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Archive for June 23rd, 2020

360 Parascope

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

360 Parascope

This is a customed built paranormal device, built by Paranologies for the paranormal field. It is a Triboelectric field meter. It is designed to pick up static energy/electricity through 360 degrees on the horizontal and when it does so, the closest part lights up and as the static energy moves so does the lights. In its simplest form it picks up static electricity or energy as it is believed that spirit energies are made up of static electricity/energy.

Trying to create static electricity is generally quite difficult unless you are wearing clothing which generates static electricity or walking on carpets that do. So when this device lights up it is rarely because of something we have done. It’s likely that the energy is related to spirit activity rather than human intervention or another device.

This is the reason why we like it, as static electricity is hard to generate and we can be sure of our surroundings that this is not the reason for it lighting up. Most of the venues we use are venues with natural materials (stone, bricks, wood etc) that don’t create static.

You can only buy this device from Paranologies based in the USA and a new one costs from approximately £120

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Barrier Alarm

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Barrier Alarm or Sensor

When something moves in front of the sensor it lights up. These are the quiet versions and only light up when something passes through the barrier. Other similar devices make a loud noise or alarm when something breaks the barrier. We prefer this version as a simple light comes on, rather than an alarm (which will need to be turned off) as the light will dim and go out when no more movement is detected.

Ideally these would be used as part of a locked off area (with a camera recording) as it would be obvious to see if anything set the barrier light off. Sometimes the smallest of movements can set these off so they need to be used in an area where no-one will walk past or in the beam of the alarm.

These are quite difficult to get hold of nowadays and we haven’t seen any for sale for some time. That said they pop up on eBay from time to time. The barrier alarms that make a noise are generally available on eBay and Amazon and we would expect them to cost about £20 for two. PIR light sensors you can get easily as they are now used for cupboard or wardrobe lighting, it is even possible to get USB charging ones, cost is from £6 per unit.

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