. Many random words were heard but no answers to our questions.

Once again a very enjoyable ghost hunt and one is which many guests had a physical paranormal encounter or were able to have some kind of communication with the spirits that reside within the grounds of the old manor house.

Spiritualist Psychic Medium
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Fort Horsted ghost hunt 21-9-2013

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 21st September 2013
Chatham, Kent

As ever the team always like returning to Fort Horsted as we always have interesting nights, sometimes though the ghost hunt is exceptional, this was one of those nights!

After separating the group into teams of three we set off to our nominated areas, I usually choose one of two areas, but for this event I had chosen I room that I first had a great experience, as did the guests that were with me.

The room was one of the old magazine rooms and the farthest walk from the rest of the groups so we could be fairly sure that there would be no noise pollution.

We were joined by Geoffrey, a lieutenant in the Army from the Second World War, he was aged in his late-20s or early 30s and came from Lincolnshire. Also present was another Second World War soldier called Paul who was a quieter or shy spirit. Both of them seem to have a funny side to their nature.

On asking these spirits to touch or move people slowly some people’s arms started to move and quite quickly various people’s arms started to stroke the arms of other people in the séance circle as well as pushing people’s chins up (as if to say stand up straight). Some guests arms were pulled to the floor and hands dragged on the floor.

One of the spirits kept calling one of the guests “Teddy Bear” which at first I ignored but after a while realised there must be a reason for this and told the male guest what the spirit was telling him. He was a little surprised because there was a family link with the phrase Teddy Bear.

I moved around the circle as some people on the opposite side of the circle to me were not feeling any movement. Once I had moved various people on this side of the circle started to feel their arms move and on command and once again there was some gentle pushing and pulling back felt by the guests. Some people were also dragged to the floor by their arms and had their hands dragged on the floor. Those that didn’t get dragged to the floor had felt the spirit energies gently rock them, either forwards and backwards or side to side.

During this séance we all heard footsteps further down the corridor, usually this sounds like someone approaching which is exactly what we heard but as ever no-one arrives. There were also sounds of chatter or mumbling but because of the acoustics of the room it is very hard to know which direction the sounds are coming from.

At the end of the session I held an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. During the recording we all heard a strange whistle after one person spoke, although nothing was recorded. There were several ghost voices on the recording but unfortunately many of them were either too quiet or tainted with some other noise (either someone speaking or moving their feet). There were however two clear EVPs which can be heard at:-


The second group to this area (of which some have been to this Fort before and other had been on other ghost hunts of ours) knew exactly what to do during the séance. The two spirits from the first session were still present and almost immediately after I asked for the guests arms to be moved, the spirits complied and moved lots of people arms and pushing them into uncomfortable positions. One guest (Darren) wanted to see how far the spirits could push him and it was no surprise to me, but he ended up on his back on the floor!

We were also joined by a different spirit; a Colour Sergeant or Sergeant Major (the terminology depends on the division), this particular spirit was a very strict man although he was able to move people with greater force and stood behind one particular guest (Mark), the reason for this was apparent afterwards. Mark could feel a strange coldness behind him and Jo (who was next to Mark) also felt a sharp stabbing pain in her back, she said like a needle was pressed into her back. Another guest was afraid to look at the only doorway into the room, but this is a normal experience and exactly why I chose this room because that is what has happened to the majority of the guests that come to this Fort.

The Colour Sergeant wouldn’t tell me his name, but he had the demeanour of a man that if he asked you to jump, you would say, how high? He was 6 foot tall, quite strong looking build and quite muscular, he wore a moustache and had long sideburns that were down to his chin. He also wore the usual green fatigues and a cap with a red stripe. He also held a knotted/rope thing which at the time I didn’t know what it was, but have since found out this was called a swagger stick.

The Colour Sergeant stood directly behind Mark and he commented that he felt a thumb pushed into his back. (After we finished the session Mark told me that his father would do exactly the same thing when he was younger).

When asking for any of the spirits to make a noise, everyone heard the sound of a footstep, which Darren and I heard a noise that came from directly between us and since we were both looking at the floor, we each knew that neither of us moved.

Some other guests heard breathing noises behind them which became very unnerving.

