Saturday, April 20, 2024 12:05

Fort Horsted ghost hunt – 22-3-2014 (Kym)

Fort Horsted ghost hunt 22nd March 2014
Chatham, Kent

Area: 10 Equipment: KII’s, Ghost Pro’s, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums, Writing Planchette

Group B  – Kerry (team) joined me on my first session and we started with explaining to guests how to use the pendulums and dowsing rods.  Almost immediately we had movement on all, and the guests were able to establish their yes & no’s, which they enjoyed immensely asking questions to spirit.  I then suggested we split the group so three girls joined Kerry on the writing planchette whilst I took the remaining five guests into the opposite room.  We continued using the pendulums, but also used the ghost pro.  We then re-joined the others as they were experiencing a lot of movement with the writing, and some other guests joined in.  As all the writing received seemed to be random, we turned the paper over and asked spirit to write the initial of one of the persons present.  Immediately we had the letter J – and Julie (guest) was very surprised.  We then asked for another initial of a guest, and to Calum’s surprise a C was drawn.  We then joined everyone else in the tunnel, and some guests could smell burning, and another guest felt a touch on her back.

Group C – I was joined by Carl (team) on my second session who was filming for us.  After handing out the rods & pendulums we received movement with them.  Then we tried the writing planchette again.  Although we had movement, not as much as before, it was just random squiggles.  Whilst standing around the table one guest felt a touch on her back.  I took three guests into the opposite room with ghost pro, explained how to use it, and once they had contact with spirit they went to explore the tunnel.  Carl started feeling unwell so he left the area.  The remaining three guests returned and tried the planchette, whilst the others went to explore the tunnel.  One of the guests could feel the energy behind her and had the name Victor in her head, and asking spirit if that was his name we started to get movement on the writing planchette.  With no more movement I placed a ghost pro on the table, and one of the guests was sure she saw it move.  I said it was possible as I recalled an incident in that room many months before when I had placed a camera on the table and we all had seen it move.  The five guests then returned from the tunnel and said that two of them had been touched on the back of knee within 4 minutes of each.

Group A – With my last group, all four ladies were showing an enormous fear of the spiders in that area.  We entered very slowly, pointing out where not to stand, and everyone felt comfortable to enter one of the rooms.  I handed out the rods & pendulums and all received some movement.  One guest in particular who had used the rods before was able to ask spirit yes & no questions from the start.  We had a male soldier with us, and when asking if he would join us on the table with the writing planchette, he answered yes.  Whilst asking spirit to move the planchette we could hear the table creaking underneath.  With fingers on the planchette and a hand on table, we could feel gently rocking on both.  We then all took a break and one of the guests asked spirit to copy her whistle, and we all heard what sounded like a female whistle back.  As two of the guests had left the area because of her fear of the spiders, we had to check it wasn’t them, but they were standing outside and hadn’t even heard us whistle out, and had definitely not made a sound themselves.  We did ask spirit to repeat the noise but nothing.  All six of us then walked up the tunnel, and some noises and taps were heard.

I then joined Steve, Kerry & guests in area 26, and we did a séance circle.  I was holding hands with Louise (guest) to my left.  She had been reluctant to join in as before she had felt sick whilst in the circle, but I persuaded her to join in.  I started feeling a heavy weight on my left shoulder, and Steve said we had the spirit of Justin behind us.  He was very large and had been a prisoner.  I asked Justin to move the weight onto Louise’s shoulder as I didn’t want her to think I was pulling her down, and to her surprise, and my relief, the heavy weight moved to her right shoulder.  We were then pushed down to the floor, and Louise thanked spirit and asked to be moved back up.  I then suggested she ask spirit to move to her left shoulder which it did.  She then asked for spirit to move to her son Calum’s shoulder which it did.  Louise continued to ask Justin to move us in various ways, which he was very happy to oblige.  Meanwhile the remainder of people in the circle were being moved by two other spirits, and we all ended up being moved in various, and sometimes funny positions.

A great end to a memorable night!

Paranormal Investigator
Ghost Hunt Events

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