At the end of this session I held another EVP experiment and since the majority of this group had been on a ghost hunt, they knew to be quiet. There were lots of spirit voices after the questions asked but unfortunately not all of them we could understand but out of 8 people there were 4 clear responses which can be heard at:-


The third and final group session in this same room the spirit energy of the Colour Sergeant and Geoffrey joined us and once again asking for the spirit to move arms of the guests resulted in some gentle but purposeful movements, most of the time on command i.e. when people asked for their arms to be moved (in their heads) their arms moved, obviously there is no way the person who was holding their hand knew that one of them had asked and was surprised when both their arms moved.

There was also some gentle pushing and swaying which some of the guests found unnerving but I find it is an excellent way to prove that people are not doing it themselves because it is very difficult to sway backwards because if you were doing it yourself you would not be able to see or know what you would fall into.

There was also some rubbing of people arms and shoulders with other people’s hands and once again some people were pulled by their hands to the floor, many of which didn’t want to touch the floor but no matter what they said (the guests) they ended up with their hands on the floor.

This was the only session of mine which was filmed (see the link below) and whilst Jason (GHE team Cameraman) was standing in the doorway to the tunnel he could feel a spirit near to him, this was a female energy, a nurse called Annie which I have seen at this Fort before. There was also another soldier from the Second World War; Alfred standing behind Jason and he commented several times that he could hear whispering and movement behind him.

After our controlled sessions we allow (as always) the guests to venture off to any area of the Fort under our guidance so that they can hold their own vigil or ghost hunt and use our ghost hunting equipment.

I joined a group in an area known as casement 10 and there was a male spirit in his mid-50s wandering about the rooms, he is a maintenance man and I have seen him before in this area. Whilst nothing exciting happened, some noises we heard and the guests that were here felt uncomfortable because it felt like someone was watching them. Other groups that used this casement in earlier groups reported the same thing.

Several guests went to the most interesting part of the Fort; The Counterscarp Galleries and held a séance where two people were pushed to floor in a strange way.

This session was filmed and can be watched at: – http://youtu.be/1x5LFzjS1Co

The full event video can be watched at: – http://www.ghosthuntevents.tv/#clip=819617

This was a very active ghost hunt with all groups getting some excellent paranormal activity.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Pluckley Screaming Woods 20-9-2013

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Pluckley Screaming Woods 20th September 2013
Pluckley, Kent

Normally we don’t write reports from our private events, however this particular night was too good not to write a report as the level of paranormal activity felt by all the guests was on par with what we would have expected at a public ghost hunt.

We split the whole group into two smaller groups and each headed off in different directions. The area that I had chosen for the night is an area which I often take people because it is one of the most active areas within the whole woods and usually people experience something.

I started off by handing out some of our electronic ghost hunting equipment and within a few minutes everything started to light up, which meant the spirit energies were with us, some briefly whilst other stayed longer so that questions could be asked and answered.

Harry (guest) felt his hair and neck being touched which slightly unnerved him and when this occurred he wasn’t quiet about it, which made everyone else in the group jumpy.

Various spirits joined us throughout the session, from a young female energy who was about 18 years old to a young boy called Tommy who was about 8 years old plus two male energies one who was 23 years old and the other was much older at about 40 years old, this particular spirit I had met only a couple of weeks ago in this wood during a public event.

Throughout this whole session lots of odd and strange noises were heard within the woods including a few noises which sounded like footfalls and since most of this group were a little jumpy every time a noise was heard the group huddled closer together.

On our way back to the meet point I held an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment.

There were two clear responses which can be heard at:-

The second group to the active pathway (which is what I call it) once again after handing out the electronic gadgets, spirit energies started to join us, this time the spirit energies were spirit who were going about their daily lives and were just passing us, one of which called Gordon stayed long enough for me to hold a séance.

During the séance Gordon who was about 70 years old was able to move many of the guests arms, usually on command but he also managed to use our arms to stroke the faces of some of the group. Many guests felt a very hot or burning sensation in their hands throughout the séance. However Gordon seemed to be able to push people which ease, which is generally what happened to those who didn’t have their arms moved. After much swaying, rocking and pushing of people I ended the séance and moved onto another interesting area of the woods.

This area we often hear sounds especially when using the spirit box (a device that scans the FM radio frequencies in reverse at 100ms). When asking for the spirit who was a school teacher roughly in her mid-40s to say any of the guests names we heard two faint or quiet names spoken on the box, both of these names were of those present but when asking for the spirit to repeat them, nothing was heard.

Just as I was about to stop the spirit box we all heard what I can only describe as an odd tapping sound on the speaker, it sounded like someone physically tapping but what was strange is that one of our KII meters (EMF meters) also picked up on this tapping sound and the lights flashed on the KII meter in the same manner as the audible sounds. We can be sure this wasn’t a mobile phone because all the guests had turned their phones off before we started the evening. Not only that but if it were a mobile phone then we would have heard the normal search tones on the speaker on the spirit box. The noise we heard sounded nothing like a mobile phone, more like a real tapping sound on wooden furniture.

At this point of the night I also held another EVP experiment.

Once again there were several responses but like the last experiment we couldn’t hear the word spoken on all of them, the clearest ones can be heard at:-

After re-grouping with everyone at our designated base point we decided to hold one large séance as the first group with me didn’t experience a séance as they were all too scared of the woods.

We were joined by a male spirit in his mid-50s who had lots of energy and was able to push and pull people backwards with ease. He was also able to lift the arms of many guests and those who he couldn’t push he pulled them down towards the ground by their arms.

Other guests had their faces and shoulders stroked by others in the group as the male energy moved around the circle making sure that he moved as many people as possible. At one point Harry had both his arms moved above his head which was strange because the event was for Harry. Many people then either side of Harry also had their arms moved upwards, whereas on my side of the circle we were being pulled downwards most of the time.

This was an excellent night and one in which everyone eventually had some form of paranormal experience.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt – 10-8-2013

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

The Red Lion Hotel ghost hunt 10th August 2013
Colchester, Essex

We come to the Red Lion Hotel every few months because the amount of activity the guests encounter throughout the ghost hunt is usually very high, this particular evening the activity surpassed everything that we have done at The Red Lion Hotel before, especially in the cellar sessions which enabled the majority of the guests to feel what it was like to be moved and touched by spirit.

The first group to the cellar we were joined by a familiar male spirit energy, his name is Michael and he is a very playful and fun energy and he is able to make the guests feel his energy in all manner of different ways. Michael is a spirit who I have seen at various visits to the Red Lion Hotel. He showed himself as being in his mid-20s wearing a three piece with a white bow tie and wearing a top hat and adorned with a silver pocket watch.

Firstly we started with some gentle arm movement which was concentrated on the two people either side of me, one of the guests commented that she felt a strange tingling sensation in her hand as it moved. From this Michael progressed to moving people’s arms in more forceful and sometimes uncomfortable positions and started to pull people by their arms around the circle so that the guests were rocked and swayed. I then noticed another male spirit energy sitting at the far end of the tunnel on a little chair or stool. He was an old man, well- educated and spoke well, aged about 70 and spent most of the time laughing and giggling.

Some of the guests were now being pulled to the floor by their arms and being pushed into other people. Some guests thought they could here odd noises from the end of the tunnel, although on my side of the séance circle we didn’t hear anything because we were occupied with the strange movement forced on us by Michael.

Whilst most of us were relatively happy being pushed and pulled around by Michael, suddenly one side of the circle was pushed into those who weren’t feeling anything and our arms were being used to stroke faces and chins, then one girl was pushed or pulled to the floor backwards, much to her amazement and our surprise.

As most of us were on the floor I turned around to the guest behind me to ask what she said, to which she replied she didn’t say anything, but thought I had. I then asked what she had heard and others in the group also said that they all heard the same voice, which is what I heard and it was simple voice saying “Yeah”.

As the séance drew to a close, one person who was still on the floor was unable to get up, she said that it felt like someone was pushing her down and keeping her down. It took a while but eventually the person was able to stand without aid.

At the end of this session I held an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. The audible results of this can be found later in this report.

The second group to the cellar had probably the weirdest experience in the cellar for we were joined by Michael and the old man spirit energies who started to move people in much the same way as the first group. Although it didn’t take long before Michael was able to move all the guests and lift their arms, sometime on command but mostly into weird and uncomfortable positions.

Several guests reported feeling a sharp pain in their necks, similar to someone pushing their finger at the back of the neck.

It also didn’t take long for everyone to be moved in some way or had their faces stroked by the two people standing next to them.

Suddenly without any warning one of the guests burst into uncontrollable laughter and although she could hear herself and us, she had no idea when questioned why she was laughing or what caused her to laugh in the first place. Then as quickly as she started laughing she stopped and instead started crying and still she had no idea why.

I asked that Michael do the same thing to everyone at the same time and gave him visual clues as to what I wanted to happen, but I didn’t tell any of the guests. Slowly but surely everyone’s arms were raised to about shoulder height, some took a little longer than others but eventually everyone had their hands at shoulder height. I then asked for Michael to finish the manoeuvre and to my delight everyone’s hands were raised above their heads as this is exactly what I had asked.

More or less as soon as this movement was felt, the lady who was laughing and crying started to laugh again, only this time the laughs were proper belly laughs, similar to the laughing policeman song. Once again she had no idea why although when questioned further she said that one of the people’s face in the group made her laugh. What I found funny is that the person she was talking about is Sue (GHE team) and every time Sue looked at the guest she laughed even more.

Eventually the lady stopped laughing as the spirit energy was pulling all hands into the circle & swirling everyone’s hands around in an anti-clockwise circle until many of our hands became untwined with each other.

At the end of this session I also held another EVP experiment.

An edited version of the laughing / crying part of this session can be seen at http://youtu.be/HIFdYFB65hQ

The third group to the cellar had probably the least amount of movement, but that’s not to say they didn’t get moved. They did but it was much more controlled and less painful.

Michael was still present but the old man had left. Once again Michael moved various people’s arms mostly on command and what the guests asked for but quickly moved everyone’s hand that he could and put them wherever seemed to be the most embarrassing for all concerned. Many pairs of hand were placed behind the back of other people.

Some guests (as usual on this night) were pulled to the floor by their hands whilst other guests were stroking the faces and chins of other people.

The only thing that was different on this session is that the majority of people were pulled to the floor very quickly and once on the floor the movement just continued which was unlike the previous sessions where the movement stopped when on the floor. This time those of us on the floor still had our hands and arms moved. Even we the majority of guests were not on the floor there was a lot of swaying and pushing felt by the guests.

At the end of this session I conducted another EVP experiment.

The audible results all the groups EVP experiments can be heard below


There is also an edited video of all the cellar sessions which can be seen at


This was a brilliant paranormal investigation and one in which everyone was able to feel the effects of spiritual energy manipulate them in some way.

Spiritualist Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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Fort Borstal ghost hunt – 31-8-2013

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

Fort Borstal ghost hunt 31st August 2013
Rochester. Kent

Fort Borstal is a favourite location of so many of the GHE team and since every time we return to this venue similar yet different paranormal elements occur. We never really know what to expect!

On this particular evening we only split the group into two smaller groups, normally we would split the whole group into three but many of the GHE team were away on holiday. Which left the guests more free time to explore the Fort after our controlled sessions.

As ever, I chose the counterscarp galleries for my sessions, not least because similar paranormal activity happens within this tunnel complex and it is also the one area of the fort where no outside noise can infiltrate. It is also one of the most interesting areas of the fort.

The first group to this area the group apprehensively wandered down the long tunnel to the end rooms. We started a séance circle and after explaining what may happen (based on what has happened on previous ghost hunt) one male spirit energy approached the group. This particular spirit I have seen and felt many times at the Fort, so have other guests.

His name is Captain Daniel Bedford and he would have been quite a strict person, but he is able to easily touch and move people. After asking for him to gentle touch and move people in some way, the guest to my right felt her arms starting to lift and at the time she wondered whether it was me moving her arms. I then was able to prove beyond any doubt that it was in fact Captain Daniel who was moving our arms. The guest in question then became silent and was testing both me & Captain Daniel and asked for her arms to be moved in various ways, all in her head so that I could not hear what she asked for.

I asked Daniel to move around the circle and do this to other people, but unfortunately he was unable to do this unless I moved around the circle, which I did twice so that others could feel this strange sensation. After several guests felt their arms moving and asking for their arms to be moved in a particular way by Daniel we ended the séance and the guests started to wander throughout the counterscarp gallery with some of our electronic ghost hunting equipment. Many guests were able to have meaningful answers to their question via this equipment and those that held our KII (EMF) meters noticed a correlation between the high levels shown on the meters and the amount of communication that followed.

The second group to the counterscarp galleries were not as nervous as the first group, probably because they had just encountered spirit in another part of the Fort and had become accustomed to the dark and not quite so scared of the dark.

Captain Daniel was still present and he was able to do much the same to many of the guest’s arms, but this time I did not have to move around the circle, he was able to move people of his own free will. Daniel was also able to do more with this group of people and instead of just lifting and manipulating people’s arms he was able to push some people forwards and rock them backwards as well. Some guests were also swayed and gently rocked from side to side.

After we finished the séance, once again the guests wandered around the counterscarp galleries with our ghost hunting equipment and many guests had their questions answered by Capt. Daniel.

After the controlled sessions we always allow the guests to wander around this Fort freely to visit other areas of the Fort that we didn’t investigate during the ghost hunt. I joined two guests who were hopeful that they would both have some interesting evidence. For this part of the night I escorted them to an area which we don’t often use as part of the ghost hunt because it is extremely dangerous to get to and is a very small area; The World War Two command post.

Here there was a spirit called Timothy who tried to touch both guests and move them but it took a long time before they felt his energy.

Whilst here I conducted an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiment. Out of the six questions there were four answers, but unfortunately two of those we couldn’t decipher or understand what Timothy had said. The other two can be heard at:-

Once again an interesting ghost hunt and one which many guests were able to experience first-hand physical paranormal activity.

Psychic Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Toys Hill ghost hunt – 23-8-2013

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Toys Hill and Weardale Manor ghost hunt 23rd August 2013
Toys Hill, Kent

The weather forecast for this event wasn’t brilliant with an anticipation of rain and thunderstorms due, however and fortunately for us this stormy weather never materialised. The night however was relatively warm and the view from the top of the hill was somewhat murky, usually there is a nice view of the South Downs. The paranormal activity started in a very typical way, but as the night progressed so did the activity.

Around the Manor house in what I believe to be the hub of the house I handed out some of our electronic gadgets and after telling people to turn their phones off or to put them onto flight mode the EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) detectors started to show spikes of activity with several “hot spots” becoming apparent. The guests wandered freely around the site trying to communicate with the spirits and I joined various people in different parts of the site. On the terraces there was a varied amount of spirit energies, one of which was called David who was in his early 20s and whilst he didn’t say what he did for a living he was obviously an outdoor worker as he wore heavy and dirty boots. The guests were able to ask him personal questions and get sensible answers. Many guests also took photos during this time and some had light anomalies (orbs) whilst other had more interesting mists that appeared at the edge of their photos but not all the photos, it was like the spirits were teasing us.

I also saw a butler, probably the senior butler Alfred who didn’t interact with anyone, he did watch us closely, although I have seen this particular spirit before.

Various groups of people whilst wandering around had electronic communication with different spirits including a maid called Alice who was in her 20s and of a slim build, with light brown hair neatly tied at the back, who was attracted to the younger members of our group.

After telling the guests about certain smells that people in the past have smelt at this site which are nothing to do with the woods and parkland today but not telling what type of smells one guest said that she thought she smelt floor polish but didn’t tell me immediately as she thought that it sounded silly or part of her imagination.

From here we moved to the woods, as the séances that I hold in the woods have an altogether different feeling, it is also strangely active in one particular part. On forming a circle and explaining what would happen or might happen several guests arms started to move and when I asked them to ask the spirit whose name was Edward (also a spirit I have met before here) their arms moved on command. Another guest also commented that he felt very warm and even hot on his back, whereas the person standing next to him, felt cold on her back.

After Edward had moved the arms of all of the guests that he could (not everyone) he then proceeded to sway, push and pull backwards other people. Many of these were pushed or pulled back in unison and at one point four people were all moving in exactly the same way, which were small circular motions. One of the younger guests was pulled back more frequently than anyone else and he likened it to being on a boat.

At the end of the séance I asked all guests to think of a question to ask Edward as part of an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice experiment). The results of which can be heard below





After this I also tried to use my spirit box (a device that scans the AM or FM radio stations in reverse at 100ms) but unfortunately this didn’t work very well, as for some reason it picked up lots of normal radio signals (usually there are no radio signals in the woods) and whilst I thought I did hear some voices, there was too much radio interference to be positive of this.

Setting up the laser grid also had its own problems as every set of batteries that I put into the device drained almost immediately and I used 5 sets of batteries in a matter of minutes. This phenomena happened frequently on this particular evening, various people had their camera batteries drain almost as soon as they turned them on. This has not happened here before.

After leaving the woods and heading back towards the manor house area, the KII EMF meters and communicators all came back to life with lots of spikes and communication.

All in all a very interesting ghost hunt with some good physical activity felt by the majority of the guests that they could not explain or find a rational answer.

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events

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Spooky Inn ghost hunt – 17-8-2013

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Spooky Inn Paranormal Investigation and Ghost Hunt 17th August 2013
Minster, Kent

This was the first paranormal investigation that we have held. Not to be confused with our ghost hunts, our paranormal investigation events are where we set up our remote cameras and have dedicated rooms within the venue for different activities and where only one group of people are investigating at a time, with the other investigation team watching on the cameras what the other group are doing.

The whole point of this type of event is for everyone present to use some of the more interesting and scientific tools that we use which will include using more of our ghost hunting equipment to gather evidence.

The hope is that whilst one group is investigating then if any noises are heard we can quickly verify with the monitoring team if they heard anything and with so many cameras (we have over 30) there is every chance that whatever the anomaly, it would have been recorded.

This was the first time that we had set up this venue with the majority of our cameras, although due to cabling issues we didn’t have time to set up all the cameras, however we did have a camera in every room.

The event also enabled us to review the audio recordings as we progressed with the investigation so that the guests could hear the responses to their questions immediately.

During the first session lots of banging was heard by both the investigation team and the monitoring team, not always from the same place and although the building had many doors, it wasn’t windy and we couldn’t re-create the sound that various people heard.

There was a young male spirit called Timmy who was about 8 or 9 years old and stood by the investigation group and many of those in the investigation group felt that there was a child around. Various spikes were noted on the MEL meters as well as fluctuations in temperature.

EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena a.k.a. ghost voice) experiments were undertaken by guests and whilst nothing could be heard at the time or in the immediate analysis on the night, our analysis has found there was in fact a voice from the first session. That EVP can be heard at:-


There were others but they were either too quiet or too much background noise from the people present from shuffling their feet, not speaking towards the microphone or recording when everyone was talking.

The second session was more productive with a howl or a cry heard by the investigation group but nothing heard in the hub room, oddly no cry or howl was recorded on any camera.

Whilst watching the cameras I was able to tell everyone in the hub room that there was a spirit standing next to Marc (GHE team) tugging on his left side, within a matter of minutes, Marc reported on the radio that he felt that his shirt was being tugged on his left side. The Spirit’s name was Sarah who was about 6 or 7 years old and had told me previously (when I first visited the location) that she had passed away in a fire at the property.

When the groups swapped over the investigation group were trying a glass work experiment, firstly Sarah the spirit from the earlier session joined them and started to confirm questions asked and then we tried a different experiment. Carl (GHE Team) who was with me in the Hub room drew a shape on a piece of paper, then once we informed the investigation group that we had drawn something Marc asked Sarah to look at it and draw the shape with the glass. We also asked Sarah to go to numbers that we had written down. All of the answers that Sarah gave were the correct answers. However when we moved on to letters the investigation group were repeatedly told ‘M’ whereas Carl had drawn a ‘W’.

At the end of these sessions I held a séance in the top room, the strangest room, so that all guests could hopefully feel spirit energy move them in some way.

A spirit called David joined us, he was in his mid-30s and started by doing exactly what I asked, moving people arms, and usually on command of the person as I asked those guests to ask in their heads and not say which direction out loud.

Many guests were also pushed and pulled backwards, some guests were also pulled or pushed towards the cupboard and some of us were pulled to the floor by our hands or lifted to the ceiling which was only about 6’5”. As the séance progressed more and more people were beginning to feel their own arms move, much to their amazement and surprise and toward the end one particular guest felt that she wanted to cry and became very warm, another guest also had trouble leaving the room because every time she tried one of her arms would violently shake, this eventually stopped happening and she could leave the room.

For our first public paranormal investigation (we conduct many of these as private or team events) it was very successful and although we didn’t record the sort of evidence that we would have hoped we will be returning to this venue again to try to record something amazing.

Below are some photos from the event.

Hub Room 1

Hub Room 2

Hub Room 3

Guests using equipment 1

Guests using equipment 2

Guests using Ouija board

Guests using writing planchette

Guests experimenting with table

Spiritualist Medium
Ghost Hunt Events


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